{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Hugs -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2006 -- -- Maintainer : Isaac Jones -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Build and install functionality for Hugs. {- Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Isaac Jones All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module Distribution.Simple.Hugs ( build, install ) where import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription(..), BuildInfo(..), withLib, Executable(..), withExe, Library(..), libModules, hcOptions, autogenModuleName ) import Distribution.Compiler ( Compiler(..), CompilerFlavor(..) ) import Distribution.PreProcess ( ppCpp, runSimplePreProcessor ) import Distribution.PreProcess.Unlit ( unlit ) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( LocalBuildInfo(..), autogenModulesDir ) import Distribution.Simple.Utils( createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, rawSystemExit, die, dotToSep, moduleToFilePath, smartCopySources, findFile, dllExtension ) import Language.Haskell.Extension ( Extension(..) ) import Distribution.Compat.Directory ( copyFile, removeDirectoryRecursive ) import System.FilePath ( (), takeExtension, (<.>), searchPathSeparator, normalise, takeDirectory ) import Distribution.Verbosity import Data.Char ( isSpace ) import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe ) import Control.Monad ( unless, when, filterM ) #ifndef __NHC__ import Control.Exception ( try ) #else import IO ( try ) #endif import Data.List ( nub, sort, isSuffixOf ) import System.Directory ( Permissions(..), getPermissions, setPermissions ) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Building a package for Hugs. build :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> Verbosity -> IO () build pkg_descr lbi verbosity = do let pref = scratchDir lbi createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True pref withLib pkg_descr () $ \ l -> do copyFile (autogenModulesDir lbi paths_modulename) (pref paths_modulename) compileBuildInfo pref [] (libModules pkg_descr) (libBuildInfo l) withExe pkg_descr $ compileExecutable (pref "programs") where srcDir = buildDir lbi paths_modulename = autogenModuleName pkg_descr ++ ".hs" compileExecutable :: FilePath -> Executable -> IO () compileExecutable destDir (exe@Executable {modulePath=mainPath, buildInfo=bi}) = do let exeMods = otherModules bi srcMainFile <- findFile (hsSourceDirs bi) mainPath let exeDir = destDir exeName exe let destMainFile = exeDir hugsMainFilename exe copyModule (CPP `elem` extensions bi) bi srcMainFile destMainFile let destPathsFile = exeDir paths_modulename copyFile (autogenModulesDir lbi paths_modulename) destPathsFile compileBuildInfo exeDir (maybe [] (hsSourceDirs . libBuildInfo) (library pkg_descr)) exeMods bi compileFiles bi exeDir [destMainFile, destPathsFile] compileBuildInfo :: FilePath -- ^output directory -> [FilePath] -- ^library source dirs, if building exes -> [String] -- ^Modules -> BuildInfo -> IO () compileBuildInfo destDir mLibSrcDirs mods bi = do -- Pass 1: copy or cpp files from build directory to scratch directory let useCpp = CPP `elem` extensions bi let srcDirs = nub $ srcDir : hsSourceDirs bi ++ mLibSrcDirs when (verbosity >= verbose) (putStrLn $ "Source directories: " ++ show srcDirs) flip mapM_ mods $ \ m -> do fs <- moduleToFilePath srcDirs m suffixes case fs of [] -> die ("can't find source for module " ++ m) srcFile:_ -> do let ext = takeExtension srcFile copyModule useCpp bi srcFile (destDir dotToSep m <.