{-# OPTIONS -cpp -fffi #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Utils -- Copyright : Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004 -- -- Maintainer : Isaac Jones -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Explanation: Misc. Utilities, especially file-related utilities. -- Stuff used by multiple modules that doesn't fit elsewhere. {- All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module Distribution.Simple.Utils ( die, dieWithLocation, warn, rawSystemExit, rawSystemStdout, maybeExit, xargs, matchesDescFile, rawSystemPathExit, smartCopySources, createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose, copyFileVerbose, copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose, moduleToFilePath, moduleToFilePath2, mkLibName, mkProfLibName, currentDir, dotToSep, findFile, defaultPackageDesc, findPackageDesc, defaultHookedPackageDesc, findHookedPackageDesc, exeExtension, objExtension, dllExtension, #ifdef DEBUG hunitTests #endif ) where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 604 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603 #include "config.h" #else #include "ghcconfig.h" #endif #endif import Distribution.Compat.RawSystem (rawSystem) import Distribution.Compat.Exception (bracket) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604 import Control.Exception (evaluate) import System.Process (runProcess, waitForProcess) #else import System.Cmd (system) #endif import System.IO (hClose) import Control.Monad(when, filterM, unless) import Data.List (nub, unfoldr) import System.Environment (getProgName) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr, hFlush, stdout) import System.IO.Error import System.Exit import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, takeExtension, (), (<.>), pathSeparator) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, getCurrentDirectory , doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist, removeFile) import Distribution.Compat.Directory (copyFile, findExecutable, createDirectoryIfMissing, getDirectoryContentsWithoutSpecial) #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604 import Distribution.Compat.TempFile (openTempFile) #else import Distribution.Compat.TempFile (withTempFile) #endif import Distribution.Verbosity #ifdef DEBUG import HUnit ((~:), (~=?), Test(..), assertEqual) #endif -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utils for setup dieWithLocation :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int) -> String -> IO a dieWithLocation fname Nothing msg = die (fname ++ ": " ++ msg) dieWithLocation fname (Just n) msg = die (fname ++ ":" ++ show n ++ ": " ++ msg) die :: String -> IO a die msg = do hFlush stdout pname <- getProgName hPutStrLn stderr (pname ++ ": " ++ msg) exitWith (ExitFailure 1) warn :: Verbosity -> String -> IO () warn verbosity msg = do hFlush stdout pname <- getProgName when (verbosity >= normal) $ hPutStrLn stderr (pname ++ ": Warning: " ++ msg) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- rawSystem variants maybeExit :: IO ExitCode -> IO () maybeExit cmd = do res <- cmd unless (res == ExitSuccess) $ exitWith res printRawCommandAndArgs :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO () printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args | verbosity >= deafening = print (path, args) | verbosity >= verbose = putStrLn $ unwords (path : args) | otherwise = return () -- Exit with the same exitcode if the subcommand fails rawSystemExit :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO () rawSystemExit verbosity path args = do printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args maybeExit $ rawSystem path args -- Exit with the same exitcode if the subcommand fails rawSystemPathExit :: Verbosity -> String -> [String] -> IO () rawSystemPathExit verbosity prog args = do r <- findExecutable prog case r of Nothing -> die ("Cannot find: " ++ prog) Just path -> rawSystemExit verbosity path args -- Run a command and return its output rawSystemStdout :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO String rawSystemStdout verbosity path args = do printRawCommandAndArgs verbosity path args #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 604 -- TODO Ideally we'd use runInteractiveProcess and not have to make any -- silly temp files, however it is not possible to only connect pipes -- to a subset