Label: Set acme's rio window label. contribindex: pretty-print /n/sources/contrib/*/INDEX (slow! run from cron) [updated 2011-01-19]. dbm.c: convert dbm to watts. dbw.c: convert dbW to watts. echon.c: 'echo -n ...' as a standalone command. finger: finger client, inspired by rsc's rlogin in rc. idmirror: mirror IETF internet drafts [updated 2011-03-06]. lsof: print open file descriptors [updated 2009-11-08]. prompt.rc: rc prompt that tracks your user+host names and current directory. rfc: print RFCs and Internet Drafts [updated 2011-01-19]. rfcmirror: mirror IETF RFCs [updated 2011-03-06]. ruler.c: print a column-count ruler. sdiff: diff files against sources. srevert: revert files to the current sources version.