NOTE 2004/10/28 ve and vefs are obsolete, now we can use fossil Function ve and vefs is an interface to vac and vacfs respectively. Usage ve [file] vefs pattern The usage is, for example: term% ve $home/bin/rc term% ve ... 2002/09/01 12:03 /usr/arisawa/venti/memo 2002/09/01 12:06 /usr/arisawa/bin 2002/09/01 13:34 /usr/arisawa/bin/rc 2002/09/01 13:38 /usr/arisawa/bin/rc term% term% vefs 2002/09/01 12:06 /usr/a term% ls -l /n/vac d-rwxrwxr-x M 2516 arisawa arisawa 0 May 3 06:56 /n/vac/bin term% vafs nti/memo term% ls -l /n/vac --rw-rw-r-- M 2518 arisawa arisawa 37 Sep 1 09:12 /n/vac/memo Installation # we assume you have installed venti. term% cd term% mkdir venti term% touch venti/log term% chmod +a venti/log Auther Kenji Arisawa E-mail: