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api.lua is a tool for controling xbee RF modules XBee (S2)
9lua-5.4 is required.
You need to have one XBee S2 cordinator and other XBee S2 device.

getdataB getdataB.rc getdataC getdataC.rc are examples that are running for me.

getdataX where X is A,B,C,... which is a label of my XBee

hebe# setup
# select:
# getdataB
# getdataB.rc
# getdataC
# getdataC.rc
# att.lua /mnt/consoles/usb6
# api.lua /mnt/consoles/usb6
# api.lua -p /mnt/consoles/usb6 | dump.lua

hebe# api.lua /mnt/consoles/usb6
7E 00 04 08 01 49 44 69
* 7E 00 0D 88 01 49 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 E8
> dest 0013A200:40A74509
7E 00 0F 17 03 00 13 A2 00 40 A7 45 09 FF FE 02 49 44 6F
* 7E 00 17 97 03 00 13 A2 00 40 A7 45 09 3E 8D 49 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 22
7E 00 0F 17 04 00 13 A2 00 40 A7 45 09 FF FE 02 49 53 5F
* 7E 00 17 97 04 00 13 A2 00 40 A7 45 09 3E 8D 49 53 00 01 00 10 01 00 00 02 22 DD
> load mylib.lua
1682473127 3.141 0010 01 0000 0.643

">" at the beginning of line is a prompt. A command follows the prompt.
and follows sent data in next line for example:
	 7E 00 04 08 01 49 44 69
which means 8 bytes sequence in space seperated "%02X" print format.

"*" at the beginning of line is a response data from end device.

> dest 0013A200:40A74509
comand destination is changed to XBee with eMAC 0013A200:40A74509
Thus followed ATID command is to the XBee.

"00 10 01 00 00 02 22" represents analog data from xbeeC.
However the data format is not human readable.
_ATIS in mylib.lua shows more useful and human readable form:
	1682473127 3.141 0010 01 0000 0.643
1682473127:	observed time in unix time.
3.141;	voltage of Vcc
0010: digital mask (D4 is set to digital input)
01: analog mask (D0 is set to analog input)
0000: digital data (all digital input is LOW)
0.643: analog data at D0 (1.2*0.643V)

> load mylib.lua
load mylib.lua. The _ATIS is in mylib.lua.
You can add more function to mylib.lua and add more ability to your XBee.

NOTE: Executing setup command is limited on a single window.
	Otherwise you will see message such as:
	nusb/serial: getdev: '/dev/usb/ep6.0/data' device or object already in use
	nusb/serial: /dev/usb/ep6.2: openep: maxpkt: must configure before using

NOTE: If you are not familiar to XBeee, xbee.txt might be a help.


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      2295 README
     20337 pub.tgz