ó €ˆtPc@s€dZddlZddlmZddlmZmZddlmZdZ gZ d„Z d„Z ej ejd e ƒdS( sõexpand expressions into changelog and summaries This extension allows the use of a special syntax in summaries, which will be automatically expanded into links or any other arbitrary expression, much like InterWiki does. A few example patterns (link to bug tracking, etc.) that may be used in your hgrc:: [interhg] issues = s!issue(\d+)!issue\1! bugzilla = s!((?:bug|b=|(?=#?\d{4,}))(?:\s*#?)(\d+))!\1!i boldify = s!(^|\s)#(\d+)\b! #\2! iÿÿÿÿN(t hgweb_mod(ttemplatefilterst extensions(t_tinternalcs-tjd‰‡fd†}|tjds  %