ó p®øQc@s~dZddlZddlZddlZddlmZejjeƒpRej Z d„Z e dkrzee ƒƒndS(sTest suite for distutils. This test suite consists of a collection of test modules in the distutils.tests package. Each test module has a name starting with 'test' and contains a function test_suite(). The function is expected to return an initialized unittest.TestSuite instance. Tests for the command classes in the distutils.command package are included in distutils.tests as well, instead of using a separate distutils.command.tests package, since command identification is done by import rather than matching pre-defined names. i’’’’N(t run_unittestcCsƒtjƒ}xptjtƒD]_}|jdƒr|jdƒrd|d }t|ƒtj |}|j |j ƒƒqqW|S(Nttests.pysdistutils.tests.iż’’’( tunittestt TestSuitetostlistdirtheret startswithtendswitht __import__tsystmodulestaddTestt test_suite(tsuitetfntmodnametmodule((s./sys/lib/python2.7/distutils/tests/__init__.pyR s   t__main__( t__doc__RR Rttest.test_supportRtpathtdirnamet__file__tcurdirRR t__name__(((s./sys/lib/python2.7/distutils/tests/__init__.pyt s