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newpath 336 108 10 4 -88 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave 2 setlinewidth newpath 660 108 moveto 0 -236 atan dup cos 10 mul exch sin 10 mul rmoveto 0 -236 atan dup cos 10 mul 424 exch sub exch sin 10 mul 108 exch sub lineto stroke 1 setlinewidth grestore gsave newpath 660 108 10 4 236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 424 108 10 4 -236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave 2 setlinewidth newpath 728 108 moveto 0 -68 atan dup cos 10 mul exch sin 10 mul rmoveto 0 -68 atan dup cos 10 mul 660 exch sub exch sin 10 mul 108 exch sub lineto stroke 1 setlinewidth grestore gsave newpath 728 108 10 4 68 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 660 108 10 4 -68 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave 2 setlinewidth newpath 276 220 moveto -64 0 atan dup cos 10 mul exch sin 10 mul rmoveto -64 0 atan dup cos 10 mul 276 exch sub exch sin 10 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke 1 setlinewidth grestore gsave newpath 276 220 10 4 0 64 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 276 156 10 4 0 -64 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave 2 setlinewidth newpath 276 604 moveto -64 0 atan dup cos 10 mul exch sin 10 mul rmoveto -64 0 atan dup cos 10 mul 276 exch sub exch sin 10 mul 540 exch sub lineto stroke 1 setlinewidth grestore gsave newpath 276 604 10 4 0 64 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 276 540 10 4 0 -64 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave 2 setlinewidth newpath 276 540 moveto -320 0 atan dup cos 10 mul exch sin 10 mul rmoveto -320 0 atan dup cos 10 mul 276 exch sub exch sin 10 mul 220 exch sub lineto stroke 1 setlinewidth grestore gsave newpath 276 540 10 4 0 320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 276 220 10 4 0 -320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore grestore tgifsavedpage restore end %MatchingCreationDate: Wed May 22 21:30:16 1996 %%EndDocument @endspecial Fe 1017 2269 a(L) p 1097 2269 a(a) p 1157 2269 a(y) m(o) p 1274 2269 a(u) p 1340 2269 a(t) p 1409 2269 a(m) p 1509 2269 a(o) p 1569 2269 a(d) p 1635 2269 a(e) p 1688 2269 a(s) p 1765 2269 a(w) p 1851 2269 a(i) p 1884 2269 a(t) p 1924 2269 a(h) p 1990 2269 a(i) p 2023 2269 a(n) p 2120 2269 a(a) p 2210 2269 a(t) p 2250 2269 a(o) p 2310 2269 a(t) p 2350 2269 a(a) p 2410 2269 a(l) p 2472 2269 a(b) p 2538 2269 a(o) p 2598 2269 a(d) p 2664 2269 a(y) p -31 2330 3806 4 v dyy Fd 43 2414 a(h) p dyy Fc 82 2414 a(d) p 132 2414 a(e) p 176 2414 a(f) p 204 2414 a(a) p 254 2414 a(u) p 304 2414 a(l) p 332 2414 a(t) p dyy Fd 362 2414 a(i) p 1828 2450 4 121 v dyy Fb 2067 2414 a(i) p 2127 2414 a(n) p 2187 2414 a(c) p 2247 2414 a(l) p 2307 2414 a(u) p 2367 2414 a(d) p 2427 2414 a(e) p 2487 2414 a(m) p 2547 2414 a(p) 18 4089 y @beginspecial 110 @llx 529 @lly 380 @urx 783 @ury 1890 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: type1.eps /tgifdict 3 dict def tgifdict begin /tgifarrowtipdict 8 dict def tgifarrowtipdict /mtrx matrix put /tgifarrowtip { tgifarrowtipdict begin /dy exch def /dx exch def /h exch def /w exch def /y exch def /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def x y translate dy dx atan rotate 0 0 moveto w neg h lineto w neg h neg lineto savematrix setmatrix end } def end tgifdict begin /tgifsavedpage save def 1 setmiterlimit 1 setlinewidth 0 setgray 72 0 mul 72 11.70 mul translate 72 128 div 100 mul 100 div dup neg scale gsave % BOX 0 setgray gsave 1.415 setmiterlimit 3 setlinewidth newpath 348 156 moveto 584 156 lineto 584 476 lineto 348 476 lineto closepath stroke 1 setlinewidth 1 setmiterlimit grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 348 212 moveto 520 212 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 584 156 moveto 584 196 lineto 348 196 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 348 212 moveto 584 212 lineto 584 448 lineto 348 448 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 418 106 moveto 520 106 lineto 520 129 lineto 418 129 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 420 123 moveto (textwidth) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 132 moveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 132 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 132 8 3 -236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 132 8 3 236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 148 moveto 348 120 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 228 211 moveto (headsep) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 196 moveto 344 196 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 336 196 moveto -24 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 336 172 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 336 196 8 3 0 24 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 344 212 moveto 312 212 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 336 212 moveto 24 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 336 236 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 336 212 8 3 0 -24 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 200 179 moveto (headheight) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 216 467 moveto (footskip) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 198 310 moveto 311 310 lineto 311 333 lineto 198 333 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 200 327 moveto (textheight) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 324 448 moveto -236 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -236 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 324 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 212 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 324 448 8 3 0 236 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 324 212 8 3 0 -236 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 156 moveto 344 156 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 324 196 moveto -40 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -40 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 324 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 324 196 8 3 0 40 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 324 156 8 3 0 -40 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 476 moveto 344 476 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 448 moveto 344 448 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 332 476 moveto -28 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -28 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 332 