\ i got bored and learned forth. here ya go. :) \ begin forth ValuHack by cHao \ 4tH version by the Beez \ cHao gotta lot to learn ;-) \ to run with 4tH: 4th cx valuhack.4th 4 constant #hacks 3 constant #choices create hacks ," Warez/Serialz/Crackz" ," What program did you want? " ," wants an illegal copy of " ," ." ," Hotmail/Yahoo Account Access" ," What account did you want access to? " ," wants to access " ," @hotmail.com" ," AOL Screen Name Access" ," What account did you want access to? " ," wants to access " ," @aol.com" ," Web Defacement/Hijacking" ," What web site did you want to take over? " ," wants to take over " ," ." : readln refill drop ; : response 0 parse -trailing ; : prompt type readln response pad place ; : 'hack #hacks * cells hacks + ; : .hack @c count type ; : +.hack cell+ dup .hack ; : .user pad count type space ; : .choices 4 0 do i dup 1+ 0 .r [char] . emit space 'hack .hack cr loop ; : choose ( -- n ) begin .choices cr ." Your choice: " readln bl parse-word number 1- dup #choices invert and while drop cr ." How difficult can this be? There are 4 choices.." cr ." with numbers beside them!" cr ." Type the number next to the one you want." cr cr repeat ; : hack cr 'hack +.hack readln .user +.hack response type +.hack drop cr ; : valuhack cr s" And what is your name, young grasshopper? " prompt cr cr ." ValuHack 1.0" cr ." ------------" cr choose hack ." ... but that ain't hacking." cr cr ." Maybe " .user ." should try a different newsgroup." cr cr ." FOAD SkriptKiddiot" cr cr ." ForthLART end." cr ; valuhack \ end