Jules's Strictness Analyser, version 0.400
Copyright (c) Julian Seward 1992
Read 9 lattice sizes.

=== Input ===

day  ::= Monday  |
         Tuesday  |
         Wednesday  |
         Thursday  |
         Friday  |
         Saturday  |
         Sunday ;

domain  ::= Unit  |
            Lift (domain );

pair a b ::= Pair a b;

list a ::= Nil  |
           Cons a (list a);

tree a ::= Leaf  |
           Branch (tree a) a (tree a);

assoc a b ::= NilAssoc  |
              Assoc a b (assoc a b);


  _z4 = \l1 l2 -> case l1 of
                    Nil  -> Nil;
                    Cons x xs -> case l2 of
                                   Nil  -> Nil;
                                   Cons y ys -> Cons (_+ x y) (_z4 xs ys)
in letrec
  _z6 = \l1 l2 -> case l1 of
                    Nil  -> Nil;
                    Cons x xs -> case l2 of
                                   Nil  -> Nil;
                                   Cons y ys -> Cons (_z4 x y) (_z6 xs ys)
in letrec
  _z8 = \l1 l2 -> case l1 of
                    Nil  -> Nil;
                    Cons x xs -> case l2 of
                                   Nil  -> Nil;
                                   Cons y ys -> Cons (_z6 x y) (_z8 xs ys)
in letrec
  _z10 = \l1 l2 -> case l1 of
                     Nil  -> Nil;
                     Cons x xs -> case l2 of
                                    Nil  -> Nil;
                                    Cons y ys -> Cons (_z8 x y) (_z10 xs ys)
in letrec
  _f2 = \a b -> case _== a 0 of
                  True  -> b;
                  False  -> _f2 b a
in letrec
  _f3 = \a b c -> case _== a 0 of
                    True  -> b;
                    False  -> _f3 c b a
in letrec
  _f4 = \a b c d -> case _== a 0 of
                      True  -> b;
                      False  -> _f4 d c b a
in letrec
  _f5 = \a b c d e -> case _== a 0 of
                        True  -> b;
                        False  -> _f5 e d c b a
in letrec
  _f6 = \a b c d e f -> case _== a 0 of
                          True  -> b;
                          False  -> _f6 f e d c b a
in letrec
  _f7 = \a b c d e f g -> case _== a 0 of
                            True  -> b;
                            False  -> _f7 g f e d c b a
in let
  _p2 = \a b -> a
in let
  _p3 = \a b c -> _+ a c
in let
  _p4 = \a b c d -> _+ a c
in let
  _p5 = \a b c d e -> _+ a (_+ c e)
in let
  _p6 = \a b c d e f -> _+ a (_+ c e)
in let
  _p7 = \a b c d e f g -> _+ a (_+ c (_+ e g))
in let
  _p8 = \a b c d e f g h -> _+ a (_+ c (_+ e g))
in let
  _p9 = \a b c d e f g h i -> _+ a (_+ c (_+ e (_+ g i)))
in let
  _p10 = \a b c d e f g h i j -> _+ a (_+ c (_+ e (_+ g i)))
in let
  _p11 = \a b c d e f g h i j k -> _+ a (_+ c (_+ e (_+ g (_+ i k))))
in let
  _p12 = \a b c d e f g h i j k l -> _+ a (_+ c (_+ e (_+ g (_+ i k))))
in let
  _s2 = \a b -> _+ a b
in let
  _s4 = \a b c d -> _+ a (_+ b (_+ c d))
in let
  _s6 = \a b c d e f -> _+ a (_+ b (_+ c (_+ d (_+ e f))))
in let
  _s8 = \a b c d e f g h -> _+ a (_+ b (_+ c (_+ d (_+ e (_+ f (_+ g h))))))
in let
  _s10 = \a b c d e f g h i j -> _+ a (_+ b (_+ c (_+ d (_+ e (_+ f (_+ g (_+ h (_+ i j))))))))
in let
  _s12 = \a b c d e f g h i j k l -> _+ a (_+ b (_+ c (_+ d (_+ e (_+ f (_+ g (_+ h (_+ i (_+ j (_+ k l))))))))))
in let
  _l2 = \a b -> 37
in let
  _l4 = \a b c d -> 37
in let
  _l6 = \a b c d e f -> 37
in let
  _l8 = \a b c d e f g h -> 37
in let
  _l9 = \a b c d e f g h i -> 37
in let
  _l10 = \a b c d e f g h i j -> 37
in let
  _l12 = \a b c d e f g h i j k l -> 37
in letrec
  _bottomAny = \ -> _bottomAny
in letrec
  _bigs = \d l2 -> case l2 of
                     Nil  -> Nil;
                     Cons l2x l2xs -> case _> l2x d of
                                        True  -> Cons l2x (_bigs d l2xs);
                                        False  -> _bigs d l2xs
in letrec
  _smalls = \d l2 -> case l2 of
                       Nil  -> Nil;
                       Cons l2x l2xs -> case _<= l2x d of
