galaxy – representations of n–body simulations

Files of this format are interpreted by galaxy(1) as describing the inital condition of n–body simulations or the saved state of simulation in progress. A galaxy file is a UTF stream of instruction lines. The instruction is given by the first space delimited word. The following instructions are accepted. MKBODY
The rest of the line must contain 5 white space delimited double–precision floating point numbers. They represent a body's x coordinate, y coordinate, x velocity component, y velocity component, and size respectively.
ORIGThe rest of the line must contain 2 white space delimited double–precision floating point numbers. They represent the current location of the origin with respect to the view window of galaxy(1).
DT    The rest of the line must contain a double–precision floating point number which determines the time–scale of the simulation.
The rest of the line must contain a double–precision floating point number which determines the scale of the view of the simulation.
GRAVThe rest of the line must contain a double–precision floating point number which determines the gravitational constant of the simulation.
