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NdȋBN=ֺ.wN 9iNCNuOILLO֯OO[пOE!P/'%UP_QP6PbDP{U[*QmUx`Q*4VQz5߼QlX R.4R9mr"iRY) kRعeR$N(Sa򮌮>S }W-sSO\]ScbuSp] T%L9hGT.B}T}Ô%IT\nTsqUFQU`RUxӫU?+dpU5=%VN=@[Vҟ&VG0JV=:YVf$0W&sdWW)>W]3sMXk5!a9XBioX)8ӣX*4X5AHxY(-\CYr%4xYv/AYiY?ZOMZ20HwZ~$|7Z-[bZXC}"[;/V[ ;C-[SJ[= \[M"4+\0IΕ2a\|AH\[R\ysKp]WPM4]mH=j]Į]-f]u8W]am ^|M$D@^`-Ut^x^WUH^P.5_[ypH_r]~_':__ k_EW`RVR`'.N`(:W"`Yv5`announce opening %s: %rannounce arg format %s%s/announce reading %s: %rannounce %sannounce writing %s: %r%s/listenlisten opening %s: %rlisten arg format %slisten reading %s/listen: %raccept %s%s/datareject %s %s%s/%s/clonebad dial string: %s/netbad dial string: %s%s/cs%s/%smainfl->f == nilf->ref == 0no parentcannot remove roothas childrenparent changed underfootfl != nil && fl->f == fcreate in non-directoryfile already existsunknown../nonewrite prohibitedwstat prohibitedbad length in 9P2000 message headerIJʲҲٲ ߲authinfobad auth info from factotumfauth_proxy - no factotumUNKNOWN AUTH ERRORstartfauth_proxy start: %rreadauth_proxy write fd: %rwriteauth_proxy short read: %sauth_proxy rpc write: %s: %rauth_proxy rpc: %r/mnt/factotum/rpcopening /mnt/factotum/rpc: %rincrefreq %p %ld lookupreq %lud closereq %p %ld removereq %lud R{PD?unknown specifier in attach/dev/timecreate prohibitedNaN+Inf-Infe%de%de%d qunlock called with qlock not held, from %#p ((((( H <-%d- %F: dup tag <-%d- %F: %s <-%d- %F f != nillib9p: unused documented feature not implemented9Punknown9P2000error == nil%s: authentication not requirederror == nilcannot clone open fidno walk function, no file trees0opendirfile failedfid mode is 0x%ux no srv->readwrite on fid with open mode 0x%uxno srv->writeremove %s: %rconvD2M(_,_,BIT16SZ) did not return BIT16SZout of memoryconvD2M failswstat -- attempt to change typewstat -- attempt to change devwstat -- attempt to change qidwstat -- attempt to change muidwstat -- attempt to change DMDIR bitunknown messagesrv != nilr->responded == 00-%d-> %F n = %d %F n > 2lib9p srv: write %d returned %d on fd %d: %r/srv/%spostfd %s create fails: %r %dwrite fails: %r postfd successful create in non-directory/dev/bintime9P protocol botchmsgopen %.8lux message %.8lux unable to open message channel (%.8lux)cmd %x failed recvpiece %d %d no success %lux poll got no data got wrong answer! %lux protocol errorgot %lux unable to close message channel?q->size == t->sizeq->next==nil || q->next->prev==qq->prev==nil || q->prev->next==qq->magic==FREE_MAGICt->magic==FREE_MAGICa < t->size && t->size < bt->next==nil || t->next->prev==tt->prev==nil || t->prev->next==tt != nil (*t)->magic == FREE_MAGICnode != nil node != nil *loc == nodeolst != nil B2NB(a) == bb->magic != FREE_MAGIC b->size >= dsize2bsize(p, dsize)b->size - dsize < 0x10000newarena %lud pool too big: %lud+%lud > %lud memory pool too largebot->aup == top && top > botpool %s block %p hdr %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux tail %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux | %.8lux %.8lux user data %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux | %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %s %s pool panicbad magiccorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrcorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrdangling pointer writebad arena sizebad arena tail sizemem user overflow (magic0)corrupt tail magic0corrupt tail magic1corrupt tail ptrtoo much block datamem user overflowmem user overflowdon't call me when pool->move is nil B2D called on unworthy blockD2B called on non-block %p (double-free?)invalid allocation sizea->size >= nbsizecannot satisfy dsize %lud span %lud with align %lud+%ldD2B(p, c) == bpoolalloc %p %lud = %p poolalignspanalloc %p %lud %lud %lud %ld = %p poolcompact %p poolrealloc %p %p %ld = %p poolfree %p %p dsize >= getdsize(b)poolmsize %p %p = %ld found wrong tailpool %p %s (%p %.8lux %lud) bad directory in wstatis a directorybad offsetout of memory allocating %lud memout of memory allocating %lud memout of memory in strdup(%.10s) memunknown fidout of memory$@%s: %s %s /dev/usernonenone/mnt/vmware%11d %11d write too largebad point format%11d snarf buffer too longautograbautoreleaseautoscrollautoraisecopypastehidecursorfullscreentofullscreentowindowautoraise-disabledsynctime%s %s onoffbad gui ctloffonbad gui ctlbad gui ctl%11d %q %s onoffmessage channel not openno messages waitingno messages waitingmust write at offset zerobad message channel numberbad message channel numbercould not open message channelcould not send messagemousesnarfguidevtimebintimemsginvalid attach specifierfile not found/file not foundvmwarevmwarevmwarevmwarecannot happen in fsreadno read functionno write functioncannot happen in fswritepermission deniedpermission deniedusage: aux/vmware [-s srvname] [-m mtpt] usage#v/vgactlhwaccel offVMware backdoor call failedno vmwarerfork: %r#c/pidremove prohibited 3o#3o%i+3o,3o-3oC3gEG\GG\ShXNibNicfdNieG\fG\gG\h3ol3onnoNipNirp\sKhu3oxNibad countX 07i77789okdoneerrorneedkeybadkeyphasetoosmallerrormalformed rpc response: %srpc too bigauth_rpc short writeunknown rpc type %d (bug in auth_rpc.c)unspecified rpc error%sneedkey %s badkey %sbadkey %sphase error %s`iu @Ӯfile not foundduplicate fidno forker%s: announce %s: %r%s: listen %s: %r%s: accept %s: %r %s/remoteunknownpermission deniedAduplicate tagIJL O SX^em v   ̗0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEFwalk in non-directoryA