> ext) -- Pass 2: compile foreign stubs in scratch directory stubsFileLists <- sequence [moduleToFilePath [destDir] modu suffixes | modu <- mods] compileFiles bi destDir (concat stubsFileLists) suffixes = ["hs", "lhs"] -- Copy or cpp a file from the source directory to the build directory. copyModule :: Bool -> BuildInfo -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyModule cppAll bi srcFile destFile = do createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True (takeDirectory destFile) (exts, opts, _) <- getOptionsFromSource srcFile let ghcOpts = hcOptions GHC opts if cppAll || CPP `elem` exts || "-cpp" `elem` ghcOpts then do runSimplePreProcessor (ppCpp bi lbi) srcFile destFile verbosity return () else copyFile srcFile destFile compileFiles :: BuildInfo -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO () compileFiles bi modDir fileList = do ffiFileList <- filterM testFFI fileList unless (null ffiFileList) $ do when (verbosity >= normal) (putStrLn "Compiling FFI stubs") mapM_ (compileFFI bi modDir) ffiFileList -- Only compile FFI stubs for a file if it contains some FFI stuff testFFI :: FilePath -> IO Bool testFFI file = do inp <- readHaskellFile file return ("foreign" `elem` symbols (stripComments False inp)) compileFFI :: BuildInfo -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () compileFFI bi modDir file = do (_, opts, file_incs) <- getOptionsFromSource file let ghcOpts = hcOptions GHC opts let pkg_incs = ["\"" ++ inc ++ "\"" | inc <- includes bi] let incs = nub (sort (file_incs ++ includeOpts ghcOpts ++ pkg_incs)) let pathFlag = "-P" ++ modDir ++ [searchPathSeparator] let hugsArgs = "-98" : pathFlag : map ("-i" ++) incs cfiles <- getCFiles file let cArgs = ["-I" ++ dir | dir <- includeDirs bi] ++ ccOptions bi ++ cfiles ++ ["-L" ++ dir | dir <- extraLibDirs bi] ++ ldOptions bi ++ ["-l" ++ lib | lib <- extraLibs bi] ++ concat [["-framework", f] | f <- frameworks bi] rawSystemExit verbosity ffihugs (hugsArgs ++ file : cArgs) ffihugs = compilerPath (compiler lbi) includeOpts :: [String] -> [String] includeOpts [] = [] includeOpts ("-#include" : arg : opts) = arg : includeOpts opts includeOpts (_ : opts) = includeOpts opts -- get C file names from CFILES pragmas throughout the source file getCFiles :: FilePath -> IO [String] getCFiles file = do inp <- readHaskellFile file return [normalise cfile | "{-#" : "CFILES" : rest <- map words $ lines $ stripComments True inp, last rest == "#-}", cfile <- init rest] -- List of terminal symbols in a source file. symbols :: String -> [String] symbols cs = case lex cs of (sym, cs'):_ | not (null sym) -> sym : symbols cs' _ -> [] -- Get the non-literate source of a Haskell module. readHaskellFile :: FilePath -> IO String readHaskellFile file = do text <- readFile file return $ if ".lhs" `isSuffixOf` file then unlit file text else text -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * options in source files -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Read the initial part of a source file, before any Haskell code, -- and return the contents of any LANGUAGE, OPTIONS and INCLUDE pragmas. getOptionsFromSource :: FilePath -> IO ([Extension], -- LANGUAGE pragma, if any [(CompilerFlavor,[String])], -- OPTIONS_FOO pragmas [String] -- INCLUDE pragmas ) getOptionsFromSource file = do text <- readFile file return $ foldr appendOptions ([],[],[]) $ map getOptions $ takeWhileJust $ map getPragma $ filter textLine $ map (dropWhile isSpace) $ lines $ stripComments True $ if ".lhs" `isSuffixOf` file then unlit file text else text where textLine [] = False textLine ('#':_) = False textLine _ = True getPragma :: String -> Maybe [String] getPragma line = case words line of ("{-#" : rest) | last rest == "#-}" -> Just (init rest) _ -> Nothing getOptions ("OPTIONS":opts) = ([], [(GHC, opts)], []) getOptions ("OPTIONS_GHC":opts) = ([], [(GHC, opts)], []) getOptions ("OPTIONS_NHC98":opts) = ([], [(NHC, opts)], []) getOptions ("OPTIONS_HUGS":opts) = ([], [(Hugs, opts)], []) getOptions ("LANGUAGE":ws) = (mapMaybe readExtension ws, [], []) where readExtension :: String -> Maybe Extension readExtension w = case reads w of [(ext, "")] -> Just ext [(ext, ",")] -> Just ext _ -> Nothing getOptions ("INCLUDE":ws) = ([], [], ws) getOptions _ = ([], [], []) appendOptions (exts, opts, incs) (exts', opts', incs') = (exts++exts', opts++opts', incs++incs') -- takeWhileJust f = map fromJust . takeWhile isJust takeWhileJust :: [Maybe a] -> [a] takeWhileJust (Just x:xs) = x : takeWhileJust xs takeWhileJust _ = [] -- |Strip comments from Haskell source. stripComments :: Bool -- ^ preserve pragmas? -> String -- ^ input source text -> String stripComments keepPragmas = stripCommentsLevel 0 where stripCommentsLevel :: Int -> String -> String stripCommentsLevel 0 ('"':cs) = '"':copyString cs stripCommentsLevel 0 ('-':'-':cs) = -- FIX: symbols like --> stripCommentsLevel 0 (dropWhile (/= '\n') cs) stripCommentsLevel 0 ('{':'-':'#':cs) | keepPragmas = '{' : '-' : '#' : copyPragma cs stripCommentsLevel n ('{':'-':cs) = stripCommentsLevel (n+1) cs stripCommentsLevel 0 (c:cs) = c : stripCommentsLevel 0 cs stripCommentsLevel n ('-':'}':cs) = stripCommentsLevel (n-1) cs stripCommentsLevel n (_:cs) = stripCommentsLevel n cs stripCommentsLevel _ [] = [] copyString ('\\':c:cs) = '\\' : c : copyString cs copyString ('"':cs) = '"' : stripCommentsLevel 0 cs copyString (c:cs) = c : copyString cs copyString [] = [] copyPragma ('#':'-':'}':cs) = '#' : '-' : '}' : stripCommentsLevel 0 cs copyPragma (c:cs) = c : copyPragma cs copyPragma [] = [] -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- |Install for Hugs. -- For install, copy-prefix = prefix, but for copy they're different. -- The library goes in \\/lib\/hugs\/packages\/\ -- (i.e. \\/lib\/hugs\/packages\/\ on the target system). -- Each executable goes in \\/lib\/hugs\/programs\/\ -- (i.e. \\/lib\/hugs\/programs\/\ on the target system) -- with a script \\/bin\/\ pointing at -- \\/lib\/hugs\/programs\/\. install :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> FilePath -- ^Library install location -> FilePath -- ^Program install location -> FilePath -- ^Executable install location -> FilePath -- ^Program location on target system -> FilePath -- ^Build location -> PackageDescription -> IO () install verbosity libDir installProgDir binDir targetProgDir buildPref pkg_descr = do try $ removeDirectoryRecursive libDir smartCopySources verbosity [buildPref] libDir (libModules pkg_descr) hugsInstallSuffixes True False let buildProgDir = buildPref "programs" when (any (buildable . buildInfo) (executables pkg_descr)) $ createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True binDir withExe pkg_descr $ \ exe -> do let theBuildDir = buildProgDir exeName exe let installDir = installProgDir exeName exe let targetDir = targetProgDir exeName exe try $ removeDirectoryRecursive installDir smartCopySources verbosity [theBuildDir] installDir ("Main" : autogenModuleName pkg_descr : otherModules (buildInfo exe)) hugsInstallSuffixes True False let targetName = "\"" ++ (targetDir hugsMainFilename exe) ++ "\"" -- FIX (HUGS): use extensions, and options from file too? -- see http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/ticket/43 let hugsOptions = hcOptions Hugs (options (buildInfo exe)) #if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS let exeFile = binDir exeName exe <.> ".bat" let script = unlines [ "@echo off", unwords ("runhugs" : hugsOptions ++ [targetName, "%*"])] #else let exeFile = binDir exeName exe let script = unlines [ "#! /bin/sh", unwords ("runhugs" : hugsOptions ++ [targetName, "\"$@\""])] #endif writeFile exeFile script perms <- getPermissions exeFile setPermissions exeFile perms { executable = True, readable = True } hugsInstallSuffixes :: [String] hugsInstallSuffixes = [".hs", ".lhs", dllExtension] -- |Filename used by Hugs for the main module of an executable. -- This is a simple filename, so that Hugs will look for any auxiliary -- modules it uses relative to the directory it's in. hugsMainFilename :: Executable -> FilePath hugsMainFilename exe = "Main" <.> ext where ext = takeExtension (modulePath exe)