Original art(1) program was written by someone in Bell Labs , and included in the second release of Plan 9 which means it is protected by the license of that release. Therefore, I've been putting only the diffs to the sources of that release CDROM onto our web site for Release 3. (http://basalt.cias.osakafu-u.ac.jp/plan9/) This is partially because I rewrote it for our students to let them learn how to write GUI programs on Plan 9, yes, it is aimed for internally use. Now, I got the permission to put them in the sources.cs.bell-labs.com. As written above, it is not intended to heavy use, where you can see it when you draw many of items on the canvas. :-) It may also have many bugs in itself. If you'd like to inprove it, don't hesitate and do it by your own. I'd be happy if I could too have those improvements. Good wishes to all. January 10, 2003 Kenji Okamoto okamoto@granite.cias.osakafu-u.ac.jp