NAME 9lua SYNOPSIS DESCRIPTION In the following description, syntax is as follows: (a) enclosed strings by '[' and ']' such as read(fd [,size]) are optional parts. (b) '|' such as dirstat(name | fd) are selection, which means both dirstat(name) and dirstat(fd) are OK (with different meaning) fd = [,mode]) name: path to file mode: "r", "w", "rw", "wr", "rwt", the default "r" fd = p9.create(name [,mode]) name: path to file mode: "r": read only "w": write (not truncated) "rw": read/write (not truncated) mode default: "w" return: the file descriptor the created file permission is set to 0666 [,size]) fd: file descriptor returned by open() size: buffer size in reading size default: read all content return: read content if size is given, behaved same as Plan9 read() p9.write(fd,string) fd: file descriptor returned by open() string: content to write return: byte size wrote [,offset [,how]]) fd: file descriptor returned by open() offset: integer. the default is 0 how: "set","cur","end". the default is "set" return: new offset p9.close(fd) fd: file descriptor returned by open() return: nil same as Plan9 close() p9.bind(name,old [,how]) name: path to file old: path to the target, look system manual for the meaning how: "a","b","c","ac","bc" return: true or false same ad Plan9 command bind look bind(2) for details of the how flags. p9.unmount([name,] old) name,old: path to file return: true or false name may be absent, then old is assumed same as Plan9 command unmount p9.dirstat(name | fd) same as Plan9 C function dirstat(path) or dirfstat(fd) name: path to file fd: fd: file descriptor. return: stat structure the structure is a Lua table with keys: "type","dev","qid","mode","atime","mtime","length","name","uid","gid","muid" note that - "qid" is modified from original one, - "mode" is a string expression of octal p9.dirwstat(name, stat) name: path to file stat: table returned by dirstat() return: nil stat is a Lua table with mode, mtime, uid, gid for example stat={mode="755", gid="glenda"} note: dirwstat() is only be examined for changing "mode","uid","gid","mtime" bug: we should return the result status p9.readdir(name [,flag]) -- returns table name: path to directory flag: true or false, the default is false if false, the returnd table contains only true or false for each name, which denotes dir or not. if true, the returnd table contains dir attributes for the names return: the stat info of all files in the directory the results are sorted by file names look MAN_9LUA for details. p9.mkdir(name [,mode]) name: dir name to be created return: true mode default is "777". note that created dir mode follows the mode of parent dir. look mkdir(1) for "mode" note: mkdir() cause error in fail p9.bit(n,op,m) NB: now Lua support bit wise operation. p9.bit is gone. p9.popen(cmdlist) cmdlist: rc command list. return: file descriptor note: Plan9 pipe is bidirectional, thus we can read/write to the file the usage example is f = p9.popen("ps") s = p9.close(f) print(s) p9.fork() return: pid (process id) NB: the fork() in this version is posix. the usage example is pid = p9.fork() if pid > 0 then -- parent print("I am parent. My child is " print("waiting child to finish") s = p9.wait(pid) print("msg="..s) else print("I am child. I don't know my parent") p9.sleep(3) end p9.wait(pid) pid: process id return: user_mode_time,system_time,elapsed_time all in units of milliseconds p9.alarm(timeout) timeout: time for an alarm note in unit of seconds (internally Plan9 alarm is used) return: nil now timeout is extended to allow lua number p9.sleep(time) time: sleeping time in unit of seconds (internally Plan9 sleep is used) return: nil now secs is extended to allow lua number such as 0.1 (100ms) getpid() return: current process ID look getpid(2) NOTE Lua's file name stands on loose manner. For example,,"r") is same as"0","r"). Even an expression such as,"w") is allowed, which creates a file named "0.33333333333333". I dislike such looseness. In supporting p9 library, I discarded looseness in file names. Now,"r") --> error p9.dirstat("0") --> OK. here "0" is a file name p9.dirstat(0) --> OK. 0 is fd, this is dirfstat(0) in C lang.