                                          True  -> Cons l2x (_smalls d l2xs);
                                          False  -> _smalls d l2xs
in letrec
  _append = \x y -> case x of
                      Nil  -> y;
                      Cons a as -> Cons a (_append as y)
in letrec
  _qsort = \l -> case l of
                   Nil  -> Nil;
                   Cons h t -> _append (_qsort (_smalls h t)) (Cons h (_qsort (_bigs h t)))
in let
  _topInt = \ -> 42
in letrec
  _domainHeight = \d -> case d of
                          Unit  -> 1;
                          Lift d1 -> _+ 1 (_domainHeight d1)
in let
  _workingHours = \d -> case d of
                          Saturday  -> 0;
                          Sunday  -> 0;
                          Monday  -> 2;
                          Tuesday  -> 4;
                          Wednesday  -> 5;
                          Thursday  -> 3;
                          Friday  -> 1
in let
  _incHead = \l -> case l of
                     Nil  -> Nil;
                     Cons a as -> Cons (_+ a 1) as
in letrec
  _tricky = \a b -> case _== a 0 of
                      True  -> b;
                      False  -> _tricky (_- a 1) b
in letrec
  _length = \x -> case x of
                    Nil  -> 0;
                    Cons a as -> _+ 1 (_length as)
in letrec
  _sum = \x -> case x of
                 Nil  -> 0;
                 Cons a as -> _+ a (_sum as)
in letrec
  _rev = \x -> case x of
                 Nil  -> Nil;
                 Cons a as -> _append (_rev as) (Cons a Nil)
in letrec
  _take = \n l -> case l of
                    Nil  -> Nil;
                    Cons x xs -> case _== n 0 of
                                   True  -> Nil;
                                   False  -> Cons x (_take (_- n 1) xs)
in letrec
  _drop = \n l -> case l of
                    Nil  -> Nil;
                    Cons x xs -> case _== n 0 of
                                   True  -> Cons x xs;
                                   False  -> _drop (_- n 1) xs
in let
  _first = \p -> case p of
                   Pair a b -> a
in let
  _second = \p -> case p of
                    Pair a b -> b
in letrec
  _mirror = \t -> case t of
                    Leaf  -> Leaf;
                    Branch l x r -> Branch (_mirror r) x (_mirror l)
in letrec
  _sumt = \t -> case t of
                  Leaf  -> 0;
                  Branch l x r -> _+ (_sumt l) (_+ x (_sumt r))
in letrec
  _aLookupDef = \al key default -> case al of
                                     NilAssoc  -> default;
                                     Assoc a b abs -> case _== a key of
                                                        True  -> b;
                                                        False  -> _aLookupDef abs key default
in letrec
  _aDomain = \al -> case al of
                      NilAssoc  -> Nil;
                      Assoc a b abs -> Cons a (_aDomain abs)
in letrec
  _aInverse = \al -> case al of
                       NilAssoc  -> NilAssoc;
                       Assoc a b abs -> Assoc b a (_aInverse abs)
in letrec
  _flatten = \t -> case t of
                     Leaf  -> Nil;
                     Branch l x r -> _append (_flatten l) (Cons x (_flatten r))
in letrec
  _insert = \x t -> case t of
                      Leaf  -> Branch Leaf x Leaf;
                      Branch l x1 r -> case _== x x1 of
                                         True  -> Branch l x1 r;
                                         False  -> case _< x x1 of
                                                     True  -> Branch (_insert x l) x1 r;
                                                     False  -> Branch l x1 (_insert x r)
in letrec
  _ltt = \tr li -> case li of
                     Nil  -> tr;
                     Cons x xs -> _ltt (_insert x tr) xs
in let
  _listToTree = \l -> _ltt Leaf l
in let
  _nodups = \l -> _flatten (_listToTree l)
in 42

