-- | Table combinators for XHTML.
module Text.XHtml.Table (HtmlTable, HTMLTABLE(..),
(>), above, (<->), beside,
aboves, besides,
simpleTable) where
import Text.XHtml.Internals
import Text.XHtml.Strict.Elements
import Text.XHtml.Strict.Attributes
import qualified Text.XHtml.BlockTable as BT
infixr 3 > -- combining table cells
infixr 4 <-> -- combining table cells
-- * Tables
class HTMLTABLE ht where
cell :: ht -> HtmlTable
instance HTMLTABLE HtmlTable where
cell = id
instance HTMLTABLE Html where
cell h =
cellFn x y = h ! (add x colspan $ add y rowspan $ [])
add 1 fn rest = rest
add n fn rest = fn n : rest
r = BT.single cellFn
mkHtmlTable r
-- | We internally represent the Cell inside a Table with an
-- object of the type
-- > Int -> Int -> Html
-- When we render it later, we find out how many columns
-- or rows this cell will span over, and can
-- include the correct colspan\/rowspan command.
newtype HtmlTable
= HtmlTable (BT.BlockTable (Int -> Int -> Html))
mkHtmlTable :: BT.BlockTable (Int -> Int -> Html) -> HtmlTable
mkHtmlTable r = HtmlTable r
-- We give both infix and nonfix, take your pick.
-- Notice that there is no concept of a row/column
-- of zero items.
(>),above,(<->),beside :: (HTMLTABLE ht1,HTMLTABLE ht2)
=> ht1 -> ht2 -> HtmlTable
above a b = combine BT.above (cell a) (cell b)
(>) = above
beside a b = combine BT.beside (cell a) (cell b)
(<->) = beside
combine fn (HtmlTable a) (HtmlTable b) = mkHtmlTable (a `fn` b)
-- Both aboves and besides presume a non-empty list.
-- here is no concept of a empty row or column in these
-- table combinators.
aboves :: (HTMLTABLE ht) => [ht] -> HtmlTable
aboves [] = error "aboves []"
aboves xs = foldr1 (>) (map cell xs)
besides :: (HTMLTABLE ht) => [ht] -> HtmlTable
besides [] = error "besides []"
besides xs = foldr1 (<->) (map cell xs)
-- | renderTable takes the HtmlTable, and renders it back into
-- and Html object.
renderTable :: BT.BlockTable (Int -> Int -> Html) -> Html
renderTable theTable
= concatHtml
[tr << [theCell x y | (theCell,(x,y)) <- theRow ]
| theRow <- BT.getMatrix theTable]
instance HTML HtmlTable where
toHtml (HtmlTable tab) = renderTable tab
instance Show HtmlTable where
showsPrec _ (HtmlTable tab) = shows (renderTable tab)
-- | If you can't be bothered with the above, then you
-- can build simple tables with simpleTable.
-- Just provide the attributes for the whole table,
-- attributes for the cells (same for every cell),
-- and a list of lists of cell contents,
-- and this function will build the table for you.
-- It does presume that all the lists are non-empty,
-- and there is at least one list.
-- Different length lists means that the last cell
-- gets padded. If you want more power, then
-- use the system above, or build tables explicitly.
simpleTable :: [HtmlAttr] -> [HtmlAttr] -> [[Html]] -> Html
simpleTable attr cellAttr lst
= table ! attr
<< (aboves
. map (besides . map ((td ! cellAttr) . toHtml))
) lst