import test.test_support, unittest import os class CodingTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_bad_coding(self): module_name = 'bad_coding' self.verify_bad_module(module_name) def test_bad_coding2(self): module_name = 'bad_coding2' self.verify_bad_module(module_name) def verify_bad_module(self, module_name): self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, __import__, 'test.' + module_name) path = os.path.dirname(__file__) filename = os.path.join(path, module_name + '.py') with open(filename) as fp: text = self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, compile, text, filename, 'exec') def test_error_from_string(self): # See input = u"# coding: ascii\n\N{SNOWMAN}".encode('utf-8') with self.assertRaises(SyntaxError) as c: compile(input, "", "exec") expected = "'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 16: " \ "ordinal not in range(128)" self.assertTrue(c.exception.args[0].startswith(expected)) def test_main(): test.test_support.run_unittest(CodingTest) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()