=== Types ===

   _z4 ::                    (list int) ->  (list int) ->  (list int)
   _z6 ::                    (list (list int)) ->  (list (list int)) ->  (list (list int))
   _z8 ::                    (list (list (list int))) ->  (list (list (list int))) ->  (list (list (list int)))
   _z10 ::                   (list (list (list (list int)))) ->  (list (list (list (list int)))) ->  (list (list (list (list int))))
   _f2 ::                    int ->  int ->  int
   _f3 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  a
   _f4 ::                    int ->  a ->  a ->  int ->  a
   _f5 ::                    int ->  a ->  b ->  a ->  int ->  a
   _f6 ::                    int ->  a ->  b ->  b ->  a ->  int ->  a
   _f7 ::                    int ->  a ->  b ->  c ->  b ->  a ->  int ->  a
   _p2 ::                    a ->  b ->  a
   _p3 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  int
   _p4 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int
   _p5 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  int
   _p6 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  c ->  int
   _p7 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  c ->  int ->  int
   _p8 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  c ->  int ->  d ->  int
   _p9 ::                    int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  c ->  int ->  d ->  int ->  int
   _p10 ::                   int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  c ->  int ->  d ->  int ->  e ->  int
   _p11 ::                   int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  c ->  int ->  d ->  int ->  e ->  int ->  int
   _p12 ::                   int ->  a ->  int ->  b ->  int ->  c ->  int ->  d ->  int ->  e ->  int ->  f ->  int
   _s2 ::                    int ->  int ->  int
   _s4 ::                    int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int
   _s6 ::                    int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int
   _s8 ::                    int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int
   _s10 ::                   int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int
   _s12 ::                   int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int ->  int
   _l2 ::                    a ->  b ->  int
   _l4 ::                    a ->  b ->  c ->  d ->  int
   _l6 ::                    a ->  b ->  c ->  d ->  e ->  f ->  int
   _l8 ::                    a ->  b ->  c ->  d ->  e ->  f ->  g ->  h ->  int
   _l9 ::                    a ->  b ->  c ->  d ->  e ->  f ->  g ->  h ->  i ->  int
   _l10 ::                   a ->  b ->  c ->  d ->  e ->  f ->  g ->  h ->  i ->  j ->  int
   _l12 ::                   a ->  b ->  c ->  d ->  e ->  f ->  g ->  h ->  i ->  j ->  k ->  l ->  int
   _bottomAny ::             a
   _bigs ::                  int ->  (list int) ->  (list int)
   _smalls ::                int ->  (list int) ->  (list int)
   _append ::                (list a) ->  (list a) ->  (list a)
   _qsort ::                 (list int) ->  (list int)
   _topInt ::                int
   _domainHeight ::          (domain) ->  int
   _workingHours ::          (day) ->  int
   _incHead ::               (list int) ->  (list int)
   _tricky ::                int ->  a ->  a
   _length ::                (list a) ->  int
   _sum ::                   (list int) ->  int
   _rev ::                   (list a) ->  (list a)
   _take ::                  int ->  (list a) ->  (list a)
   _drop ::                  int ->  (list a) ->  (list a)
   _first ::                 (pair a b) ->  a
   _second ::                (pair a b) ->  b
   _mirror ::                (tree a) ->  (tree a)
   _sumt ::                  (tree int) ->  int
   _aLookupDef ::            (assoc int a) ->  int ->  a ->  a
   _aDomain ::               (assoc a b) ->  (list a)
   _aInverse ::              (assoc a b) ->  (assoc b a)
   _flatten ::               (tree a) ->  (list a)
   _insert ::                int ->  (tree int) ->  (tree int)
   _ltt ::                   (tree int) ->  (list int) ->  (tree int)
   _listToTree ::            (list int) ->  (tree int)
   _nodups ::                (list int) ->  (list int)
   Monday ::                 (day)
   Tuesday ::                (day)
   Wednesday ::              (day)
   Thursday ::               (day)
   Friday ::                 (day)
   Saturday ::               (day)
   Sunday ::                 (day)
   Unit ::                   (domain)
   Lift ::                   (domain) ->  (domain)
   Pair ::                   a ->  b ->  (pair a b)
   Nil ::                    (list a)
   Cons ::                   a ->  (list a) ->  (list a)
   Leaf ::                   (tree a)
   Branch ::                 (tree a) ->  a ->  (tree a) ->  (tree a)
   NilAssoc ::               (assoc a b)
   Assoc ::                  a ->  b ->  (assoc a b) ->  (assoc a b)
   True ::                   bool
   False ::                  bool

