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dddGddieYeYeYeYdf dddAeYeYdddBeYdf dd<dAeYeYeYeYdeYdf ddmdGeYeYeYeYd{eYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdBeYdf dddGdpdieYeYeYeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYeYddf dddGeYeYeYeYdBeYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdeYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdBeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYdeYdf dddGdpdVeYeYeYeYdf dddGdpdVeYeYeYeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYdHeYdf dddGdpdVeYeYeYeYdf dddGdpdVeYeYeYeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYdHeYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdBeYdf dddGdpdeYeYeYeYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdHeYdf dddAdpdieYeYeYeYdf dddGdpdeYeYeYeYdf ddFdGeYeYeYeYdHeYeYf ddldAeYeYdmddBeYdf dddAeYeYdddBeYdf dddGeYeYdddBeYdf dddAdpdieYeYeYeYdf dddGdpdeYeYeYeYdf ddfdGdpdVeYeYeYeYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdveYdf ddHdGeYeYeYeYdHeYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdBeYdf dddAdpdVeYeYeYeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYdeYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYd{eYdf dddAeYeYeYeYdveYdf dddGeYeYeYeYdHeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYdHeYdf ddgdGdpdieYeYeYeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYd{eYdf ddgdAeYeYd]ddHeYd^f dddAeYeYeYeYdHeYdf dddGeYeYeYeYd{eYdf gZZdS(i(tTablet _ValidationRi -itColumnitNullablei itMinValueiitMaxValueitKeyTableiit KeyColumniitCategoryi i tSeti t Descriptiont ActionTexttActioniH-itTemplatetAdminExecuteSequencet ConditiontSequencetFeature_i&-tLeveli%tAdminUISequencetAdvtExecuteSequencetAdvtUISequencetAppIdtRemoteServerNamet LocalServicetServiceParameterst DllSurrogatetActivateAtStoragetRunAsInteractiveUsert AppSearchtPropertyt Signature_tValueit BBControlt Billboard_i2-tTypei2 tXitYtWidthtHeightt AttributestTexti2t Billboardi& i2tOrderingtFeaturetFeature_Parenti&tTitlei@itDisplayt Directory_iHtBinarytNametDatai t BindImagetFile_tPathtFilet Component_iH tFileNameitFileSizeitVersiontLanguageit CCPSearchtCheckBoxi@tClasstCLSIDtContexttProgId_DefaulttAppId_t FileTypeMasktIcon_t IconIndextDefInprocHandleri tArgumenti i t Componentt ComponentIdtKeyPathtIcontProgIdi-t ProgId_ParenttClass_tComboBoxtOrderi@ t CompLocatortComplustExpTypei5t DirectorytDirectory_Parentt DefaultDirtControltDialog_i t Control_NexttHelptDialogt HCenteringt VCenteringit Control_FirsttControl_DefaulttControl_CanceltControlConditiontControl_t ControlEventtEventi=t CreateFoldert CustomActiontSourcetTargett DrLocatortParentiH=tDeptht DuplicateFiletFileKeytDestNamet DestFoldert EnvironmenttErrortMessaget EventMappingt Attributet ExtensiontProgId_tMIME_tMIMEt ContentTypei@-t Extension_i tFeatureComponentstFileSFPCatalogt SFPCatalog_t SFPCatalogtCatalogt DependencyitFontt FontTitleitIniFilet DirPropertytSectioni`tKeyit IniLocatori` i tFieldtInstallExecuteSequencetInstallUISequencetIsolatedComponenttComponent_SharedtComponent_ApplicationtLaunchConditiontListBoxtListViewtBinary_tLockPermissionst LockObjecttDomaintUsert PermissiontMediatDiskIdt LastSequencet DiskPrompttCabinett VolumeLabeltMoveFilet SourceNamet SourceFoldertOptionst MsiAssemblyt File_ManifesttFile_ApplicationtMsiAssemblyNametMsiDigitalCertificatetDigitalCertificatetCertDatatMsiDigitalSignaturet SignObjecttDigitalCertificate_tHashit MsiFileHasht HashPart1t HashPart2t HashPart3t HashPart4tMsiPatchHeaderst StreamReftHeadert ODBCAttributetDriver_i(-t ODBCDrivertDrivert File_SetuptODBCDataSourcet DataSourcetDriverDescriptiont RegistrationtODBCSourceAttributet DataSource_tODBCTranslatort TranslatortPatcht PatchSizet StreamRef_t PatchPackagetPatchIdtMedia_tPublishComponentt QualifiertAppDatat RadioButtontRegistrytRoott RegLocatort RemoveFilet InstallModet RemoveIniFiletRemoveRegistryt ReserveCostt ReserveKeyt ReserveFoldert ReserveLocalt ReserveSourcetSelfRegtCosttServiceControlt ArgumentstWaittServiceInstallt DisplayNamet ServiceTypet StartTypet ErrorControltLoadOrderGroupt Dependenciest StartNametPasswordtShortcuttHotkeytShowCmdtWkDirt Signaturet MinVersiont MaxVersiontMinSizetMaxSizetMinDatetMaxDatet Languagest TextStyletFaceNamei tSizetColort StyleBitstTypeLibtLibIDtUITexttUpgradet UpgradeCodet VersionMini=t VersionMaxi!tRemovetActionPropertytVerbtCommandu _ValidationuTableuNu Identifieru Name of tableuColumnuName of columnu DescriptionuYuTextuDescription of columnuSetu Set of values that are permitteduCategoryuText;Formatted;Template;Condition;Guid;Path;Version;Language;Identifier;Binary;UpperCase;LowerCase;Filename;Paths;AnyPath;WildCardFilename;RegPath;KeyFormatted;CustomSource;Property;Cabinet;Shortcut;URLuString