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 448 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 332 476 8 3 0 28 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 332 448 8 3 0 -28 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 148 moveto 584 120 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 410 534 moveto 521 534 lineto 521 553 lineto 410 553 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [14 0 0 -14 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 412 548 moveto (\(total\)width) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 528 moveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 528 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 528 8 3 -236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 528 8 3 236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 544 moveto 348 516 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 544 moveto 584 516 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 436 190 moveto (Header) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 440 274 moveto (Body) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 440 470 moveto (Footer) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 654 236 moveto 674 236 lineto 674 369 lineto 654 369 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [17 0 0 -17 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 670 368 moveto 270 rotate (\(total\)height) show -270 rotate grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 640 476 moveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 640 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 640 476 8 3 0 320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 640 156 8 3 0 -320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 476 moveto 628 476 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 156 moveto 628 156 lineto stroke grestore grestore tgifsavedpage restore end %MatchingCreationDate: Thu May 30 21:15:48 1996 %%EndDocument @endspecial 1828 4243 4 1794 v 2067 4089 a @beginspecial 110 @llx 529 @lly 392 @urx 810 @ury 1974 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: type2.eps /tgifdict 3 dict def tgifdict begin /tgifarrowtipdict 8 dict def tgifarrowtipdict /mtrx matrix put /tgifarrowtip { tgifarrowtipdict begin /dy exch def /dx exch def /h exch def /w exch def /y exch def /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def x y translate dy dx atan rotate 0 0 moveto w neg h lineto w neg h neg lineto savematrix setmatrix end } def end tgifdict begin /tgifsavedpage save def 1 setmiterlimit 1 setlinewidth 0 setgray 72 0 mul 72 11.70 mul translate 72 128 div 100 mul 100 div dup neg scale gsave % BOX 0 setgray gsave 1.415 setmiterlimit 3 setlinewidth newpath 348 156 moveto 584 156 lineto 584 476 lineto 348 476 lineto closepath stroke 1 setlinewidth 1 setmiterlimit grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 416 190 moveto (Header) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 420 270 moveto (Body) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 348 212 moveto 520 212 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 420 470 moveto (Footer) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 520 156 moveto 520 196 lineto 348 196 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 348 212 moveto 520 212 lineto 520 448 lineto 348 448 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash grestore % BOX 0 setgray gsave 1.415 setmiterlimit [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 528 212 moveto 584 212 lineto 584 448 lineto 528 448 lineto closepath stroke [] 0 setdash 1 setmiterlimit grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 516 75 moveto (marginparsep) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 520 120 moveto 520 104 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 520 112 moveto 0 -24 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 496 112 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 520 112 8 3 24 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 104 moveto 528 120 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 112 moveto 0 24 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 552 112 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 528 112 8 3 -24 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 132 moveto 0 56 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 56 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 132 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 528 132 8 3 -56 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 132 8 3 56 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 540 95 moveto (marginparwidth) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 382 106 moveto 484 106 lineto 484 129 lineto 382 129 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 384 123 moveto (textwidth) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 132 moveto 0 172 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 172 atan dup cos 8 mul 520 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 132 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 132 8 3 -172 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 520 132 8 3 172 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 148 moveto 348 120 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 228 211 moveto (headsep) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 196 moveto 344 196 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 336 196 moveto -24 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 336 172 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 336 196 8 3 0 24 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 344 212 moveto 312 212 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 336 212 moveto 24 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 336 236 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 336 212 8 3 0 -24 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 200 183 moveto (headheight) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 216 467 moveto (footskip) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 198 314 moveto 311 314 lineto 311 337 lineto 198 337 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 200 331 moveto (textheight) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 324 448 moveto -236 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -236 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 324 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 212 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 324 448 8 3 0 236 