\ Weasel program - Copyright 2007 J.L Bezemer \ You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under \ the terms of the GNU General Public License \ The accurate way to describe Richard Dawkins’s "weasel" program is this way: \ 1. Use a set of characters that includes the upper case alphabet and \ a space. \ 2. Initialize a population of n 28-character strings with random \ assignments of characters from our character set. \ 3. Identify the string or strings closest to the target string in the \ population. \ 4. If a string matches the target, terminate. \ 5. Base a new generation population of size n upon copies of the closest \ matching string or strings, where each position has a chance of randomly \ mutating, based upon a set mutation rate. \ 6. Go to step 3. include lib/choose.4th \ target string s" METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL" sconstant target 27 constant /charset \ size of characterset 29 constant /target \ size of target string 32 constant #copies \ number of offspring /target string charset \ characterset /target string this-generation \ current generation and offspring /target #copies [*] string new-generation :this new-generation does> swap /target chars * + ; \ generate a mutation : mutation charset /charset choose chars + c@ ; \ print the current candidate : .candidate ( n1 n2 -- n1 f) ." Generation " over 2 .r ." : " this-generation count type cr 0= ; \ test a canidate on \ the CLOSEST genome : test-candidate ( a -- a n) dup target 0 >r >r ( a1 a2) begin ( a1 a2) r@ ( a1 a2 n) while ( a1 a2) over c@ over c@ - abs ( a1 a2 n) r> r> rot + >r 1- >r ( a1 a2) char+ swap char+ swap ( a1+1 a2+1) repeat ( a1+1 a2+1) drop drop r> drop r> ( a n) ; \ find the best candidate : get-candidate ( -- n) #copies max-n >r >r ( --) begin ( --) r@ ( n) while ( --) r@ 1- new-generation ( a) test-candidate r'@ over > ( a n f) if swap count this-generation place r> 1- swap r> drop >r >r else drop drop r> 1- >r then ( --) repeat ( --) r> drop r> ( n) ; \ generate a new candidate : make-candidate ( a --) dup charset count rot place ( a1) this-generation target >r ( a1 a2 a3) begin ( a1 a2 a3) r@ ( a1 a2 a3 n) while ( a1 a2 a3) over c@ over c@ = ( a1 a2 a3 f) swap >r >r over r> ( a1 a2 a1 f) if over c@ else mutation then ( a1 a2 a1 c) swap c! r> r> 1- >r ( a1 a2 a3) char+ rot char+ rot char+ rot ( a1+1 a2+1 a3+1) repeat ( a1+1 a2+1 a3+1) drop drop drop r> drop ( --) ; \ make a whole new generation : make-generation #copies 0 do i new-generation make-candidate loop ; \ weasel program : weasel s" ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ " 2dup charset place \ initialize the characterset this-generation place 0 \ initialize the first generation begin \ start the program 1+ make-generation \ make a new generation get-candidate .candidate \ select the best candidate until drop \ stop when we've found perfection ; weasel