categoryu KeyColumni u$Column to which foreign key connectsuKeyTableu6For foreign key, Name of table to which data must linkuMaxValueiiuMaximum value alloweduMinValueuMinimum value alloweduNullableuY;N;@uWhether the column is nullableu ActionTextuTLocalized description displayed in progress dialog and log when action is executing.uActionuName of action to be described.uTemplateujOptional localized format template used to format action data records for display during action execution.uAdminExecuteSequenceuBName of action to invoke, either in the engine or the handler DLL.u ConditionuOptional expression which skips the action if evaluates to expFalse.If the expression syntax is invalid, the engine will terminate, returning iesBadActionData.uSequenceiiuoNumber that determines the sort order in which the actions are to be executed. Leave blank to suppress action.uMExpression evaluated to determine if Level in the Feature table is to change.uFeature_uFeatureu.Reference to a Feature entry in Feature table.uLeveliuKNew selection Level to set in Feature table if Condition evaluates to TRUE.uAdminUISequenceuAdvtExecuteSequenceuAdvtUISequenceuAppIduGuiduActivateAtStorageu DllSurrogateu LocalServiceuRemoteServerNameu FormatteduRunAsInteractiveUseruServiceParametersu AppSearchuPropertyu(The property associated with a Signatureu Signature_u5Signature;RegLocator;IniLocator;DrLocator;CompLocatoruThe Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature, RegLocator, IniLocator, CompLocator and the DrLocator tables.u>Name of property, uppercase if settable by launcher or loader.uValueu0String value for property. Never null or empty.u BBControluTypeuThe type of the control.uVVertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.uRA string used to set the initial text contained within a control (if appropriate).uhName of the control. This name must be unique within a billboard, but can repeat on different billboard.u AttributesuOA 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this control.u Billboard_u Billboardu;External key to the Billboard table, name of the billboard.uHeightu0Height of the bounding rectangle of the control.uWidthu/Width of the bounding rectangle of the control.uXuXHorizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.uiThe name of an action. The billboard is displayed during the progress messages received from this action.uName of the billboard.ueAn external key to the Feature Table. The billboard is shown only if this feature is being installed.uOrderinguA positive integer. If there is more than one billboard corresponding to an action they will be shown in the order defined by this column.u:Longer descriptive text describing a visible feature item.uQ0;1;2;4;5;6;8;9;10;16;17;18;20;21;22;24;25;26;32;33;34;36;37;38;48;49;50;52;53;54uFeature attributesu9Primary key used to identify a particular feature record.u Directory_u Directoryu UpperCaseukThe name of the Directory that can be configured by the UI. A non-null value will enable the browse button.uThe install level at which record will be initially selected. An install level of 0 will disable an item and prevent its display.uTitleu.Short text identifying a visible feature item.uDisplayu>Numeric sort order, used to force a specific display ordering.uFeature_ParentuOptional key of a parent record in the same table. If the parent is not selected, then the record will not be installed. Null indicates a root item.uBinaryuNameu'Unique key identifying the binary data.uDatauThe unformatted binary data.u BindImageuFile_uFileu?The index into the File table. This must be an executable file.uPathuPathsuA list of ; delimited paths that represent the paths to be searched for the import DLLS. The list is usually a list of properties each enclosed within square brackets [] .uJSequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.uvInteger containing bit flags representing file attributes (with the decimal value of each bit position in parentheses)usPrimary key, non-localized token, must match identifier in cabinet. For uncompressed files, this field is ignored.u Component_u Componentu9Foreign key referencing Component that controls the file.uFileNameuFilenameucFile name used for installation, may be localized. