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  1. Paul S.Hethmon,"Illustrated Guide to HTTP" (Jap.tr.,Peason Edication,1998)
  2. Shishir Gundavaram,"CGI Programming on the World Wide Web"(Jap.tr.,O'REILLY Japan, 1996)
  3. T.Berners-Lee,"Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW",(RFC1630, 1994)
  4. T.Berners-Lee,L.Masinter&M.McCahill,"Universal Resource Locators",(RFC1738, 1994)
  5. T.Berners-Lee,et all,"HyperText Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0",(RFC1945,1996)
  6. T.Berners-Lee,et all,"HyperText Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1",(RFC2068,1997)
  7. Franks et all,"HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication",(RFC2617, 1999)