#include "u.h" #include "lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" static int addbytes(char **dbuf, char *edbuf, char **sbuf, char *esbuf) { int n; n = edbuf - *dbuf; if(n <= 0) return 0; if(n > esbuf - *sbuf) n = esbuf - *sbuf; if(n <= 0) return -1; memmove(*dbuf, *sbuf, n); *sbuf += n; *dbuf += n; return edbuf - *dbuf; } int bootpass(Boot *b, void *vbuf, int nbuf) { char *buf, *ebuf; Exec *ep; ulong entry, data, text, bss; if(b->state == FAILED) return FAIL; if(nbuf == 0) goto Endofinput; buf = vbuf; ebuf = buf+nbuf; while(addbytes(&b->wp, b->ep, &buf, ebuf) == 0) { switch(b->state) { case INITKERNEL: b->state = READEXEC; b->bp = (char*)&b->exec; b->wp = b->bp; b->ep = b->bp+sizeof(Exec); break; case READEXEC: ep = &b->exec; if(GLLONG(ep->magic) == I_MAGIC) { b->state = READTEXT; b->bp = (char*)PADDR(GLLONG(ep->entry)); b->wp = b->bp; b->ep = b->wp+GLLONG(ep->text); print("%lud", GLLONG(ep->text)); break; } /* check for gzipped kernel */ if(b->bp[0] == 0x1F && (uchar)b->bp[1] == 0x8B && b->bp[2] == 0x08) { b->state = READGZIP; b->bp = (char*)malloc(1440*1024); b->wp = b->bp; b->ep = b->wp + 1440*1024; memmove(b->bp, &b->exec, sizeof(Exec)); b->wp += sizeof(Exec); print("gz..."); break; } print("bad kernel format\n"); b->state = FAILED; return FAIL; case READTEXT: ep = &b->exec; b->state = READDATA; b->bp = (char*)PGROUND(GLLONG(ep->entry)+GLLONG(ep->text)); b->wp = b->bp; b->ep = b->wp + GLLONG(ep->data); print("+%ld", GLLONG(ep->data)); break; case READDATA: ep = &b->exec; bss = GLLONG(ep->bss); print("+%ld=%ld\n", bss, GLLONG(ep->text)+GLLONG(ep->data)+bss); b->state = TRYBOOT; return ENOUGH; case TRYBOOT: case READGZIP: return ENOUGH; case READ9LOAD: case INIT9LOAD: panic("9load"); default: panic("bootstate"); } } return MORE; Endofinput: /* end of input */ switch(b->state) { case INITKERNEL: case READEXEC: case READDATA: case READTEXT: print("premature EOF\n"); b->state = FAILED; return FAIL; case TRYBOOT: entry = GLLONG(b->exec.entry); print("entry: 0x%lux\n", entry); warp9(PADDR(entry)); b->state = FAILED; return FAIL; case READGZIP: ep = &b->exec; if(b->bp[0] != 0x1F || (uchar)b->bp[1] != 0x8B || b->bp[2] != 0x08) print("lost magic\n"); print("%ld => ", b->wp - b->bp); if(gunzip((uchar*)ep, sizeof(*ep), (uchar*)b->bp, b->wp - b->bp) < sizeof(*ep)) { print("badly compressed kernel\n"); return FAIL; } entry = GLLONG(ep->entry); text = GLLONG(ep->text); data = GLLONG(ep->data); bss = GLLONG(ep->bss); print("%lud+%lud+%lud=%lud\n", text, data, bss, text+data+bss); if(gunzip((uchar*)PADDR(entry)-sizeof(Exec), sizeof(Exec)+text+data, (uchar*)b->bp, b->wp-b->bp) < sizeof(Exec)+text+data) { print("error uncompressing kernel\n"); return FAIL; } /* relocate data to start at page boundary */ memmove((void*)PGROUND(entry+text), (void*)(entry+text), data); print("entry: %lux\n", entry); warp9(PADDR(entry)); b->state = FAILED; return FAIL; case INIT9LOAD: case READ9LOAD: panic("end 9load"); default: panic("bootdone"); } b->state = FAILED; return FAIL; }