-------------------------------------------------- -- $Log: Parsers.hs,v $ -- Revision 1.1 2004/08/05 11:12:12 malcolm -- Add a regression testsuite for the nhc98 compiler. It isn't very good, -- but it is better than nothing. I've been using it for about four years -- on nightly builds, so it's about time it entered the repository! It -- includes a slightly altered version of the nofib suite. -- Instructions are in the README. -- -- Revision 1.1 1996/01/08 20:02:55 partain -- Initial revision -- -- Revision 1.3 1994/03/15 15:34:53 thiemann -- minor revisions -- --Revision 1.2 1993/08/31 12:31:32 thiemann --reflect changes in type FONT -- --Revision 1.1 1993/08/17 12:34:29 thiemann --Initial revision -- -- $Locker: $ -------------------------------------------------- module Parsers where infixl 6 `using`, `using2` infixr 7 `alt` infixr 8 `thn`, `xthn`, `thnx` type Parser a b = [a] -> [(b, [a])] succeed :: beta -> Parser alpha beta succeed value tokens = [(value, tokens)] -- the parser -- satisfy p -- accepts the language { token | p(token) } satisfy :: (alpha -> Bool) -> Parser alpha alpha satisfy p [] = [] satisfy p (token:tokens) | p token = succeed token tokens | otherwise = [] -- the parser -- literal word -- accepts { word } literal :: Eq alpha => alpha -> Parser alpha alpha literal token = satisfy (== token) -- if p1 and p2 are parsers accepting L1 and L2 then -- then p1 p2 -- accepts L1.L2 thn :: Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha gamma -> Parser alpha (beta, gamma) thn p1 p2 = concat . map (\ (v1, tokens1) -> map (\ (v2, tokens2) -> ((v1,v2), tokens2)) (p2 tokens1)) . p1 thnx :: Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha gamma -> Parser alpha beta thnx p1 p2 = concat . map (\ (v1, tokens1) -> map (\ (v2, tokens2) -> (v1, tokens2)) (p2 tokens1)) . p1 xthn :: Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha gamma -> Parser alpha gamma xthn p1 p2 = concat . map (\ (v1, tokens1) -> map (\ (v2, tokens2) -> (v2, tokens2)) (p2 tokens1)) . p1 -- if p1 and p2 are parsers accepting L1 and L2 then -- alt p1 p2 -- accepts L1 \cup L2 alt :: Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha beta alt p1 p2 tokens = p1 tokens ++ p2 tokens -- if p1 is a parser then -- using p1 f -- is a parser that accepts the same language as p1 -- but mangles the semantic value with f using :: Parser alpha beta -> (beta -> gamma) -> Parser alpha gamma using p1 f = map (\ (v, tokens) -> (f v, tokens)) . p1 using2 :: Parser a (b,c) -> (b -> c -> d) -> Parser a d using2 p f = map ( \((v,w), tokens) -> (f v w, tokens)) . p -- if p accepts L then plus p accepts L+ plus :: Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha [beta] plus p = (p `thn` rpt p) `using2` (:) -- if p accepts L then rpt p accepts L* rpt :: Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha [beta] rpt p = plus p `alt` succeed [] -- if p accepts L then opt p accepts L? opt :: Parser alpha beta -> Parser alpha [beta] opt p = (p `using` \x -> [x]) `alt` succeed [] -- followedBy p1 p2 recognizes L(p1) if followed by a word in L (p2) followedBy :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a b followedBy p q tks = [(v, rest) | (v, rest) <- p tks, x <- q rest]