#!/bin/sh # .PP # S3rmarena is a simple and dangerous script that reads an s3venti # configuration file and attempts to remove the contents of the # designated bucket and the bucket itself using the undocumented # .I s3 # program. Due to laziness on the part of the implementor, s3rmarena # will only remove a limited number of blocks on any given invocation. # Should there be more blocks remaining in the bucket, the script will # fail with an error. The script may need to be run multiple times to # successfully empty and remove the bucket. if test -z "$1" then bucket=`awk '/^bucket/ {print $2}' s3venti.conf` else bucket="$1" fi s3 ls $bucket | sed 's/>\n/ { gsub("",""); print }' | xargs s3 rm $bucket s3 rm $bucket