=== Settings ===

Scaleup ratio = 20/10
Lower lattice size limit = 0
Upper lattice size limit = 1000000
Polymorphic generalisation limit = 10000

=== Strictness ===

Domains for "_z4" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Lift2 [Two],Two]
      16   [Lift2 [Two],Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_z4"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_z4"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals safe "_z4"
Evaluated at size       8 using    6 evals live "_z4"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals live "_z4"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals safe "_z4"
Evaluated at size      16 using    4 evals live "_z4"
Evaluated at size      16 using    2 evals live "_z4"
Evaluated at size      16 using    2 evals safe "_z4"

Function "_z4" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  1 3 and 3 0
       2   |  1 2 and 2 1
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_z6" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]
      12   [Two,Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]
      24   [Lift2 [Two],Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]
      36   [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]],Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    8 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size       4 using    8 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size       4 using    8 evals safe "_z6"
Evaluated at size       8 using    0 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size       8 using    0 evals safe "_z6"
Evaluated at size      12 using    0 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size      12 using    0 evals safe "_z6"
Evaluated at size      24 using   12 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size      24 using   10 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size      24 using    6 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size      24 using    6 evals safe "_z6"
Evaluated at size      36 using    8 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size      36 using    5 evals live "_z6"
Evaluated at size      36 using    5 evals safe "_z6"

Function "_z6" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3 4 5}
   2) {0 1 2 3 4 5}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3 4 5}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       5   |  1 2 and 3 1 and 5 0
       4   |  
       3   |  
       2   |  2 1
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_z8" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]
      12   [Two,Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]
      16   [Two,Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]
      32   [Lift2 [Two],Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]
      48   [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]],Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]
      64   [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]],Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]

Evaluated at size       4 using   10 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size       4 using   10 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size       4 using   10 evals safe "_z8"
Evaluated at size       8 using    0 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size       8 using    0 evals safe "_z8"
Evaluated at size      12 using    0 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      12 using    0 evals safe "_z8"
Evaluated at size      16 using    0 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      16 using    0 evals safe "_z8"
Evaluated at size      32 using   14 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      32 using   13 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      32 using    8 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      32 using    8 evals safe "_z8"
Evaluated at size      48 using   10 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      48 using    7 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      48 using    7 evals safe "_z8"
Evaluated at size      64 using    7 evals live "_z8"
Evaluated at size      64 using    7 evals safe "_z8"