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.uFileSizeu%Size of file in bytes (long integer).uLanguageu?List of decimal language Ids, comma-separated if more than one.uVersionuAVersion string for versioned files; Blank for unversioned files.u CCPSearchuCheckBoxu(A named property to be tied to the item.u*The value string associated with the item.uClassu$Localized description for the Class.uClass registration attributes.uRequired foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the CLSID factory to be operational.uAppId_uTOptional AppID containing DCOM information for associated application (string GUID).uArgumentu#optional argument for LocalServers.uCLSIDuThe CLSID of an OLE factory.uRequired foreign key into the Component Table, specifying the component for which to return a path when called through LocateComponent.uContextu7The numeric server context for this server. CLSCTX_xxxxuDefInprocHandleru1;2;3uOptional default inproc handler. Only optionally provided if Context=CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER. Typically "ole32.dll" or "mapi32.dll"u FileTypeMaskuOptional string containing information for the HKCRthis CLSID) key. If multiple patterns exist, they must be delimited by a semicolon, and numeric subkeys will be generated: 0,1,2...uIcon_uIconuOptional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this CLSID. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.u IconIndexiuOptional icon index.uProgId_DefaultuProgIdu+Optional ProgId associated with this CLSID.uA conditional statement that will disable this component if the specified condition evaluates to the 'True' state. If a component is disabled, it will not be installed, regardless of the 'Action' state associated with the component.u'Remote execution option, one of irsEnumu;Primary key used to identify a particular component record.u ComponentIdu>A string GUID unique to this component, version, and language.uRequired key of a Directory table record. This is actually a property name whose value contains the actual path, set either by the AppSearch action or with the default setting obtained from the Directory table.uKeyPathuFile;Registry;ODBCDataSourceuEither the primary key into the File table, Registry table, or ODBCDataSource table. This extract path is stored when the component is installed, and is used to detect the presence of the component and to return the path to it.u#Primary key. Name of the icon file.uOBinary stream. The binary icon data in PE (.DLL or .EXE) or icon (.ICO) format.u1Localized description for the Program identifier.uOptional foreign key into the Icon Table, specifying the icon file associated with this ProgId. Will be written under the DefaultIcon key.u$The Program Identifier. Primary key.uClass_u8The CLSID of an OLE factory corresponding to the ProgId.u ProgId_ParentueThe Parent Program Identifier. If specified, the ProgId column becomes a version independent prog id.uComboBoxuThe visible text to be assigned to the item. Optional. If this entry or the entire column is missing, the text is the same as the value.usA named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same combobox.unThe value string associated with this item. Selecting the line will set the associated property to this value.uOrderu{A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list. The integers do not have to be consecutive.u CompLocatoru\A boolean value that determines if the registry value is a filename or a directory location.utThe table key. The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table.uComplusuFForeign key referencing Component that controls the ComPlus component.uExpTypeuComPlus component attributes.uUnique identifier for directory entry, primary key. If a property by this name is defined, it contains the full path to the directory.u DefaultDiru)The default sub-path under parent's path.uDirectory_ParentuReference to the entry in this table specifying the default parent directory. A record parented to itself or with a Null parent represents a root of the install tree.uControlu=The name of a defined property to be linked to this control. udName of the control. This name must be unique within a dialog, but can repeat on different dialogs. u Control_NextuThe name of an other control on the same dialog. This link defines the tab order of the controls. The links have to form one or more cycles!uDialog_uDialogu5External key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.uHelpu=The help strings used with the button. The text is optional. uNA 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this dialog.u/Height of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.u.Width of the bounding rectangle of the dialog.uName of the dialog.uControl_Cancelu|Defines the cancel control. Hitting escape or clicking on the close icon on the dialog is equivalent to pushing this button.uControl_DefaultuQDefines the default control. Hitting return is equivalent to pushing this button.u Control_FirstuBDefines the control that has the focus when the dialog is created.u HCenteringidusHorizontal position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means left end, 100 means right end of the screen, 50 center.u[A text string specifying the title to be displayed in the title bar of the dialog's window.u VCenteringuqVertical position of the dialog on a 0-100 scale. 