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Running HTTPS service


Pegasus uses TLS library of Plan9 4ed for HTTPS support.

  1. install cert and key to /sys/lib/tls
    The followings are an example:
    term% cd /sys/lib/tls
    term% auth/rsagen -t 'service=tls owner=*' >key
    term% auth/rsa2x509 'C=US CN=*.cs.bell-labs.com' key | auth/pemencode CERTIFICATE >cert
    see rsa(8) for more details.
  2. become user web and run:
    /usr/local/bin/386/httpd -us -p443 -c/sys/lib/ssl/cert.pem
    Attached program "mon" will do this more smartly. My starting script is:
    $b/mon -du web -r $r $b/httpd -suM -p443 -c $c