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filenamenot a directoryfile is a directorybad character in file namefile name syntaxpermission deniedinappropriate use of fdbad arg in system calldevice or object already in usei/o errorread or write too largeread or write too smallnetwork port not availablewrite to hungup streami/o on hungup channelbad process or channel control requestno free devicesprocess exitedno living childreni/o error in demand loadvirtual memory allocation failedfd out of range or not openno free file descriptorsseek on a streamexec header invalidconnection timed outconnection refusedconnection in useinterruptedkernel allocate failedsegments overlapi/o count too smallken has left the buildingbad attach specifierno free file descriptorsno free mount devicesno free mount rpc bufferno free segmentsno free memoryno free Blocksno free routesattach -- bad specifierunknown fidbad character in directory nameread/write -- on non open fidread/write -- count too bigphase error -- directory entry not allocatedphase error -- qid does not matchaccess permission denieddirectory entry not foundopen/create -- unknown modewalk -- in a non-directorycreate -- in a non-directoryphase error -- cannot happencreate -- file existscreate -- . and .. illegal namesdirectory not emptyattach -- privileged userwstat -- not ownerwstat -- not in groupcreate/wstat -- bad character in file namewalk -- too many (system wide)file system read onlyfile system fullread/write -- offset negativeopen/create -- file is lockedclose/read/write -- lock is brokennot a socketprotocol not supportedconnection refusedaddress family not supportedinsufficient buffer spaceoperation not supportedaddress in useunnamed error message@fn.cfn.c%%%d.%dlfkdebug:variable: %s = %s (nil)warning: kpathsea: variable `%s' references itself (eventually). warning: %s: No matching } for ${. warning: %s: Unrecognized variable construct `$%c'. Error 0Too bigAccess deniedTry againBad file numberIn useNo childrenDeadlockFile existsBad addressFile too largeInterrupted system callInvalid argumentI/O errorIs a directoryToo many open filesToo many linksName too longFile table overflowNo such deviceNo such file or directoryExec format errorNot enough locksNot enough memoryNo space left on deviceNo such system callNot a directoryDirectory not emptyInappropriate ioctlNo such device or addressPermission deniedBroken pipeRead-only file systemIllegal seekNo such processCross-device linkNot a socketProtocol not supportedConnection refusedAddress family not supportedNo buffersOP not supportedAddress in useDestination address requiredMessage sizeProtocol option not supportedSocket option not supportedProtocol family not supportedAddress not availableNetwork downNetwork unreachableNetwork resetConnection abortedConnectedNot connectedShut downToo many referencesTimed outHost downHost unreachableUnknown errorOperation canceledOperation in progressDomain errorRange errorUnknown error/usr/kpathsea version 3.2Email bug reports to tex-k@mail.tug.org. TEXMFLOGa%lu %s kdebug:start search(file=%s, must_exist=%d, find_all=%d, path=%s). kdebug:search(%s) =>Try `%s --help' for more information. /proc/%d/noteid%d\ecemere xeeeeeeeefff5fDf ^f df if nf ?$@Y@@@@j@.AcAחAeA _BvH7BmB@0BļB4&k C7yAC؅W4vCNgmC=`XC@xDPKDMD $+7@LXg):Ldx -:Qd.DQestilde.chome.home..POSIXLY_CORRECT--%s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: unrecognized option `--%s' %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: option requires an argument -- %c _fdinfo_sighdlrnohandle#eKPSE_DOT:::/::::warning: %s: Unmatched {. assertion failed: file :kdebug:hash_lookup(%s) => (nil) %ld%4d :%-5d %s=>%s%u buckets, %u nonempty (%u%%); %u entries, average chain %.1f. cnf.c.texmf.cnfrwarning: %s: Last line ends with \. cnf.c...../PATH/./KPATHSEA_DEBUGSELFAUTOLOCSELFAUTODIRSELFAUTOPARENTexe/adm/usersؗҜ<3#I9=D2[%Cod( aCoc?: }/proc/%d/notepg/proc/%d/notepg/proc/%d/note D W c p   '8J by   *77 B"Ra t!9&&0 BN e v< (!0 ?W c    % ?[v   ( >i  $ % &2 'E (b )| * < ǘ@fatal: memory exhausted (realloc of %u bytes). `(?TEX_HUSHall333333?shared/elt-dirs.c/kdebug:path element %s => %sKPATHSEA_DPIMAKETEX_BASE_DPItex-make.c%d+%d/%d-magstep\(%s%d.%d\)MAKETEX_MAGMISSFONT_LOGmissfont.logaTEXMFOUTPUTTEXMFOUTPUT/akpathsea: Appending font creation commands to %s. kpathsea: Running %s rpclose(mktexpk)warning: kpathsea: This is probably the Linux pclose bug; continuing. warning: kpathsea: mktexpk output `%s' instead of a filename. kpathsea /bin/ape/sh -c "" 2>/dev/nullt?/dev/cons ((((( H FONTSHEADERSMAKEPKSIZESMAKETEX_BASE_DPIMAKETEX_MODE/#c/pid#p//fd/dev/consFAILED ?kdefault.cprintversion.c%s%s %s Copyright (C) 1998 %s. There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this softwareunder the terms of the GNU General Public LicenseDVIcopy and the %s copyright.For more information about these matters, see the filesnamed COPYING and the %s source. Primary author of %s: %s. #c/pid(dRКZ=%s: fatal: putenv (%s) failed. %d@.