KDICT(1) NAME kdict SYNOPSIS kdict [-d $dic] $query kdict # for help DESCRIPTION Kdict looks dictionary. The format of query is space separated list of words. The words may contain special characters for glob match that are used in rc script. For conventions, "," may be used instead of space. Thus kdict foo,bar is allowed as well as kdict 'foo bar' The above query matchs for example barley food If you want only lines that include words "foo" and "bar", you need stopping symbol. kdict 'foo$ bar$' or equivalently kdict foo/,bar/ or you may use "!" instead of "/". Kdict is rc script in which lkdict is used as the engine. You can easily modify kdict to be more useful for you. Look MAN_MKDICT to create dictionary. AUTHER Kenji Arisawa