Function "_z8" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7}
   2) {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       7   |  1 2 and 3 1 and 7 0
       6   |  
       5   |  
       4   |  
       3   |  
       2   |  2 1
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_z10" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]
      12   [Two,Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]
      16   [Two,Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]
      20   [Two,Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]]
      40   [Lift2 [Two],Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]]
      60   [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]],Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]]
      80   [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]],Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]]
     100   [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]],Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Lift2 [Two]]]]]

Evaluated at size       4 using   12 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size       4 using   12 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size       4 using   12 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size       8 using    0 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size       8 using    0 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size      12 using    0 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      12 using    0 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size      16 using    0 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      16 using    0 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size      20 using    0 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      20 using    0 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size      40 using   16 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      40 using   15 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      40 using   10 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      40 using   10 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size      60 using   12 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      60 using    9 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      60 using    9 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size      80 using    9 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size      80 using    9 evals safe "_z10"
Evaluated at size     100 using    9 evals live "_z10"
Evaluated at size     100 using    9 evals safe "_z10"

Function "_z10" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
   2) {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       9   |  1 2 and 3 1 and 9 0
       8   |  
       7   |  
       6   |  
       5   |  
       4   |  
       3   |  
       2   |  2 1
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_f2" are
       4   [Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals live "_f2"
Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals live "_f2"
Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals safe "_f2"

Function "_f2" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_f3" are
       8   [Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals live "_f3"
Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals live "_f3"
Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals safe "_f3"

Function "_f3" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1 0
       0   |  0 0 0

Domains for "_f4" are
      16   [Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      16 using    8 evals live "_f4"
Evaluated at size      16 using   11 evals live "_f4"
Evaluated at size      16 using   11 evals live "_f4"
Evaluated at size      16 using   11 evals safe "_f4"

Function "_f4" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 1 and 1 1 0 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0

Domains for "_f5" are
      32   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      32 using    8 evals live "_f5"
Evaluated at size      32 using   15 evals live "_f5"
Evaluated at size      32 using   15 evals live "_f5"
Evaluated at size      32 using   15 evals safe "_f5"

Function "_f5" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 0 1 1 and 1 1 0 0 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_f6" are
      64   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      64 using   14 evals live "_f6"
Evaluated at size      64 using   20 evals live "_f6"
Evaluated at size      64 using   20 evals live "_f6"
Evaluated at size      64 using   20 evals safe "_f6"

Function "_f6" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 0 0 1 1 and 1 1 0 0 0 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_f7" are
     128   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size     128 using   10 evals live "_f7"
Evaluated at size     128 using   20 evals live "_f7"
Evaluated at size     128 using   20 evals live "_f7"
Evaluated at size     128 using   20 evals safe "_f7"

Function "_f7" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 0 0 0 1 1 and 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p2" are
       4   [Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals safe "_p2"
Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals live "_p2"

Function "_p2" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_p3" are
       8   [Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       8 using    6 evals safe "_p3"
Evaluated at size       8 using    6 evals live "_p3"

Function "_p3" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1
       0   |  0 0 0

Domains for "_p4" are
      16   [Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      16 using   10 evals safe "_p4"
Evaluated at size      16 using   10 evals live "_p4"

Function "_p4" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p5" are
      32   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      32 using   11 evals safe "_p5"
Evaluated at size      32 using   11 evals live "_p5"

Function "_p5" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p6" are
      64   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      64 using    7 evals safe "_p6"
Evaluated at size      64 using    7 evals live "_p6"

Function "_p6" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p7" are
     128   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size     128 using   14 evals safe "_p7"
Evaluated at size     128 using   14 evals live "_p7"

Function "_p7" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1 0 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p8" are
     256   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size     256 using   20 evals safe "_p8"
Evaluated at size     256 using   20 evals live "_p8"

