usgae: qsparse [-r] [-s size] [query]This program analyzes query that is based on x-www-form-urlencoded format and places the results in environment variables.
qsparse 'name=alice&age=18'then environment variables QS_name and QS_age are created, and their contents are 'alice' and '18' respectively.
Option -r is used to remove CR codes from the values.
If query is omitted qsparse read query from stdin; the usage is for POST method.
By option -s, we can specify buffer size when query is read from stdin; the default value is 16KB.
qsparse is intended for simple query, that is:
usgae: formparse [-r] [-o dir] [query]This program analyzes query that is based on x-www-form-urlencoded format and places the results in the directory [default /tmp].
Option -r is used to remove CR codes from the values.
If query is omitted qsparse read query from stdin; the usage is for POST method.
By option -o, we can specify the directry the results are placed.
formparse is intended to deal with large data.
formparse creates files shown bellow:
/tmp/name/0 /tmp/name/1 /tmp/name/2 ... /tmp/name/clonewhere `name' is a variable name, under which files named 0, 1, ..., are created; the contents are the values of the variable.
Note: currently formparse does not support multipart/form-data. I hope to support it in next release. (multipart/form-data is used to send files.) !