$ "$TESTDIR/hghave" svn13 || exit 80 $ echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH $ echo "mq=" >> $HGRCPATH $ echo "[diff]" >> $HGRCPATH $ echo "nodates=1" >> $HGRCPATH fn to create new repository, and cd into it $ mkrepo() { > hg init $1 > cd $1 > hg qinit > } handle svn subrepos safely $ svnadmin create svn-repo-2499 $ SVNREPOPATH=`pwd`/svn-repo-2499/project #if windows $ SVNREPOURL=file:///`python -c "import urllib, sys; sys.stdout.write(urllib.quote(sys.argv[1]))" "$SVNREPOPATH"` #else $ SVNREPOURL=file://`python -c "import urllib, sys; sys.stdout.write(urllib.quote(sys.argv[1]))" "$SVNREPOPATH"` #endif $ mkdir -p svn-project-2499/trunk $ svn import -m 'init project' svn-project-2499 "$SVNREPOURL" Adding svn-project-2499/trunk (glob) Committed revision 1. qnew on repo w/svn subrepo $ mkrepo repo-2499-svn-subrepo $ svn co "$SVNREPOURL"/trunk sub Checked out revision 1. $ echo 'sub = [svn]sub' >> .hgsub $ hg add .hgsub $ hg status -S -X '**/format' A .hgsub $ hg qnew -m0 0.diff $ cd sub $ echo a > a $ svn add a A a $ svn st A* a (glob) $ cd .. $ hg status -S # doesn't show status for svn subrepos (yet) $ hg qnew -m1 1.diff abort: uncommitted changes in subrepository sub [255] $ cd ..