Function "_p8" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p9" are
     512   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size     512 using   23 evals safe "_p9"
Evaluated at size     512 using   23 evals live "_p9"

Function "_p9" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p10" are
    1024   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size    1024 using   32 evals safe "_p10"
Evaluated at size    1024 using   32 evals live "_p10"

Function "_p10" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
  10) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p11" are
    2048   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size    2048 using   33 evals safe "_p11"
Evaluated at size    2048 using   33 evals live "_p11"

Function "_p11" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
  10) {0 1}
  11) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_p12" are
    4096   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size    4096 using   26 evals safe "_p12"
Evaluated at size    4096 using   26 evals live "_p12"

Function "_p12" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
  10) {0 1}
  11) {0 1}
  12) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_s2" are
       4   [Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals safe "_s2"
Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals live "_s2"

Function "_s2" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_s4" are
      16   [Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      16 using    6 evals safe "_s4"
Evaluated at size      16 using    6 evals live "_s4"

Function "_s4" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1 1 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0

Domains for "_s6" are
      64   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      64 using    8 evals safe "_s6"
Evaluated at size      64 using    8 evals live "_s6"

Function "_s6" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1 1 1 1 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_s8" are
     256   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size     256 using   10 evals safe "_s8"
Evaluated at size     256 using   10 evals live "_s8"

Function "_s8" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_s10" are
    1024   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size    1024 using   12 evals safe "_s10"
Evaluated at size    1024 using   12 evals live "_s10"

Function "_s10" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
  10) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_s12" are
    4096   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size    4096 using   14 evals safe "_s12"
Evaluated at size    4096 using   14 evals live "_s12"

Function "_s12" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
  10) {0 1}
  11) {0 1}
  12) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
       0   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Domains for "_l2" are
       4   [Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals safe "_l2"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals live "_l2"

Function "_l2" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  0 0
       0   |  

Domains for "_l4" are
      16   [Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      16 using    2 evals safe "_l4"
Evaluated at size      16 using    2 evals live "_l4"

Function "_l4" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  0 0 0 0
       0   |  

Domains for "_l6" are
      64   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size      64 using    2 evals safe "_l6"
Evaluated at size      64 using    2 evals live "_l6"

Function "_l6" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  0 0 0 0 0 0
       0   |  

Domains for "_l8" are
     256   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size     256 using    2 evals safe "_l8"
Evaluated at size     256 using    2 evals live "_l8"

Function "_l8" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
       0   |  

Domains for "_l9" are
     512   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size     512 using    2 evals safe "_l9"
Evaluated at size     512 using    2 evals live "_l9"

Function "_l9" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
       0   |  

Domains for "_l10" are
    1024   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size    1024 using    2 evals safe "_l10"
Evaluated at size    1024 using    2 evals live "_l10"

Function "_l10" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
  10) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
       0   |  

Domains for "_l12" are
    4096   [Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two,Two]

Evaluated at size    4096 using    2 evals safe "_l12"
Evaluated at size    4096 using    2 evals live "_l12"

Function "_l12" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   4) {0 1}
   5) {0 1}
   6) {0 1}
   7) {0 1}
   8) {0 1}
   9) {0 1}
  10) {0 1}
  11) {0 1}
  12) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
       0   |  

Function "_bottomAny" is a constant point 0 in domain 
    {0 1}

Domains for "_bigs" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_bigs"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_bigs"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals safe "_bigs"
Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals live "_bigs"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals live "_bigs"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals safe "_bigs"

Function "_bigs" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  0 3
       2   |  
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_smalls" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_smalls"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_smalls"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals safe "_smalls"
Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals live "_smalls"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals live "_smalls"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals safe "_smalls"