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 324 212 8 3 0 -236 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 156 moveto 344 156 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 324 196 moveto -40 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -40 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 324 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 324 196 8 3 0 40 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 324 156 8 3 0 -40 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 476 moveto 344 476 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 448 moveto 344 448 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 332 476 moveto -28 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -28 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 332 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 448 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 332 476 8 3 0 28 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 332 448 8 3 0 -28 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 520 148 moveto 520 120 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 148 moveto 528 120 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 148 moveto 584 120 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 410 534 moveto 521 534 lineto 521 553 lineto 410 553 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [14 0 0 -14 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 412 548 moveto (\(total\)width) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 528 moveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 528 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 528 8 3 -236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 528 8 3 236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 544 moveto 348 516 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 544 moveto 584 516 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 654 236 moveto 674 236 lineto 674 369 lineto 654 369 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [17 0 0 -17 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 670 368 moveto 270 rotate (\(total\)height) show -270 rotate grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 640 476 moveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 640 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 640 476 8 3 0 320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 640 156 8 3 0 -320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 476 moveto 628 476 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 156 moveto 628 156 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 528 269 moveto (Margin) show 528 290 moveto (Notes) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 504 112 moveto 524 80 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 552 132 moveto 572 100 lineto stroke grestore grestore tgifsavedpage restore end %MatchingCreationDate: Thu May 30 21:16:19 1996 %%EndDocument @endspecial 1828 4364 4 121 v -31 4367 3806 4 v 18 4451 a(n) p 78 4451 a(o) p 138 4451 a(h) p 198 4451 a(e) p 258 4451 a(a) p 318 4451 a(d) p 378 4451 a(f) p 438 4451 a(o) p 498 4451 a(o) p 558 4451 a(t) p 1828 4558 4 192 v 2067 4451 a(n) p 2127 4451 a(o) p 2187 4451 a(h) p 2247 4451 a(e) p 2307 4451 a(a) p 2367 4451 a(d) p 2427 4451 a(f) p 2487 4451 a(o) p 2547 4451 a(o) p 2607 4451 a(t) p Fa 2715 4451 a(a) p 2759 4451 a(n) p 2809 4451 a(d) p Fb 2908 4451 a(i) p 2968 4451 a(n) p 3028 4451 a(c) p 3088 4451 a(l) p 3148 4451 a(u) p 3208 4451 a(d) p 3268 4451 a(e) p 3328 4451 a(m) p 3388 4451 a(p) 18 6198 y @beginspecial 110 @llx 529 @lly 380 @urx 785 @ury 1890 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: type3.eps /tgifdict 3 dict def tgifdict begin /tgifarrowtipdict 8 dict def tgifarrowtipdict /mtrx matrix put /tgifarrowtip { tgifarrowtipdict begin /dy exch def /dx exch def /h exch def /w exch def /y exch def /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def x y translate dy dx atan rotate 0 0 moveto w neg h lineto w neg h neg lineto savematrix setmatrix end } def end tgifdict begin /tgifsavedpage save def 1 setmiterlimit 1 setlinewidth 0 setgray 72 0 mul 72 11.70 mul translate 72 128 div 100 mul 100 div dup neg scale gsave % BOX 0 setgray gsave 1.415 setmiterlimit 3 setlinewidth newpath 348 156 moveto 584 156 lineto 584 476 lineto 348 476 lineto closepath stroke 1 setlinewidth 1 setmiterlimit grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 436 270 moveto (Body) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 418 102 moveto 520 102 lineto 520 125 lineto 418 125 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 420 119 moveto (textwidth) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 132 moveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 132 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 132 8 3 -236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 132 8 3 236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 148 moveto 348 120 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 198 314 moveto 311 314 lineto 311 337 lineto 198 337 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 200 331 moveto (textheight) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 324 476 moveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 324 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 324 476 8 3 0 320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 324 156 8 3 0 -320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 156 moveto 344 156 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 476 moveto 344 476 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 148 moveto 584 120 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 654 236 moveto 674 236 lineto 674 369 lineto 654 369 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [17 0 0 -17 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 670 368 moveto 270 rotate (\(total\)height) show -270 rotate grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 640 476 moveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 640 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 640 476 8 3 0 320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 640 156 8 3 0 -320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 476 moveto 628 476 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 156 moveto 628 156 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 410 534 moveto 521 534 lineto 521 553 lineto 410 553 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [14 0 0 -14 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 412 548 moveto (\(total\)width) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 528 moveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 528 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 528 8 3 -236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 528 8 3 236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 544 moveto 348 516 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 544 moveto 584 516 lineto stroke grestore grestore tgifsavedpage restore end %MatchingCreationDate: Thu May 30 21:16:25 1996 %%EndDocument @endspecial 1828 6234 4 1676 v 2067 6198 a @beginspecial 110 @llx 529 @lly 394 @urx 810 @ury 1988 @rwi @setspecial %%BeginDocument: type4.eps /tgifdict 3 dict def tgifdict begin /tgifarrowtipdict 8 dict def tgifarrowtipdict /mtrx matrix put /tgifarrowtip { tgifarrowtipdict begin /dy exch def /dx exch def /h exch def /w exch def /y exch def /x exch def /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def x y translate dy dx atan rotate 0 0 moveto w neg h lineto w neg h neg lineto savematrix setmatrix end } def end tgifdict begin /tgifsavedpage save def 1 setmiterlimit 1 setlinewidth 0 setgray 72 0 mul 72 11.70 mul translate 72 128 div 100 mul 100 div dup neg scale gsave % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [24 0 0 -24 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 412 266 moveto (Body) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 348 156 moveto 520 156 lineto 520 476 lineto 348 476 lineto stroke [] 0 setdash grestore % BOX 0 setgray gsave 1.415 setmiterlimit [2 2] 0 setdash newpath 528 156 moveto 584 156 lineto 584 476 lineto 528 476 lineto closepath stroke [] 0 setdash 1 setmiterlimit grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Times-Roman findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 528 261 moveto (Margin) show 528 282 moveto (Notes) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 344 156 moveto 312 156 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 198 314 moveto 311 314 lineto 311 337 lineto 198 337 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 200 331 moveto (textheight) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 324 476 moveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 324 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 324 476 8 3 0 320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 324 156 8 3 0 -320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 312 476 moveto 344 476 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 410 534 moveto 521 534 lineto 521 553 lineto 410 553 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [14 0 0 -14 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 412 548 moveto (\(total\)width) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 528 moveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 236 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 528 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 528 8 3 -236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 528 8 3 236 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 544 moveto 348 516 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 544 moveto 584 516 lineto stroke grestore % BOX 0 setgray gsave 1.415 setmiterlimit 3 setlinewidth newpath 348 156 moveto 584 156 lineto 584 476 lineto 348 476 lineto closepath stroke 1 setlinewidth 1 setmiterlimit grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 516 75 moveto (marginparsep) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 520 120 moveto 520 104 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 520 112 moveto 0 -24 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 496 112 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 520 112 8 3 24 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 104 moveto 528 120 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 112 moveto 0 24 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 552 112 lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 528 112 8 3 -24 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 132 moveto 0 56 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 56 atan dup cos 8 mul 584 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 132 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 528 132 8 3 -56 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 584 132 8 3 56 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % TEXT 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 544 95 moveto (marginparwidth) show grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 374 102 moveto 476 102 lineto 476 125 lineto 374 125 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [18 0 0 -18 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 376 119 moveto (textwidth) show grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 132 moveto 0 172 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto 0 172 atan dup cos 8 mul 520 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 132 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 348 132 8 3 -172 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 520 132 8 3 172 0 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 348 148 moveto 348 120 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 520 148 moveto 520 120 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 528 148 moveto 528 120 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 584 148 moveto 584 120 lineto stroke grestore % TEXT 0 setgray newpath 654 236 moveto 674 236 lineto 674 369 lineto 654 369 lineto closepath 1 setgray fill 0 setgray /Courier-Bold findfont [17 0 0 -17 0 0] makefont setfont gsave 670 368 moveto 270 rotate (\(total\)height) show -270 rotate grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 640 476 moveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul exch sin 8 mul rmoveto -320 0 atan dup cos 8 mul 640 exch sub exch sin 8 mul 156 exch sub lineto stroke grestore gsave newpath 640 476 8 3 0 320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore gsave newpath 640 156 8 3 0 -320 tgifarrowtip closepath fill grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 476 moveto 628 476 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 656 156 moveto 628 156 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 504 112 moveto 524 80 lineto stroke grestore % POLY/OPEN-SPLINE 0 setgray gsave newpath 552 132 moveto 572 100 lineto stroke grestore grestore tgifsavedpage restore end %MatchingCreationDate: Thu May 30 21:16:30 1996 %%EndDocument @endspecial eop %%Trailer end userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if %%EOF