0 means top end, 100 means bottom end of the screen, 50 center.uControlConditionu Default;Disable;Enable;Hide;Showu8The desired action to be taken on the specified control.ufA standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions the action should be triggered.u6A foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the dialog.uControl_u8A foreign key to the Control table, name of the control.u ControlEventudA standard conditional statement that specifies under which conditions an event should be triggered.uTAn integer used to order several events tied to the same control. Can be left blank.uDA value to be used as a modifier when triggering a particular event.u7A foreign key to the Control table, name of the controluEventuAn identifier that specifies the type of the event that should take place when the user interacts with control specified by the first two entries.u CreateFolderu%Foreign key into the Component table.u;Primary key, could be foreign key into the Directory table.u CustomActioni?u^The numeric custom action type, consisting of source location, code type, entry, option flags.uSPrimary key, name of action, normally appears in sequence table unless private use.uSourceu CustomSourceu.The table reference of the source of the code.uTargetu:Excecution parameter, depends on the type of custom actionu DrLocatorueThe Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table.uAnyPathuThe path on the user system. This is a either a subpath below the value of the Parent or a full path. The path may contain properties enclosed within [ ] that will be expanded.uDepthurThe depth below the path to which the Signature_ is recursively searched. If absent, the depth is assumed to be 0.uParentuThe parent file signature. It is also a foreign key in the Signature table. If null and the Path column does not expand to a full path, then all the fixed drives of the user system are searched using the Path.u DuplicateFileu9Foreign key referencing the source file to be duplicated.uCForeign key referencing Component that controls the duplicate file.u DestFolderubName of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full pathname to a destination folder.uDestNameu+Filename to be given to the duplicate file.uFileKeyu4Primary key used to identify a particular file entryu Environmentu$The name of the environmental value.u/The value to set in the environmental settings.usForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the environmental value.u8Unique identifier for the environmental variable settinguErroruCInteger error number, obtained from header file IError(...) macros.uMessageu@Error formatting template, obtained from user ed. or localizers.u EventMappingu6A foreign key to the Dialog table, name of the Dialog.uRAn identifier that specifies the type of the event that the control subscribes to.u AttributeuKThe name of the control attribute, that is set when this event is received.u Extensionu,The extension associated with the table row.uMIME_uMIMEuROptional Context identifier, typically "type/format" associated with the extensionuProgId_u/Optional ProgId associated with this extension.uOptional associated CLSID.u ContentTypeu9Primary key. Context identifier, typically "type/format".u Extension_u+Optional associated extension (without dot)uFeatureComponentsuForeign key into Feature table.u!Foreign key into Component table.uFileSFPCatalogu File associated with the catalogu SFPCatalog_u SFPCatalogu Catalog associated with the fileuFile name for the catalog.uCatalogu SFP Catalogu Dependencyu!Parent catalog - only used by SFPuFontu?Primary key, foreign key into File table referencing font file.u FontTitleu Font name.uIniFileu0;1;3u3The type of modification to be made, one of iifEnumuThe value to be written.ujForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the .INI value.u4The .INI file name in which to write the informationu!Primary key, non-localized token.u DirPropertyuSForeign key into the Directory table denoting the directory where the .INI file is.uKeyu The .INI file key below Section.uSectionuThe .INI file Section.u IniLocatoruAn integer value that determines if the .INI value read is a filename