of the process's stdin/out/err. We really cannot -- connect to all three since then we'd need threads to pull on stdout -- and stderr simultaniously to avoid deadlock, and using threads like -- that would not be portable to Hugs for example. bracket (openTempFile "." "tmp") -- We need to close tmpHandle or the file removal fails on Windows (\(tmpName, tmpHandle) -> hClose tmpHandle >> removeFile tmpName) $ \(tmpName, tmpHandle) -> do cmdHandle <- runProcess path args Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just tmpHandle) Nothing res <- waitForProcess cmdHandle checkResult res output <- readFile tmpName evaluate (length output) return output #else withTempFile "." "" $ \tmpName -> do let quote name = "'" ++ name ++ "'" res <- system $ unwords (map quote (path:args)) ++ " >" ++ quote tmpName checkResult res output <- readFile tmpName length output `seq` return output #endif where checkResult ExitSuccess = return () checkResult (ExitFailure n) = die ("executing external program failed (exit " ++ show n ++ ") : " ++ unwords (path : args)) -- | Like the unix xargs program. Useful for when we've got very long command -- lines that might overflow an OS limit on command line length and so you -- need to invoke a command multiple times to get all the args in. -- -- Use it with either of the rawSystem variants above. For example: -- -- > xargs (32*1024) (rawSystemPathExit verbosity) prog fixedArgs bigArgs -- xargs :: Int -> (prog -> [String] -> IO ()) -> prog -> [String] -> [String] -> IO () xargs maxSize rawSystemFun prog fixedArgs bigArgs = let fixedArgSize = sum (map length fixedArgs) + length fixedArgs chunkSize = maxSize - fixedArgSize in mapM_ (rawSystemFun prog . (fixedArgs ++)) (chunks chunkSize bigArgs) where chunks len = unfoldr $ \s -> if null s then Nothing else Just (chunk [] len s) chunk acc _ [] = (reverse acc,[]) chunk acc len (s:ss) | len' < len = chunk (s:acc) (len-len'-1) ss | otherwise = (reverse acc, s:ss) where len' = length s -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * File Utilities -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- |Get the file path for this particular module. In the IO monad -- because it looks for the actual file. Might eventually interface -- with preprocessor libraries in order to correctly locate more -- filenames. -- Returns empty list if no such files exist. moduleToFilePath :: [FilePath] -- ^search locations -> String -- ^Module Name -> [String] -- ^possible suffixes -> IO [FilePath] moduleToFilePath pref s possibleSuffixes = filterM doesFileExist $ concatMap (searchModuleToPossiblePaths s possibleSuffixes) pref where searchModuleToPossiblePaths :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> [FilePath] searchModuleToPossiblePaths s' suffs searchP = moduleToPossiblePaths searchP s' suffs -- |Like 'moduleToFilePath', but return the location and the rest of -- the path as separate results. moduleToFilePath2 :: [FilePath] -- ^search locations -> String -- ^Module Name -> [String] -- ^possible suffixes -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)] -- ^locations and relative names moduleToFilePath2 locs mname possibleSuffixes = filterM exists $ [(loc, fname <.> ext) | loc <- locs, ext <- possibleSuffixes] where fname = dotToSep mname exists (loc, relname) = doesFileExist (loc relname) -- |Get the possible file paths based on this module name. moduleToPossiblePaths :: FilePath -- ^search prefix -> String -- ^module name -> [String] -- ^possible suffixes -> [FilePath] moduleToPossiblePaths searchPref s possibleSuffixes = let fname = searchPref (dotToSep s) in [fname <.> ext | ext <- possibleSuffixes] findFile :: [FilePath] -- ^search locations -> FilePath -- ^File Name -> IO FilePath findFile prefPathsIn locPath = do let prefPaths = nub prefPathsIn -- ignore dups paths <- filterM doesFileExist [prefPath locPath | prefPath <- prefPaths] case nub paths of -- also ignore dups, though above nub should fix this. [path] -> return path [] -> die (locPath ++ " doesn't exist") paths' -> die (locPath ++ " is found in multiple places:" ++ unlines (map ((++) " ") paths')) dotToSep :: String -> String dotToSep = map dts where dts '.' = pathSeparator dts c = c -- |Copy the source files into the right directory. Looks in the -- build prefix for files that look like the input modules, based on -- the input search suffixes. It copies the files into the target -- directory. smartCopySources :: Verbosity -- ^verbosity -> [FilePath] -- ^build prefix (location of objects) -> FilePath -- ^Target directory -> [String] -- ^Modules -> [String] -- ^search suffixes -> Bool -- ^Exit if no such modules -> Bool -- ^Preserve directory structure -> IO () smartCopySources verbosity srcDirs targetDir sources searchSuffixes exitIfNone preserveDirs = do createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True targetDir allLocations <- mapM moduleToFPErr sources let copies = [(srcDir name, if preserveDirs then targetDir srcDir name else targetDir name) | (srcDir, name) <- concat allLocations] -- Create parent directories for everything: mapM_ (createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True) $ nub $ [takeDirectory targetFile | (_, targetFile) <- copies] -- Put sources into place: sequence_ [copyFileVerbose verbosity srcFile destFile | (srcFile, destFile) <- copies] where moduleToFPErr m = do p <- moduleToFilePath2 srcDirs m searchSuffixes when (null p && exitIfNone) (die ("Error: Could not find module: " ++ m ++ " with any suffix: " ++ (show searchSuffixes))) return p createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose :: Verbosity -> Bool -> FilePath -> IO () createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity parentsToo dir = do when (verbosity >= verbose) $ let msgParents = if parentsToo then " (and its parents)" else "" in putStrLn ("Creating " ++ dir ++ msgParents) createDirectoryIfMissing parentsToo dir copyFileVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyFileVerbose verbosity src dest = do when (verbosity >= verbose) $ putStrLn ("copy " ++ src ++ " to " ++ dest) copyFile src dest -- adaptation of removeDirectoryRecursive copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyDirectoryRecursiveVerbose verbosity srcDir destDir = do when (verbosity >= verbose) $ putStrLn ("copy directory '" ++ srcDir ++ "' to '" ++ destDir ++ "'.") let aux src dest = let cp :: FilePath -> IO () cp f = let srcFile = src f destFile = dest f in do success <- try (copyFileVerbose verbosity srcFile destFile) case success of Left e -> do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist srcFile -- If f is not a directory, re-throw the error unless isDir $ ioError e aux srcFile destFile Right _ -> return () in do createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity False dest getDirectoryContentsWithoutSpecial src >>= mapM_ cp in aux srcDir destDir -- | The path name that represents the current directory. -- In Unix, it's @\".\"@, but this is system-specific. -- (E.g. AmigaOS uses the empty string @\"\"@ for the current directory.) currentDir :: FilePath currentDir = "." mkLibName :: FilePath -- ^file Prefix -> String -- ^library name. -> String mkLibName pref lib = pref ("libHS" ++ lib ++ ".a") mkProfLibName :: FilePath -- ^file Prefix -> String -- ^library name. -> String mkProfLibName pref lib = mkLibName pref (lib++"_p") -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Finding the description file -- ------------------------------------------------------------ oldDescFile :: String oldDescFile = "Setup.description" cabalExt :: String cabalExt = "cabal" buildInfoExt :: String buildInfoExt = "buildinfo" -- > matchesDescFile "blah.Cabal" -- > not $ matchesDescFile "blag.bleg" matchesDescFile :: FilePath -> Bool matchesDescFile p = (takeExtension p) == '.':cabalExt || p == oldDescFile noDesc :: IO a noDesc = die $ "No description file found, please create a cabal-formatted description file with the name ." ++ cabalExt multiDesc :: [String] -> IO a multiDesc l = die $ "Multiple description files found. Please use only one of : " ++ show (filter (/= oldDescFile) l) -- |A list of possibly correct description files. Should be pre-filtered. descriptionCheck :: Verbosity -> [FilePath] -> IO FilePath descriptionCheck _ [] = noDesc descriptionCheck verbosity [x] | x == oldDescFile = do warn verbosity $ "The filename \"Setup.description\" is deprecated, please move to ." ++ cabalExt return x | matchesDescFile x = return x | otherwise = noDesc descriptionCheck verbosity [x,y] | x == oldDescFile = do warn verbosity $ "The filename \"Setup.description\" is deprecated. Please move out of the way. Using \"" ++ y ++ "\"" return y | y == oldDescFile = do warn verbosity $ "The filename \"Setup.description\" is deprecated. Please