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P!f! w!!!$!%!&!' "(*")D"*\"<k" @numbersNumbersshared/adm/usersؗҜ<3#I9=D2[%Cod( aCoc? "(16:?Tm|     Scanning input file %s...Scanning input file %s....... !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Missing arguments -- need two (premature LFD). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Unknown index keyword %s. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Index keyword %s too long (max %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No opening delimiter for second argument (illegal character `%c'). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No closing delimiter for second argument (illegal character `%c'). done (%d %s, %d %s). entries acceptedrejecteddone (%d %s, %d %s). entries acceptedrejectedNot enough core...abort. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Not enough core...abort. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal null field. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal null field. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal null field. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Extra `%c' at position %d of first argument. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Extra `%c' at position %d of first argument. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Extra `%c' at position %d of first argument. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Encapsulator of page number too long (max. %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Index sort key too long (max. %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Text of key entry too long (max. %d). %d !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal page number %s. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal Arabic digit: position %d in %s. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Arabic page number %s too big (max %d digits). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Page number %s has too many fields (max. %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal Roman number: position %d in %s. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Roman page number %s too big (max %d digits). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Page number %s has too many fields (max. %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal Roman number: position %d in %s. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Roman page number %s too big (max %d digits). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Page number %s has too many fields (max. %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Page number %s has too many fields (max. %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Page number %s has too many fields (max. %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Incomplete first argument (premature LFD). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- First argument too long (max %d). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Incomplete second argument (premature LFD). !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Illegal space within numerals in second argument. !! Input index error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Second argument too long (max %d). AeaeOeoeUeuess\indexentry#c/pid`(?55?\begin{theindex} #c/pid#p//fd/dev/consFAILED hangupinterruptquitalarmsys: trap: illegal instructionsys: trap: reserved instructionsys: trap: reservedsys: trap: arithmetic overflowabortsys: fp:exitdiekillsys: trap: bus errorsys: trap: address errorsys: trap: TLBsys: write on closed pipealarmtermusr1usr2unknown signal ((((( H @}?Scanning style file %sScanning style file %spreamblepostamblegroup_skipheadings_flag%dheading_prefixheading_suffixsymhead_positivesymhead_negativenumhead_positivenumhead_negativesetpage_prefixsetpage_suffixitem_0item_1item_2item_01item_12item_x1item_x2encap_prefixencap_infixencap_suffixdelim_0delim_1delim_2delim_ndelim_rdelim_tsuffix_2psuffix_3psuffix_mpline_max%d ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- %s must be positive (got %d)line_maxindent_length%d ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- %s must be nonnegative (got %d)indent_lengthindent_spacepage_compositorpage_precedencekeywordarg_openarg_closelevelrange_openrange_closequoteactualencapescape ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Unknown specifier %s. .. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Quote and escape symbols must be distinct (both `%c' now). done (%d %s, %d %s). attributes redefinedignoreddone (%d %s, %d %s). attributes redefinedignored ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No attribute for specifier %s (premature EOF) ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Specifier %s too long (max %d). ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No closing delimiter in %s. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Attribute string %s too long (max %d). ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No opening delimiter. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Premature closing delimiter. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No character (premature EOF). ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No closing delimiter or too many letters. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- No opening delimiter. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Multiple instances of type `%c' in page precedence specification `%s'. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Multiple instances of type `%c' in page precedence specification `%s'. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Multiple instances of type `%c' in page precedence specification `%s'. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Multiple instances of type `%c' in page precedence specification `%s'. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Multiple instances of type `%c' in page precedence specification `%s'. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Unknow type `%c' in page precedence specification. ** Input style error (file = %s, line = %d): -- Page precedence specification string too long. /proc/%d/noteidrnaRA@$@yPD?symbols \setcounter{page}{Symbols7yACnF?O8M20HwZ Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Expected -o Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Expected -t Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Expected -p Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] evenoddanyUnknown option -%c. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Too many input files (max %d). Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] %s%s.mstOverall %d files read (%d entries accepted, %d rejected). Overall %d files read (%d entries accepted, %d rejected). Output written in %s. Output written in %s. Nothing written in %s. Nothing written in %s. Transcript written in %s. Transcript written in %s. No valid index entries collected. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Not enough core...abort. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] This is %s, This is %s, %s. portable version 2.12 [26-May-1993]%s. portable version 2.12 [26-May-1993]Option -g invalid, quote character must be different from '%c'. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] stdinwCan't create output index file %s. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] stdoutwCan't create transcript file %s. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] stderrOption -g ignored, quote character must be different from '%c'. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] This is %s, This is %s, %s. portable version 2.12 [26-May-1993]%s. portable version 2.12 [26-May-1993]Index file name %s too long (max %d). Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] rInput index file %s not found. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Not enough core...abort. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] %s%s.idxrCouldn't find input index file %s nor %s. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] %s%s.indwCan't create output index file %s. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] %s%s.ilgwCan't create transcript file %s. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] %s%s.logrSource log file %s not found. Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] Couldn't find any page number in %s...ignored INDEXSTYLErPath %s too long (max %d). Usage: %s [-ilqrcg] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...] rIndex style file %s not found. 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