$@yPD?kdebug:dir_links(%s) => %ld fatal: memory exhausted (xmalloc of %u bytes). /_AcChAcK7yACnF?O8M20HwZ? @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~? MBL RI RCE%ld%ld O %s%c C %s%c C F %s: fatal: putbyte(%ld) failed. %s: fatal: putbyte(%ld) failed. %s: fatal: putbyte(%ld) failed. R %ld%c %s%s Bad TFM file: String is too long; I've shortened it drastically.%c %s%s Bad TFM file: Parenthesis in string has been changed to slash.%c %s%s Bad TFM file: Nonstandard ASCII code has been blotted out.%c %s%s Bad VF file: Oversize dimension has been reset to zero.%c %s%s Bad VF file: Packet ended prematurely%s The first byte isn't `pre'!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The input file is only one byte long!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s Wrong VF version number in second byte!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The input file is only two bytes long!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file is bigger than I can handle!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file ended prematurely!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%c %s The file ended prematurely!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s Check sum and/or design size mismatch.%s Data from TFM file will be assumed correct.%s File ended without a postamble!%s%ld%s Illegal byte at beginning of character packet!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s I can't handle that many fonts!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file is bigger than I can handle!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file ended prematurely!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s Mapped font size is too big!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file is bigger than I can handle!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file ended prematurely!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s%ld%sMAPFONT : at %s pt%s ---not loaded, TFM file can't be opened!r%s ---not loaded, bad TFM file!%s Check sum in VF file being replaced by TFM check sum%s Design size in VF file being replaced by TFM design size%s I'm out of VF memory!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s ---trouble is brewing, TFM file ended too soon!%s%ld%s Character does not exist!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s%ld Discarding earlier packet for character %s%ld%s Incorrect TFM width for character in VF file%s Negative packet length!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file is bigger than I can handle!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s The file ended prematurely!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a VF?%s There's some extra junk at the end of the VF file.%s I'll proceed as if it weren't there.%s VF data not a multiple of 4 bytes%s The first byte of the input file exceeds 127!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s The input file is only one byte long!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s The file claims to have length zero, but that's impossible!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s The file is bigger than I can handle!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s The file has fewer bytes than it claims!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s There's some extra junk at the end of the TFM file,%s but I'll proceed as if it weren't there.%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s One of the subfile sizes is negative!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s%ld%c The header length is only %s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s The lig/kern program is longer than I can handle!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s%ld%s%ld%s The character code range ..is illegal!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s Incomplete subfiles for character dimensions!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s%ld%s There are extensible recipes!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?%s Subfile sizes don't add up to the stated total!%s Sorry, but I can't go on; are you sure this is a TFM?VTITLE %c %s%s Bad VF file: Title is not a balanced ASCII stringFAMILYFACE%s%ldHEADER D CODINGSCHEMEDESIGNSIZE%c %s%s%s%c Bad TFM file: Design size negative%s I've set it to 10 points. D 10%c %s%s%s%c Bad TFM file: Design size too small%s I've set it to 10 points. D 10(COMMENT DESIGNSIZE IS IN POINTS)(COMMENT OTHER SIZES ARE MULTIPLES OF DESIGNSIZE)CHECKSUMSEVENBITSAFEFLAG TRUEFONTDIMENSLANT%c %s%s%c%ld%s Bad TFM file: Parameter is too big;%s I have set it to zero.SPACESTRETCHSHRINKXHEIGHTQUADEXTRASPACENUM1NUM2NUM3DENOM1DENOM2SUP1SUP2SUP3SUB1SUB2SUPDROPSUBDROPDELIM1DELIM2AXISHEIGHTDEFAULTRULETHICKNESS%s%ldBIGOPSPACING%s%ldPARAMETER D %s%ld%s Unusual number of fontdimen parameters for a math symbols font ( not 22).%s%ld%s Unusual number of fontdimen parameters for an extension font ( not 13).