or a directory location or to be used as is w/o interpretation.uThe .INI file name.u3Key value (followed by an equals sign in INI file).uASection name within in file (within square brackets in INI file).uFielduJThe field in the .INI line. If Field is null or 0 the entire line is read.uInstallExecuteSequenceuInstallUISequenceuIsolatedComponentuComponent_Applicationu+Key to Component table item for applicationuComponent_Sharedu*Key to Component table item to be isolateduLaunchConditionuHLocalizable text to display when condition fails and install must abort.uHExpression which must evaluate to TRUE in order for install to commence.uListBoxurA named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same listbox.u{A positive integer used to determine the ordering of the items within one list..The integers do not have to be consecutive.uListViewusA named property to be tied to this item. All the items tied to the same property become part of the same listview.uBinary_unThe name of the icon to be displayed with the icon. The binary information is looked up from the Binary Table.uLockPermissionsuDirectory;File;RegistryuReference to another table nameuDomainuJDomain name for user whose permissions are being set. (usually a property)u LockObjectu'Foreign key into Registry or File tableu PermissionuLPermission Access mask. Full Control = 268435456 (GENERIC_ALL = 0x10000000)uUseru5User for permissions to be set. (usually a property)uMediau7The property defining the location of the cabinet file.uCabinetufIf some or all of the files stored on the media are compressed in a cabinet, the name of that cabinet.uDiskIdu7Primary key, integer to determine sort order for table.u DiskPromptuDisk name: the visible text actually printed on the disk. This will be used to prompt the user when this disk needs to be inserted.u LastSequenceu6File sequence number for the last file for this media.u VolumeLabelu#The label attributed to the volume.uModuleComponentsu"Component contained in the module.uModuleSignatureu=Default language ID for module (may be changed by transform).uModuleIDu Module containing the component.u#Default decimal language of module.uVersion of the module.u Module identifier (String.GUID).uModuleDependencyu Module requiring the dependency.uModuleLanguageu,Language of module requiring the dependency.u RequiredIDuString.GUID of required module.uRequiredLanguageu"LanguageID of the required module.uRequiredVersionu Version of the required version.uModuleExclusionu1String.GUID of module with exclusion requirement.u0LanguageID of module with exclusion requirement.u ExcludedIDuString.GUID of excluded module.uExcludedLanguageuLanguage of excluded module.uExcludedMaxVersionu#Maximum version of excluded module.uExcludedMinVersionu#Minimum version of excluded module.uMoveFileuyIf this component is not "selected" for installation or removal, no action will be taken on the associated MoveFile entryubName of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full path to the destination directoryuName to be given to the original file after it is moved or copied. If blank, the destination file will be given the same name as the source fileuAPrimary key that uniquely identifies a particular MoveFile recorduOptionsuEInteger value specifying the MoveFile operating mode, one of imfoEnumu SourceFolderu]Name of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full path to the source directoryu SourceNameuXName of the source file(s) to be moved or copied. Can contain the '*' or '?' wildcards.u MsiAssemblyuAssembly attributesuFile_ApplicationuqForeign key into File table, denoting the application context for private assemblies. Null for global assemblies.u File_ManifestuLForeign key into the File table denoting the manifest file for the assembly.uMsiAssemblyNameu<The name part of the name-value pairs for the assembly name.u=The value part of the name-value pairs for the assembly name.uMsiDigitalCertificateuCertDatau3A certificate context blob for a signer certificateuDigitalCertificateuA unique identifier for the rowuMsiDigitalSignatureu?Reference to another table name (only Media table is supported)uDigitalCertificate_uMForeign key to MsiDigitalCertificate table identifying the signer certificateuHashu0The encoded hash blob from the digital signatureu SignObjectuForeign key to Media tableu MsiFileHashuHPrimary key, foreign key into File table referencing file with this hashu-Various options and attributes for this hash.u HashPart1u HashPart2u HashPart3u HashPart4uMsiPatchHeadersu StreamRefu-Primary key. A unique identifier for the row.uHeaderu;Binary stream. The patch