\ 4tH library - SAVE-FILE - Copyright 2003,2008 J.L. Bezemer \ You can redistribute this file and/or modify it under \ the terms of the GNU General Public License [UNDEFINED] within [IF] [NEEDS lib/range.4th] [THEN] [UNDEFINED] save-file [IF] : save-file >in @ cin source 4 ; ( -- n1 h a n2 4) : restore-file ( n1 h a n2 4 -- f) 0<> >r over source over dup >r + between r> swap >r >r 2dup r> -rot over + between r> or 0= \ check if buffers do not overlap if rot :noname use ; catch 0= if source! >in ! r> 0= exit then then drop drop drop drop r> \ Note: count is transformed to flag! ; [THEN]