\ (c) 1982 by Ing. W. Hofacker, adapted by J.L. Bezemer \ Lists the contents of an area in dump format ( a n --) [UNDEFINED] dump [IF] variable dump_offset \ determines the offset shown [HEX] : init. dup dup 10 + swap ; : .hex init. do i c@ <# # # bl hold #> type loop ; : .ascii init. do i c@ bl max 7E min emit 2 spaces loop ; : hdump cr dup dump_offset @ + 4 .r space .hex cr 7 spaces .ascii 10 + ; : dump 10 / cr cr 5 spaces 10 0 do i 3 .r loop cr 0 do hdump loop drop ; [DECIMAL] [DEFINED] 4tH# [IF] hide init. hide .hex hide .ascii hide hdump [THEN] [THEN]