header, used for patch validation.u ODBCAttributeuValue for ODBC driver attributeuName of ODBC driver attributeuDriver_u ODBCDriveru,Reference to ODBC driver in ODBCDriver tableu6Text used as registered name for driver, non-localizeduReference to key driver fileu!Reference to associated componentuDriveru4Primary key, non-localized.internal token for driveru File_Setupu*Optional reference to key driver setup DLLuODBCDataSourceu,Text used as registered name for data sourceu DataSourceu9Primary key, non-localized.internal token for data sourceuDriverDescriptionu7Reference to driver description, may be existing driveru Registrationu5Registration option: 0=machine, 1=user, others t.b.d.uODBCSourceAttributeu$Value for ODBC data source attributeu"Name of ODBC data source attributeu DataSource_u5Reference to ODBC data source in ODBCDataSource tableuODBCTranslatoru+Text used as registered name for translatoru Reference to key translator fileu.Optional reference to key translator setup DLLu Translatoru8Primary key, non-localized.internal token for translatoruPatchuWPrimary key, sequence with respect to the media images; order must track cabinet order.u:Integer containing bit flags representing patch attributesu^Primary key, non-localized token, foreign key to File table, must match identifier in cabinet.u PatchSizeu&Size of patch in bytes (long integer).u StreamRef_uMIdentifier. Foreign key to the StreamRef column of the MsiPatchHeaders table.u PatchPackageuMedia_u]Foreign key to DiskId column of Media table. Indicates the disk containing the patch package.uPatchIdu-A unique string GUID representing this patch.uPublishComponentu#Foreign key into the Feature table.u[A string GUID that represents the component id that will be requested by the alien product.uAppDatau`This is localisable Application specific data that can be associated with a Qualified Component.u QualifieruThis is defined only when the ComponentId column is an Qualified Component Id. This is the Qualifier for ProvideComponentIndirect.u RadioButtonu_The vertical coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the radio button.u5The visible title to be assigned to the radio button.uzA named property to be tied to this radio button. All the buttons tied to the same property become part of the same group.uThe height of the button.uThe width of the button.uaThe horizontal coordinate of the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of the radio button.urThe value string associated with this button. Selecting the button will set the associated property to this value.u<The help strings used with the button. The text is optional.uRegistryuThe registry value name.uThe registry value.unForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the installing of the registry value.uRegPathuThe key for the registry value.uRootiu?The predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnum.u RegLocatoriuAn integer value that determines if the registry value is a filename or a directory location or to be used as is w/o interpretation.uThe table key. The Signature_ represents a unique file signature and is also the foreign key in the Signature table. If the type is 0, the registry values refers a directory, and _Signature is not a foreign key.u RemoveFileuGForeign key referencing Component that controls the file to be removed.uWildCardFilenameuName of the file to be removed.urName of a property whose value is assumed to resolve to the full pathname to the folder of the file to be removed.u InstallModeu$Installation option, one of iimEnum.u RemoveIniFileu2;4u4The type of modification to be made, one of iifEnum.uMThe value to be deleted. The value is required when Action is iifIniRemoveTaguhForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the deletion of the .INI value.u5The .INI file name in which to delete the informationuRemoveRegistryulForeign key into the Component table referencing component that controls the deletion of the registry value.u>The predefined root key for the registry value, one of rrkEnumu ReserveCostuIReserve a specified amount of space if this component is to be installed.u ReserveFolderu ReserveKeyuDPrimary key that uniquely identifies a particular ReserveCost recordu ReserveLocalu?Disk space to reserve if linked component is installed locally.u ReserveSourceuWDisk space to reserve if linked component is installed to run from the source location.uSelfReguPForeign key into the File table denoting the module that needs to be registered.uCostu#The cost of registering the module.uServiceControlu4Name of a service. /, \, comma and space are invaliduVRequired foreign