Function "_smalls" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  0 3
       2   |  
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_append" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Lift2 [Two],Two]
      16   [Lift2 [Two],Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    7 evals live "_append"
Evaluated at size       4 using    7 evals live "_append"
Evaluated at size       4 using    7 evals safe "_append"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals live "_append"
Evaluated at size       8 using    2 evals live "_append"
Evaluated at size       8 using    2 evals safe "_append"
Evaluated at size      16 using    4 evals live "_append"
Evaluated at size      16 using    4 evals live "_append"
Evaluated at size      16 using    2 evals live "_append"
Evaluated at size      16 using    2 evals safe "_append"

Function "_append" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3 3
       2   |  2 2
       1   |  1 0
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_qsort" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_qsort"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_qsort"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_qsort"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals live "_qsort"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals live "_qsort"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals safe "_qsort"

Function "_qsort" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3
       2   |  2
       1   |  
       0   |  0

Function "_topInt" is a constant point 1 in domain 
    {0 1}

Domains for "_domainHeight" are
       2   [Two]
       3   [Lift1 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_domainHeight"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_domainHeight"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals safe "_domainHeight"
Evaluated at size       3 using    1 evals live "_domainHeight"
Evaluated at size       3 using    1 evals safe "_domainHeight"

Function "_domainHeight" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  2
       0   |  0

Domains for "_workingHours" are
       2   [Two]

Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals safe "_workingHours"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_workingHours"

Function "_workingHours" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1
       0   |  0

Domains for "_incHead" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_incHead"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_incHead"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals safe "_incHead"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals live "_incHead"

Function "_incHead" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3
       2   |  2
       1   |  1
       0   |  0

Domains for "_tricky" are
       4   [Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals live "_tricky"
Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals live "_tricky"
Evaluated at size       4 using    4 evals safe "_tricky"

Function "_tricky" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_length" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_length"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_length"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals safe "_length"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals live "_length"
Evaluated at size       4 using    1 evals live "_length"
Evaluated at size       4 using    1 evals safe "_length"

Function "_length" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  2
       0   |  0

Domains for "_sum" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_sum"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_sum"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals safe "_sum"
Evaluated at size       4 using    1 evals live "_sum"
Evaluated at size       4 using    1 evals safe "_sum"

Function "_sum" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  3
       0   |  0

Domains for "_rev" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_rev"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_rev"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_rev"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals live "_rev"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals live "_rev"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals safe "_rev"

Function "_rev" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3
       2   |  2
       1   |  
       0   |  0

Domains for "_take" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_take"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_take"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals safe "_take"
Evaluated at size       8 using    6 evals live "_take"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals live "_take"
Evaluated at size       8 using    3 evals safe "_take"

Function "_take" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  0 3 and 1 1
       2   |  
       1   |  
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_drop" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_drop"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_drop"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals safe "_drop"
Evaluated at size       8 using    7 evals live "_drop"
Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals live "_drop"
Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals safe "_drop"

Function "_drop" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  0 3 and 1 2
       2   |  
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_first" are
       2   [Two]
       5   [Lift1 [Two,Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals safe "_first"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_first"
Evaluated at size       5 using    2 evals safe "_first"
Evaluated at size       5 using    2 evals live "_first"

Function "_first" has input domains:
   1) {00 11 12 21 22}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  21
       0   |  00

Domains for "_second" are
       2   [Two]
       5   [Lift1 [Two,Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals safe "_second"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_second"
Evaluated at size       5 using    3 evals safe "_second"
Evaluated at size       5 using    3 evals live "_second"

Function "_second" has input domains:
   1) {00 11 12 21 22}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  12
       0   |  00

Domains for "_mirror" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_mirror"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_mirror"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_mirror"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals live "_mirror"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals live "_mirror"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals safe "_mirror"

Function "_mirror" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3
       2   |  2
       1   |  1
       0   |  0

Domains for "_sumt" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_sumt"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals live "_sumt"
Evaluated at size       2 using    2 evals safe "_sumt"
Evaluated at size       4 using    1 evals live "_sumt"
Evaluated at size       4 using    1 evals safe "_sumt"

Function "_sumt" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  3
       0   |  0

Domains for "_aLookupDef" are
       8   [Two,Two,Two]
      24   [Lift2 [Two,Two],Two,Two]

