from Tkinter import * class Test(Frame): def printit(self): print "hi" def createWidgets(self): self.QUIT = Button(self, text='QUIT', foreground='red', command=self.quit) self.QUIT.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=BOTH) self.drawing = Canvas(self, width="5i", height="5i") # make a shape pgon = self.drawing.create_polygon( 10, 10, 110, 10, 110, 110, 10 , 110, fill="red", tags=("weee", "foo", "groo")) # this is how you query an object for its attributes # config options FOR CANVAS ITEMS always come back in tuples of length 5. # 0 attribute name # 1 BLANK # 2 BLANK # 3 default value # 4 current value # the blank spots are for consistency with the config command that # is used for widgets. (remember, this is for ITEMS drawn # on a canvas widget, not widgets) option_value = self.drawing.itemconfig(pgon, "stipple") print "pgon's current stipple value is -->", option_value[4], "<--" option_value = self.drawing.itemconfig(pgon, "fill") print "pgon's current fill value is -->", option_value[4], "<--" print " when he is usually colored -->", option_value[3], "<--" ## here we print out all the tags associated with this object option_value = self.drawing.itemconfig(pgon, "tags") print "pgon's tags are", option_value[4] self.drawing.pack(side=LEFT) def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) Pack.config(self) self.createWidgets() test = Test() test.mainloop()