move out of the way. Using \"" ++ x ++ "\"" return x | otherwise = multiDesc [x,y] descriptionCheck _ l = multiDesc l -- |Package description file (/pkgname/@.cabal@) defaultPackageDesc :: Verbosity -> IO FilePath defaultPackageDesc verbosity = getCurrentDirectory >>= findPackageDesc verbosity -- |Find a package description file in the given directory. Looks for -- @.cabal@ files. findPackageDesc :: Verbosity -- ^Verbosity -> FilePath -- ^Where to look -> IO FilePath -- .cabal findPackageDesc verbosity p = do ls <- getDirectoryContents p let descs = filter matchesDescFile ls descriptionCheck verbosity descs -- |Optional auxiliary package information file (/pkgname/@.buildinfo@) defaultHookedPackageDesc :: IO (Maybe FilePath) defaultHookedPackageDesc = getCurrentDirectory >>= findHookedPackageDesc -- |Find auxiliary package information in the given directory. -- Looks for @.buildinfo@ files. findHookedPackageDesc :: FilePath -- ^Directory to search -> IO (Maybe FilePath) -- ^/dir/@\/@/pkgname/@.buildinfo@, if present findHookedPackageDesc dir = do ns <- getDirectoryContents dir case [dir n | n <- ns, takeExtension n == '.':buildInfoExt] of [] -> return Nothing [f] -> return (Just f) _ -> die ("Multiple files with extension " ++ buildInfoExt) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Platform file extensions -- ------------------------------------------------------------ #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 604 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603 #include "config.h" #else #include "ghcconfig.h" #endif #endif -- ToDo: This should be determined via autoconf (AC_EXEEXT) -- | Extension for executable files -- (typically @\"\"@ on Unix and @\"exe\"@ on Windows or OS\/2) exeExtension :: String #if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS exeExtension = "exe" #else exeExtension = "" #endif -- ToDo: This should be determined via autoconf (AC_OBJEXT) -- | Extension for object files. For GHC and NHC the extension is @\"o\"@. -- Hugs uses either @\"o\"@ or @\"obj\"@ depending on the used C compiler. objExtension :: String objExtension = "o" -- | Extension for dynamically linked (or shared) libraries -- (typically @\"so\"@ on Unix and @\"dll\"@ on Windows) dllExtension :: String #if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS dllExtension = "dll" #else dllExtension = "so" #endif -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Testing -- ------------------------------------------------------------ #ifdef DEBUG hunitTests :: [Test] hunitTests = let suffixes = ["hs", "lhs"] in [TestCase $ #if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS do mp1 <- moduleToFilePath [""] "Distribution.Simple.Build" suffixes --exists mp2 <- moduleToFilePath [""] "Foo.Bar" suffixes -- doesn't exist assertEqual "existing not found failed" ["Distribution\\Simple\\Build.hs"] mp1 assertEqual "not existing not nothing failed" [] mp2, "moduleToPossiblePaths 1" ~: "failed" ~: ["Foo\\Bar\\Bang.hs","Foo\\Bar\\Bang.lhs"] ~=? (moduleToPossiblePaths "" "Foo.Bar.Bang" suffixes), "moduleToPossiblePaths2 " ~: "failed" ~: (moduleToPossiblePaths "" "Foo" suffixes) ~=? ["Foo.hs", "Foo.lhs"], TestCase (do files <- filesWithExtensions "." "cabal" assertEqual "filesWithExtensions" "Cabal.cabal" (head files)) #else do mp1 <- moduleToFilePath [""] "Distribution.Simple.Build" suffixes --exists mp2 <- moduleToFilePath [""] "Foo.Bar" suffixes -- doesn't exist assertEqual "existing not found failed" ["Distribution/Simple/Build.hs"] mp1 assertEqual "not existing not nothing failed" [] mp2, "moduleToPossiblePaths 1" ~: "failed" ~: ["Foo/Bar/Bang.hs","Foo/Bar/Bang.lhs"] ~=? (moduleToPossiblePaths "" "Foo.Bar.Bang" suffixes), "moduleToPossiblePaths2 " ~: "failed" ~: (moduleToPossiblePaths "" "Foo" suffixes) ~=? ["Foo.hs", "Foo.lhs"], TestCase (do files <- filesWithExtensions "." "cabal" assertEqual "filesWithExtensions" "Cabal.cabal" (head files)) #endif ] -- |Might want to make this more generic some day, with regexps -- or something. filesWithExtensions :: FilePath -- ^Directory to look in -> String -- ^The extension -> IO [FilePath] {- ^The file names (not full path) of all the files with this extension in this directory. -} filesWithExtensions dir extension = do allFiles <- getDirectoryContents dir return $ filter hasExt allFiles where hasExt f = takeExtension f == '.':extension #endif