Evaluated at size       8 using    6 evals live "_aLookupDef"
Evaluated at size       8 using    6 evals live "_aLookupDef"
Evaluated at size       8 using    6 evals safe "_aLookupDef"
Evaluated at size      24 using    5 evals live "_aLookupDef"
Evaluated at size      24 using    2 evals live "_aLookupDef"
Evaluated at size      24 using    2 evals safe "_aLookupDef"

Function "_aLookupDef" has input domains:
   1) {00 11 22 23 32 33}
   2) {0 1}
   3) {0 1}
   and output domain
      {0 1}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       1   |  11 1 0 and 33 0 1
       0   |  00 0 0

Domains for "_aDomain" are
       2   [Two]
       6   [Lift2 [Two,Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_aDomain"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_aDomain"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_aDomain"
Evaluated at size       6 using    4 evals live "_aDomain"
Evaluated at size       6 using    2 evals live "_aDomain"
Evaluated at size       6 using    2 evals safe "_aDomain"

Function "_aDomain" has input domains:
   1) {00 11 22 23 32 33}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  32
       2   |  22
       1   |  11
       0   |  00

Domains for "_aInverse" are
       2   [Two]
       6   [Lift2 [Two,Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_aInverse"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_aInverse"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_aInverse"
Evaluated at size       6 using    4 evals live "_aInverse"
Evaluated at size       6 using    3 evals live "_aInverse"
Evaluated at size       6 using    3 evals safe "_aInverse"

Function "_aInverse" has input domains:
   1) {00 11 22 23 32 33}
   and output domain
      {00 11 22 23 32 33}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
      33   |  33
      32   |  23
      23   |  32
      22   |  22
      11   |  11
      00   |  00

Domains for "_flatten" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_flatten"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_flatten"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_flatten"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals live "_flatten"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals live "_flatten"
Evaluated at size       4 using    2 evals safe "_flatten"

Function "_flatten" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3
       2   |  2
       1   |  1
       0   |  0

Domains for "_insert" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Two,Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_insert"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals live "_insert"
Evaluated at size       4 using    6 evals safe "_insert"
Evaluated at size       8 using    5 evals live "_insert"
Evaluated at size       8 using    4 evals live "_insert"
Evaluated at size       8 using    4 evals safe "_insert"

Function "_insert" has input domains:
   1) {0 1}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  1 3
       2   |  0 3 and 1 2
       1   |  1 1
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_ltt" are
       4   [Two,Two]
       8   [Lift2 [Two],Two]
      16   [Lift2 [Two],Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       4 using    8 evals live "_ltt"
Evaluated at size       4 using    8 evals live "_ltt"
Evaluated at size       4 using    8 evals safe "_ltt"
Evaluated at size       8 using    2 evals live "_ltt"
Evaluated at size       8 using    2 evals live "_ltt"
Evaluated at size       8 using    2 evals safe "_ltt"
Evaluated at size      16 using    6 evals live "_ltt"
Evaluated at size      16 using    5 evals live "_ltt"
Evaluated at size      16 using    5 evals safe "_ltt"

Function "_ltt" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   2) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3 3
       2   |  2 3 and 3 2
       1   |  1 3
       0   |  0 0

Domains for "_listToTree" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_listToTree"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_listToTree"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals safe "_listToTree"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals live "_listToTree"

Function "_listToTree" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3
       2   |  2
       1   |  
       0   |  0

Domains for "_nodups" are
       2   [Two]
       4   [Lift2 [Two]]

Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals safe "_nodups"
Evaluated at size       2 using    4 evals live "_nodups"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals safe "_nodups"
Evaluated at size       4 using    3 evals live "_nodups"

Function "_nodups" has input domains:
   1) {0 1 2 3}
   and output domain
      {0 1 2 3}

   Output  |  Lower frontier
       3   |  3
       2   |  2
       1   |  
       0   |  0