%s%ldMAPFONT D %c %s%s Bad VF file: Improper font area will be ignoredFONTAREA %c %s%s Bad VF file: Improper font name will be ignoredFONTNAME FONTCHECKSUMFONTATFONTDSIZE%c %s%s Bad TFM file: width[0] should be zero.%c %s%s Bad TFM file: height[0] should be zero.%c %s%s Bad TFM file: depth[0] should be zero.%c %s%s Bad TFM file: italic[0] should be zero.%c %s%s%c%ld%s Bad TFM file: Width is too big;%s I have set it to zero.%c %s%s%c%ld%s Bad TFM file: Height is too big;%s I have set it to zero.%c %s%s%c%ld%s Bad TFM file: Depth is too big;%s I have set it to zero.%c %s%s%c%ld%s Bad TFM file: Italic correction is too big;%s I have set it to zero.%c %s%s%c%ld%s Bad TFM file: Kern is too big;%s I have set it to zero.%c %s%s%ld Bad VF file: Missing packet for character MAP%c %s%s%ld%s Bad VF file: Character in undeclared font will be ignored%c %s%s%ld%s%ld%s Bad VF file: Character in font will be ignored(PUSH)SETCHAR)(POP%s Stack overflow!(PUSH)%c %s%s Bad VF file: More pops than pushes!(POP)(PUSH)SETRULE)(POP(MOVERIGHT(MOVERIGHT(MOVERIGHT(MOVEDOWN(MOVEDOWN(MOVEDOWN%c %s%s Bad VF file: Undeclared font selected%s%ld%c(SELECTFONT D %c %s%s Bad VF file: String of negative length!%c %s%s Bad VF file: Special command truncated to packet lengthSPECIALHEX %ld%ldSPECIAL %c %s%s%ld%s Bad VF file: Illegal DVI code will be ignored%c %s%s Bad VF file: More pushes than pops!(POP)%c CHARACTERCHARWD%c %s%sWidth index for character %s is too large;%s so I reset it to zero.%c %s%sHeight index for character %s is too large;%s so I reset it to zero.CHARHT%c %s%sDepth index for character %s is too large;%s so I reset it to zero.CHARDP%c %s%sItalic correction index for character %s is too large;%s so I reset it to zero.CHARICCOMMENT%c %s%s Bad TFM file: Ligature unconditional stop command address is too big.%c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Kern step for nonexistent character %c KRN%c %s%s Bad TFM file: Kern index too large. R 0.0%c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Ligature step for nonexistent character %c %c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Ligature step produces the nonexistent character %c %s Ligature step with nonstandard code changed to LIGLIG(STOP)%s%ld%c(SKIP D %c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Character list link to nonexistent character %c %c %s%s Bad TFM file: Cycle in a character list!Character %s now ends the list.NEXTLARGER%c %s%sExtensible index for character %s is too large;%s so I reset it to zero.VARCHARTOPMIDBOTREPBOUNDARYCHAR%c Ligature/kern starting index for boundarychar is too large;%s so I removed it.%c Ligature/kern starting index for character %s is too large;%s so I removed it.LIGTABLE%c %s%s%ld%s Bad TFM file: Ligature/kern step skips too far;%s I made it stop.COMMENT THIS PART OF THE PROGRAM IS NEVER USED!LABEL BOUNDARYCHAR%c %s%s Bad TFM file: Ligature unconditional stop command address is too big.%c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Kern step for nonexistent character %c KRN%c %s%s Bad TFM file: Kern index too large. R 0.0%c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Ligature step for nonexistent character %c %c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Ligature step produces the nonexistent character %c %s Ligature step with nonstandard code changed to LIGLIG(STOP)%s%ld%c(SKIP D %s Sorry, I haven't room for so many ligature/kern pairs!Infinite ligature loop starting with boundary and %c (INFINITE LIGATURE LOOP MUST BE BROKEN!)%c %s%s%sBad TFM file: Extensible recipe involves the nonexistent character %c %c %s This program isn't working!(COMMENT THE TFM AND/OR VF FILE WAS BAD, SO THE DATA HAS BEEN CHANGED!)InfinityNaN00A/bin/rc/proc/%d/wait%s: %s: fatal: closedir failed. path-elt.cr@cincludewarning: %s:%u: Filename argument for include directive missing. warning: %s:%u: Can't find fontname include file `%s'. warning: %s:%u: Fontname alias missing for filename `%s'. texfonts.map%s: Oops; not enough arguments. /proc/%d/noteidgetcwd: %scouldn't parse wait message-+ 0123456789ABCDEF0X01234567890123456700123456789ABCDEF0x01234567890123456789abcdef0x0kdebug:fopen(%s, %s) => 0x%lx kdebug:fclose(0x%lx) => %d /bin/ape/shsh-c rwarning: kpathsea: No usable entries in %s. warning: kpathsea: See the manual for how to generate ls-R. kdebug:%s: %u entries in %d directories (%d hidden). kdebug:ls-R hash table:rkdebug:%s: %u aliases. kdebug:alias hash table:ls-Raliases/kdebug:db:match(%s,%s) = %d xfopen.c%s: xfopen.c%s: @readable#e/_fdinfo#e/_sighdlr#e/ (Web2C 7.2)hangupinterruptquitalarmsys: trap: illegal instructionsys: trap: reserved instructionsys: trap: reservedsys: trap: arithmetic overflowabortsys: fp:exitdiekillsys: trap: bus errorsys: trap: address errorsys: trap: TLBsys: write on closed pipealarmtermusr1usr2unknown signal./ATEXSIZESwarning: kpathsea: last resort size %s not in ascending order, ignored. pkmftextfmofmocp_compile-time paths.htexmf.cnfprogram config file environment variableapplication override 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