{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Build -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2005 -- -- Maintainer : Isaac Jones -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Invokes the "Distribution.Compiler"s to build the library and -- executables in this package. {- Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Isaac Jones All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module Distribution.Simple.Build ( build, makefile #ifdef DEBUG ,hunitTests #endif ) where import Distribution.Compiler ( Compiler(..), CompilerFlavor(..) ) import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(..), setupMessage, Executable(..), Library(..), autogenModuleName, mapBuildInfo ) import Distribution.Package ( PackageIdentifier(..), showPackageId ) import Distribution.Setup ( CopyDest(..), BuildFlags(..), MakefileFlags(..) ) import Distribution.PreProcess ( preprocessSources, PPSuffixHandler ) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( LocalBuildInfo(..), mkBinDir, mkBinDirRel, mkLibDir, mkLibDirRel, mkDataDir,mkDataDirRel, mkLibexecDir, mkLibexecDirRel, mkProgDirRel ) import Distribution.Simple.Configure ( localBuildInfoFile ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, die ) import System.FilePath ( (), pathSeparator ) import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList, fromJust ) import Control.Monad ( unless, when ) import System.Directory ( getModificationTime, doesFileExist ) import qualified Distribution.Simple.GHC as GHC import qualified Distribution.Simple.JHC as JHC import qualified Distribution.Simple.NHC as NHC import qualified Distribution.Simple.Hugs as Hugs import Distribution.PackageDescription (hasLibs) import Distribution.Verbosity #ifdef DEBUG import HUnit (Test) #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Build the libraries and executables in this package. build :: PackageDescription -- ^mostly information from the .cabal file -> LocalBuildInfo -- ^Configuration information -> BuildFlags -- ^Flags that the user passed to build -> [ PPSuffixHandler ] -- ^preprocessors to run before compiling -> IO () build orig_pkg_descr lbi flags suffixes = do let verbosity = buildVerbose flags let addOptions bi = bi { options = options bi ++ [(comp, [opt]) | (comp, opt) <- buildCompilerOptions flags] } let pkg_descr = mapBuildInfo addOptions orig_pkg_descr initialBuildSteps pkg_descr lbi verbosity suffixes setupMessage verbosity "Building" pkg_descr case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of GHC -> GHC.build pkg_descr lbi verbosity JHC -> JHC.build pkg_descr lbi verbosity Hugs -> Hugs.build pkg_descr lbi verbosity NHC -> NHC.build pkg_descr lbi verbosity _ -> die ("Building is not supported with this compiler.") makefile :: PackageDescription -- ^mostly information from the .cabal file -> LocalBuildInfo -- ^Configuration information -> MakefileFlags -- ^Flags that the user passed to makefile -> [ PPSuffixHandler ] -- ^preprocessors to run before compiling -> IO () makefile orig_pkg_descr lbi flags suffixes = do let verb = makefileVerbose flags let addOptions bi = bi { options = options bi ++ [(comp, [opt]) | (comp, opt) <- makefileCompilerOptions flags] } let pkg_descr = mapBuildInfo addOptions orig_pkg_descr initialBuildSteps pkg_descr lbi verb suffixes when (not (hasLibs pkg_descr)) $ die ("Makefile is only supported for libraries, currently.") setupMessage verb "Generating Makefile" pkg_descr case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of GHC -> GHC.makefile pkg_descr lbi flags _ -> die ("Generating a Makefile is not supported for this compiler.") initialBuildSteps :: PackageDescription -- ^mostly information from the .cabal file -> LocalBuildInfo -- ^Configuration information -> Verbosity -- ^The verbosity to use -> [ PPSuffixHandler ] -- ^preprocessors to run before compiling -> IO () initialBuildSteps pkg_descr lbi verbosity suffixes = do -- check that there's something to build let buildInfos = map libBuildInfo (maybeToList (library pkg_descr)) ++ map buildInfo (executables pkg_descr) unless (any buildable buildInfos) $ do let name = showPackageId (package pkg_descr) die ("Package " ++ name ++ " can't be built on this system.") createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (buildDir lbi) -- construct and write the Paths_.hs file createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (autogenModulesDir lbi) buildPathsModule pkg_descr lbi preprocessSources pkg_descr lbi verbosity suffixes -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Building Paths_.hs -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- The directory in which we put auto-generated modules autogenModulesDir :: LocalBuildInfo -> String autogenModulesDir lbi = buildDir lbi "autogen" buildPathsModule :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO () buildPathsModule pkg_descr lbi = let pragmas | absolute || isHugs = "" | otherwise = "{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fffi #-}\n"++ "{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}\n" foreign_imports | absolute = "" | isHugs = "import System.Environment\n" | otherwise = "import Foreign\n"++ "import Foreign.C\n"++ "import Data.Maybe\n" header = pragmas++ "module " ++ paths_modulename ++ " (\n"++ "\tversion,\n"++ "\tgetBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir,\n"++ "\tgetDataFileName\n"++ "\t) where\n"++ "\n"++ foreign_imports++ "import Data.Version"++ "\n"++ "\nversion :: Version"++ "\nversion = " ++ show (pkgVersion (package pkg_descr))++ "\n" body | absolute = "\nbindir, libdir, datadir, libexecdir :: FilePath\n"++ "\nbindir = " ++ show flat_bindir ++ "\nlibdir = " ++ show flat_libdir ++ "\ndatadir = " ++ show flat_datadir ++ "\nlibexecdir = " ++ show flat_libexecdir ++ "\n"++ "\ngetBinDir, getLibDir, getDataDir, getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"++ "getBinDir = return bindir\n"++ "getLibDir = return libdir\n"++ "getDataDir = return datadir\n"++ "getLibexecDir = return libexecdir\n" ++ "\n"++ "getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++ "getDataFileName name = return (datadir ++ "++path_sep++" ++ name)\n" | otherwise = "\nprefix = " ++ show (prefix lbi) ++ "\nbindirrel = " ++ show (fromJust flat_bindirrel) ++ "\n\n"++ "getBinDir :: IO FilePath\n"++ "getBinDir = getPrefixDirRel bindirrel\n\n"++ "getLibDir :: IO FilePath\n"++ "getLibDir = "++mkGetDir flat_libdir flat_libdirrel++"\n\n"++ "getDataDir :: IO FilePath\n"++ "getDataDir = "++mkGetDir flat_datadir flat_datadirrel++"\n\n"++ "getLibexecDir :: IO FilePath\n"++ "getLibexecDir = "++mkGetDir flat_libexecdir flat_libexecdirrel++"\n\n"++ "getDataFileName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++ "getDataFileName name = do\n"++ " dir <- getDataDir\n"++ " return (dir `joinFileName` name)\n"++ "\n"++ get_prefix_stuff++ "\n"++ filename_stuff in do btime <- getModificationTime localBuildInfoFile exists <- doesFileExist paths_filepath ptime <- if exists then getModificationTime paths_filepath else return btime if btime >= ptime then writeFile paths_filepath (header++body) else return () where flat_bindir = mkBinDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_bindirrel = mkBinDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_libdir = mkLibDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_libdirrel = mkLibDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_datadir = mkDataDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_datadirrel = mkDataDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_libexecdir = mkLibexecDir pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_libexecdirrel = mkLibexecDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest flat_progdirrel = mkProgDirRel pkg_descr lbi NoCopyDest mkGetDir _ (Just dirrel) = "getPrefixDirRel " ++ show dirrel mkGetDir dir Nothing = "return " ++ show dir #if mingw32_HOST_OS absolute = hasLibs pkg_descr || flat_bindirrel == Nothing #else absolute = hasLibs pkg_descr || flat_progdirrel == Nothing || not isHugs #endif paths_modulename = autogenModuleName pkg_descr paths_filename = paths_modulename ++ ".hs" paths_filepath = autogenModulesDir lbi paths_filename isHugs = compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) == Hugs get_prefix_stuff | isHugs = "progdirrel :: String\n"++ "progdirrel = "++show (fromJust flat_progdirrel)++"\n\n"++ get_prefix_hugs | otherwise = get_prefix_win32 path_sep = show [pathSeparator] get_prefix_win32 :: String get_prefix_win32 = "getPrefixDirRel :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++ "getPrefixDirRel dirRel = do \n"++ " let len = (2048::Int) -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.\n"++ " buf <- mallocArray len\n"++ " ret <- getModuleFileName nullPtr buf len\n"++ " if ret == 0 \n"++ " then do free buf;\n"++ " return (prefix `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"++ " else do exePath <- peekCString buf\n"++ " free buf\n"++ " let (bindir,_) = splitFileName exePath\n"++ " return ((bindir `minusFileName` bindirrel) `joinFileName` dirRel)\n"++ "\n"++ "foreign import stdcall unsafe \"windows.h GetModuleFileNameA\"\n"++ " getModuleFileName :: Ptr () -> CString -> Int -> IO Int32\n" get_prefix_hugs :: String get_prefix_hugs = "getPrefixDirRel :: FilePath -> IO FilePath\n"++ "getPrefixDirRel dirRel = do\n"++ " mainPath <- getProgName\n"++ " let (progPath,_) = splitFileName mainPath\n"++ " let (progdir,_) = splitFileName progPath\n"++ " return ((progdir `minusFileName` progdirrel) `joinFileName` dirRel)\n" filename_stuff :: String filename_stuff = "minusFileName :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath\n"++ "minusFileName dir \"\" = dir\n"++ "minusFileName dir \".\" = dir\n"++ "minusFileName dir suffix =\n"++ " minusFileName (fst (splitFileName dir)) (fst (splitFileName suffix))\n"++ "\n"++ "joinFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath\n"++ "joinFileName \"\" fname = fname\n"++ "joinFileName \".\" fname = fname\n"++ "joinFileName dir \"\" = dir\n"++ "joinFileName dir fname\n"++ " | isPathSeparator (last dir) = dir++fname\n"++ " | otherwise = dir++pathSeparator:fname\n"++ "\n"++ "splitFileName :: FilePath -> (String, String)\n"++ "splitFileName p = (reverse (path2++drive), reverse fname)\n"++ " where\n"++ " (path,drive) = case p of\n"++ " (c:':':p) -> (reverse p,[':',c])\n"++ " _ -> (reverse p,\"\")\n"++ " (fname,path1) = break isPathSeparator path\n"++ " path2 = case path1 of\n"++ " [] -> \".\"\n"++ " [_] -> path1 -- don't remove the trailing slash if \n"++ " -- there is only one character\n"++ " (c:path) | isPathSeparator c -> path\n"++ " _ -> path1\n"++ "\n"++ "pathSeparator :: Char\n"++ #if mingw32_HOST_OS "pathSeparator = '\\\\'\n"++ #else "pathSeparator = '/'\n"++ #endif "\n"++ "isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool\n"++ #if mingw32_HOST_OS "isPathSeparator c = c == '/' || c == '\\\\'\n" #else "isPathSeparator c = c == '/'\n" #endif -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Testing -- ------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef DEBUG hunitTests :: [Test] hunitTests = [] #endif