## Help indexing: make thumbnail of the first image of every jpg subdirectory of every dir for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR) { cd $DIR if (! test -e +INDEX) { if (test -d jpg) { cd jpg if (ls *.jpg > /dev/null) { if (! test -e ../+INDEX*) { name = `{ls *.jpg | sed 1q} cat $name | jpg -39 | resample -x 800 > ../+INDEX.9img } } cd .. } } cd .. } } ## Help indexing ... j2k for (DIR in `{ls -d [a-z]*} ) { if (test -d $DIR) { cd $DIR if (test -d j2k) { cd j2k if (ls *.j2k > /dev/null) { if (! test -e ../+INDEX*) { name = `{ls *.j2k | sed 1q} echo $name j2kto9 $name | resample -x 800 > ../+INDEX.9img } } cd .. } cd .. } } ## Report all j2k dirs created by JJ2000 THIS= `{pwd} rm $THIS/log for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR) { cd $DIR if (test -d j2k) { cd j2k if (ls *.j2k > /dev/null) { name = `{ls *.j2k | sed 1q} if (grep JJ2000 $name > /dev/null) pwd >> $THIS/log } cd .. } cd .. } } ## remove empty directories for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR) { if (! ls $DIR/* > /dev/null) rm $DIR } } ## count all PDF files in all subdirectories walk . 'ls *.pdf ' |wc -l #or find2 /n/a *.pdf | wc -l ## Report all PDF files in all subdirectories find2 /n/a *.pdf ## Report missing +INDEX files THIS= `{pwd} date >> $THIS/+TODO for (i in `{cat foo} ) if (! test -e $i/../+INDEX) echo $i >> $THIS/+TODO ## Report missing +INDEX files THIS= `{pwd} date >> $THIS/+TODO for (i in *) if (! test -e $i/+INDEX) echo $i >> $THIS/+TODO ## Cat all +INDEX files in all subdirectories rm $home/bigindex walk . 'echo `{pwd} >> $home/bigindex; cat +INDEX >> $home/bigindex' ## Compare # of files in subdirs 'j2k' and 'NAME' NAME=jpg THIS= `{pwd} for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR && test -d $NAME) { cd $DIR if (! cmp <{ls j2k | wc -l} < {ls $NAME | wc -l}) echo NOT MATCHING; pwd cd .. } cd $THIS } ## df con /srv/fscons fsys main df #fsck con /srv/fscons fsys main check fix ## root con /srv/fscons fsys main uname sys +pac uname sys -pac ## Report missing j2k subdirs echo === Report missing j2k subdirs ==== >> $home/log echo `{pwd} >> $home/log for (i in *) if (! test -d $i/j2k) echo $i >>[1] $home/log >[2] /dev/null ## Count files in subdirs echo === Count files in subdirs ==== >> $home/log date >> $home/log echo `{pwd} >> $home/log for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR) { cd $DIR; echo $DIR >> $home/log for (TYPE in jpg j2k) { echo $TYPE >> $home/log ls $TYPE/*.^$TYPE | wc -l >>[1] $home/log >[2] /dev/null } cd .. } } ## Report corrupt j2k images echo '=== Report corrupt j2k images ===' >> $home/log echo `{pwd} >> $home/log for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR) { cd $DIR; echo $DIR >> $home/log if (test -d j2k) { cd j2k for (i in *.j2k) { # if (! j2kto9 $i >[1] /dev/null >[2] /dev/null) echo $i >> $home/log if (! j2kto9 $i >[1] /dev/null) echo $i >> $home/log } cd .. } cd .. } } ## Help indexing ... j2k...add first j2k to tar mkdir $home/tmp/j2ks rm $home/tmp/j2ks/* for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR) { cd $DIR if (test -d j2k) { cd j2k if (ls *.j2k > /dev/null) { name = `{ls *.j2k | sed 1q} cp $name $home/tmp/j2ks/^$DIR^.j2k } cd .. } cd .. } } ## Rm unwanted dirs from ... j2k nested in categories for (j in *) { if (test -d $j) { cd $j for (DIR in *) { if (test -d $DIR) { cd $DIR if (test -d jpg) { rm -fr jpg } cd .. } } cd .. } } ## mount another fossil disk man 4 fossil ## mount SAMBA network disk aux/cifs vavr.gli.cas.cz aux/cifs -m /n/vavr.gli.cas.cz ls /n/vavr.gli.cas.cz aux/cifs Geopicture.gli.cas.cz aux/cifs -m /n/Geopicture.gli.cas.cz ls '/n/Geopicture.gli.cas.cz/moje data/cej' aux/cifs -m /n/cluster Cluster.asuch.cas.cz ls /n/cluster/geohome/cej #last touched file in a tree walk DIR 'ls -lt | sed 1q' | awk ' /Sep/' | sort +6 | tail -n 3 :; |sed 's/www\.sciencedirect\.com/' :; |sed 's/www\.jstor\.org/' dircp without rewriting existing files @{cd fromdir && tar cp .} | @{cd todir && tar xkT} #print files from N1 to N2 ls * | awk 'NR>=N1 && NR<=N2 { print($0 " \\")}'