key into the Component Table that controls the startup of the serviceiupBit field: Install: 0x1 = Start, 0x2 = Stop, 0x8 = Delete, Uninstall: 0x10 = Start, 0x20 = Stop, 0x80 = Deleteu Argumentsu,Arguments for the service. Separate by [~].uWaitu:Boolean for whether to wait for the service to fully startuServiceInstalluInternal Name of the ServiceuDescription of service.uEArguments to include in every start of the service, passed to WinMainu DependenciesuNOther services this depends on to start. Separate by [~], and end with [~][~]u DisplayNameuExternal Name of the Serviceu ErrorControlu+Severity of error if service fails to startuLoadOrderGroupuPasswordu/password to run service with. (with StartName)u ServiceTypeuType of the serviceu StartNameu%User or object name to run service asu StartTypeuShortcutu'The name of the shortcut to be created.u!The description for the shortcut.uqForeign key into the Component table denoting the component whose selection gates the shortcut creation/deletion.uQForeign key into the File table denoting the external icon file for the shortcut.u The icon index for the shortcut.u_Foreign key into the Directory table denoting the directory where the shortcut file is created.usThe shortcut target. This is usually a property that is expanded to a file or a folder that the shortcut points to.u,The command-line arguments for the shortcut.uHotkeyuThe hotkey for the shortcut. It has the virtual-key code for the key in the low-order byte, and the modifier flags in the high-order byte. uShowCmdu1;3;7uMThe show command for the application window.The following values may be used.uWkDiru8Name of property defining location of working directory.u SignatureuEThe name of the file. This may contain a "short name|long name" pair.u@The table key. The Signature represents a unique file signature.u Languagesu$The languages supported by the file.uMaxDateu&The maximum creation date of the file.uMaxSizeuThe maximum size of the file. u MaxVersionu The maximum version of the file.uMinDateu&The minimum creation date of the file.uMinSizeuThe minimum size of the file.u MinVersionu The minimum version of the file.u TextStyleupName of the style. The primary key of this table. This name is embedded in the texts to indicate a style change.uColoriu}A long integer indicating the color of the string in the RGB format (Red, Green, Blue each 0-255, RGB = R + 256*G + 256^2*B).uFaceNameugA string indicating the name of the font used. Required. The string must be at most 31 characters long.uSizeuThe size of the font used. This size is given in our units (1/12 of the system font height). Assuming that the system font is set to 12 point size, this is equivalent to the point size.u StyleBitsiuA combination of style bits.uTypeLibuRequired foreign key into the Feature Table, specifying the feature to validate or install in order for the type library to be operational.ukOptional. The foreign key into the Directory table denoting the path to the help file for the type library.uThe language of the library.uThe version of the library. The minor version is in the lower 8 bits of the integer. The major version is in the next 16 bits. u\The cost associated with the registration of the typelib. This column is currently optional.uLibIDu%The GUID that represents the library.uUITextu$The localized version of the string.u3A unique key that identifies the particular string.uUpgradeu#The attributes of this product set.u`A comma-separated list of languages for either products in this set or products not in this set.uActionPropertyu8The property to set when a product in this set is found.uRemoveu`The list of features to remove when uninstalling a product from this set. The default is "ALL".u UpgradeCodeu;The UpgradeCode GUID belonging to the products in this set.u VersionMaxu~The maximum ProductVersion of the products in this set. The set may or may not include products with this particular version.u VersionMinu~The minimum ProductVersion of the products in this set. The set may or may not include products with this particular version.uVerbu`Order within the verbs for a particular extension. Also used simply to specify the default verb.u)Optional value for the command arguments.uThe verb for the command.uCommanduThe command text.N([tRRt add_fieldR RRRRRRRRR!R*R,R1R4R7R=R>R?RIRLRMRPRRRSRURXR\RbRdRfRgRjRmRqRrRtRvRyR|R}RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRttablestNonet_Validation_records(((s#/sys/lib/python2.7/msilib/schema.pyts,                                                                                     !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!