\ 4tH library - RDEPTH - Copyright 2005 J.L. Bezemer \ You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under \ the terms of the GNU General Public License [UNDEFINED] R.S [IF] \ Return stack counterpart of DEPTH \ Note the STACK-CELLS correction is there to hide RDEPTH itself ( -- n) : RDEPTH STACK-CELLS -2 [+] CELLS RP@ - ; \ Return stack counterpart of .S \ Note the : R.S R> .. >R ; sequence is there to hide R.S itself ( --) : R.S R> CR RDEPTH DUP 0> IF DUP BEGIN DUP WHILE R> -ROT 1- REPEAT DROP DUP BEGIN DUP WHILE ROT DUP . >R 1- REPEAT DROP THEN ." (TORS) " DROP >R ; [THEN]