FORMPARSE(8) NAME formparse SYNOPSIS formparse [-Er] [-o dir] [query] formparse -o dir query # form-data is given by query or formparse -o dir # form-data is given by stdin --- DESCRIPTION Formparse decodes a form-data and store the result in the file Options: -E: simplly echo message body for debug -r: does nothing (only for compatibility to old version) decoded data is stored in files. the direcory structure is: name/N where N is 0, 1, ... the count of duplicated name is in name/clone EXAMPLE 1 In case of get-method {ramfs >[2=1]} >/dev/null formparse -o /tmp $QUERY_STRING EXAMPLE 2 In case of post-method {ramfs >[2=1]} >/dev/null formparse -o /tmp NOTE you will find some codes for multipart/form-data, however they are still under construction. AUTHOR Kenji Arisawa