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q->next->prev==qq->prev==nil || q->prev->next==qq->magic==FREE_MAGICt->magic==FREE_MAGICa < t->size && t->size < bt->next==nil || t->next->prev==tt->prev==nil || t->prev->next==tt != nil (*t)->magic == FREE_MAGICnode != nil node != nil *loc == nodepool->nextpool->prevolst != nil B2NB(a) == bb->magic != FREE_MAGIC b->size >= dsize2bsize(p, dsize)b->size - dsize < 0x10000newarena %lud pool too big: %lud+%lud > %lud memory pool too largebot->aup == top && top > botpool %s block %p hdr %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux tail %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux | %.8lux %.8lux user data %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux | %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %s %s pool panicbad magiccorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrcorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrdangling pointer writebad arena sizebad arena tail sizemem user overflow (magic0)corrupt tail magic0corrupt tail magic1corrupt tail ptrtoo much block datamem user overflowmem user overflowdon't call me when pool->move is nil B2D called on unworthy blockD2B called on non-block %p (double-free?)invalid allocation sizea->size >= nbsizecannot satisfy dsize %lud span %lud with align %lud+%ldD2B(p, c) == bpoolalloc %p %lud = %p poolalignspanalloc %p %lud %lud %lud %ld = %p poolcompact %p poolrealloc %p %p %ld = %p poolfree %p %p dsize >= getdsize(b)poolmsize %p %p = %ld found wrong tailpool %p %s (%p %.8lux %lud) 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEFrandom writablehw defect mgmt.write onceenhanced defect reportingdvd+rwpseudo-overwritedvd-romdvd-ramdvd-rdvd-rwhd-dvd-romhd-dvd-ramhd-dvd-rtype-7-unknowntype-8-unknowndvd+rwdvd+rtype-11-unknowntype-12-unknowndvd+rw-dldvd+r-dltype-15-unknown%.2ux pagedata[0] == pagemmcsetpage6 called! pagedata[0] == page00no Pagcapmechsts mode page! buf[0] == Pagcachebuf[1] >= 10mmcprobe: cache control NOT set mmcprobe: inquiry: %s not an mmc deviceno Pagcapmechsts mode page! can't read mode page %d!mmcprobe: got page 5, assuming drive can write no Pagwrparams mode page! audio cdda2 audio channels23data, recorded uninterrupteddata, recorded interruptednwa is %ld but invis track starts blk %ld invis track starts blk %ld but nwa is %ld nwa %ludtrack %d type %d (%s)**GOK**audio channels with preemphasis on track %d (u%.3d) unknown track type %d trackinfo %d fails n=%d: %r start %lud end %lud rdiscinfo returns %dread disc info failed read disc info succeeded (resp[2] & 0340) == 0defect mgmt. and enhanced defect reporting disabled! (buf[0] & 077) == Pagerrrecovbuf[1] >= 10error recovery NOT set error recovery set getconf profile for bd = %#x features: %#ux (%s) curr %d feature %d too big for bit map get config cmd failed read disc structure (dvd) cmd failed dvd type is %s BDdrive probably a BD (from inquiry string) RWdrive probably a burner (from inquiry string) assuming -r not -re read disc structure (bd) cmd failed it's not a bd read disc structure (bd) succeeded; di format %d %s: unknown bd type BD%c inferring tracks from toc bad mmcreadtoc infertracks: nwa should be %,lld; tot = %,ld (resp[2] & 0340) == 0multi-session disc %d rdiscinfo tracks %d-%d (last==1 means TBD) toc tracks %d-%d (last==1 means TBD) -ql-tl-dlcapacity %,lud sectors (%,lld bytes); bd%s nwa from drive %,ld; computed nwa %,ld %s: disc is full %s: nwa from drive %,ld != computed nwa %,ld be careful! assuming computed nwa first table %d not in rangelast table %d not in rangethis time for sure: first %d last %d writeok %d recordable %d erasable %d first %d last TBD %d it's a %s disc. (number of layers isn't known yet.) new disc in drive %s: unknown CD type; bs %d 0%s: unknown disc sub-type %d mmcsetbs: could NOT set write parameters page unknown bs %dmmcread too bigmmcread too big read past end of trackend of track (%ld->%ld off %ld)short read %ld/%ldread off %lud nblock %ld bs %d failed track number out of rangedisk in use for writingdon't format write-once cd or dvd media%lld ns: format o->omode == OWRITEdevice not ready to writewriting past last blockmmcxwrite: nblk %ld <= 0 %lld ns: write+verify %ld at %#lux %s: write+verify error at blk offset %,ld = offset %,lld / bs %ld: %r %s: reserve: track #%d out of range 0-%d %s: reserve: bogus size %lud reserving %ld sectors trackinfo for invis track fails n=%d: %r getinvistrack: track #%d session #%d drive in usebad type %dmmccreate: mmctrackinfo for invis track %d failed: %r disc not writablecannot set bs modemmccreate: mmctrackinfo for invis track %d (2) failed: %r disc not writable 2mmcreate: reserving track %d for dvd-r failed: %r mmcinit: nwa = %#luX syncing cache; dvd-r burning rest of track reservation, will be slow mmcsynccache: bytes = %lld blocks = %ld, mmcnwa %#luX closing invisible track %d (not dvd+rw)... ... done. not a writerclosing session and maybe finalizing... ... done. finalizing dvd+r or bd-r... (won't print `done'). formatblankquickblankejectingestbad argauthinfobad auth info from factotumfauth_proxy - no factotumUNKNOWN AUTH ERRORstartfauth_proxy start: %rreadauth_proxy write fd: %rwriteauth_proxy short read: %sauth_proxy rpc write: %s: %rauth_proxy rpc: %r/mnt/factotum/rpcopening /mnt/factotum/rpc: %rnaninfinityinf7635118191655355242878388607671088631342177271251562519531251220703125152587890625190734863281251192092895507812514901161193847656257450580596923828125permission deniedmainbad offsetincrefreq %p %ld lookupreq %lud closereq %p %ld removereq %lud #c/pidremove prohibitedannounce opening %s: %rannounce arg format %s%s/announce reading %s: %rannounce %sannounce writing %s: %r%s/listenlisten opening %s: %rlisten arg format %slisten reading %s/listen: %raccept %s%s/datareject %s %s%s/%s/clonebad dial string: %s/netbad dial string: %s%s/cs%s/%sbad count?$@Y@@@@j@.AcAחAeA _BvH7BmB@0BļB4&k C7yAC؅W4vCNgmC=`XC@xDPKDMDJ-DyCxD(,* E52TEqىE/'E!1Eꌠ9Y>)F$_FnFF"F|FMraB3G yhGiWCG*GJH\)c=H7]rHaxHyֲHL}YI\CkFI3T|I\'Isȡ1I:~^Jd~QJvaJ0}GJ>nllJ$KAjZK=P1PKMZ>dKW`M}Kmn/LDcL^LpuLafirM?O8MrbnMG9Mz)M:Ft NdȋBN=ֺ.wN 9iNCNuOILLO֯OO[пOE!P/'%UP_QP6PbDP{U[*QmUx`Q*4VQz5߼QlX R.4R9mr"iRY) kRعeR$N(Sa򮌮>S }W-sSO\]ScbuSp] T%L9hGT.B}T}Ô%IT\nTsqUFQU`RUxӫU?+dpU5=%VN=@[Vҟ&VG0JV=:YVf$0W&sdWW)>W]3sMXk5!a9XBioX)8ӣX*4X5AHxY(-\CYr%4xYv/AYiY?ZOMZ20HwZ~$|7Z-[bZXC}"[;/V[ ;C-[SJ[= \[M"4+\0IΕ2a\|AH\[R\ysKp]WPM4]mH=j]Į]-f]u8W]am ^|M$D@^`-Ut^x^WUH^P.5_[ypH_r]~_':__ k_EW`RVR`'.N`(:W"`Yv5` h#h%U+h,h-hCvEGS4Xbc4defghhlhnoprsuhx/sys/lib/scsicodes/sys/lib/scsicodes %.2ux%.2ux %.*s %.2ux00(ascq #%.2ux) %.*sscsi #%.2ux %.2uxcmd write: %rdat read: %r: cmd 0x%2.2uX dat write: %r: cmd 0x%2.2uX none write: %r: cmd 0x%2.2uX resp read: %r cmd %2.2uX: status %luX dcount %d n %dur cmd write: %r short unit-ready raw writeur resp read: %r target: bad status: %x unit did not become readyreqsense scsicmd %d: %r unit not ready cmd #%.2ux: %sscsi cmd #%.2ux: %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux: %s %s/raw%s/ctleof on %sinquiry inquiry mal-formatted in %sfile not foundR{PD? bad length in 9P2000 message headercreate in non-directoryout of memory allocating %lud memout of memory allocating %lud memout of memory in strdup(%.10s) memwrite prohibitedwstat prohibited ((((( H walk in non-directory9P protocol botchcouldn't parse wait message?<-%d- %F: dup tag <-%d- %F: %s <-%d- %F f != nillib9p: unused documented feature not implemented9Punknown9P2000error == nil%s: authentication not requirederror == nilcannot clone open fidno walk function, no file trees0opendirfile failedfid mode is 0x%ux no srv->readwrite on fid with open mode 0x%uxno srv->writeremove %s: %rconvD2M(_,_,BIT16SZ) did not return BIT16SZout of memoryconvD2M failswstat -- attempt to change typewstat -- attempt to change devwstat -- attempt to change qidwstat -- attempt to change muidwstat -- attempt to change DMDIR bitunknown messagesrv != nilr->responded == 00-%d-> %F n = %d %F n > 2lib9p srv: write %d returned %d on fd %d: %r/srv/%spostfd %s create fails: %r %dwrite fails: %r postfd successful okdoneerrorneedkeybadkeyphasetoosmallerrormalformed rpc response: %srpc too bigauth_rpc short writeunknown rpc type %d (bug in auth_rpc.c)unspecified rpc error%sneedkey %s badkey %sbadkey %sphase error %sis a directory$@Tversion tag %ud msize %ud version '%s'Rversion tag %ud msize %ud version '%s'Tauth tag %ud afid %d uname %s aname %sRauth tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s)Tattach tag %ud fid %d afid %d uname %s aname %sRattach tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s)Rerror tag %ud ename %sTflush tag %ud oldtag %udRflush tag %udTwalk tag %ud fid %d newfid %d nwname %d %d:%s Rwalk tag %ud nwqid %ud %d:(%.16llux %lud %s) Topen tag %ud fid %ud mode %dRopen tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s) iounit %ud Tcreate tag %ud fid %ud name %s perm %M mode %dRcreate tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s) iounit %ud Tread tag %ud fid %d offset %lld count %udRread tag %ud count %ud Twrite tag %ud fid %d offset %lld count %ud Rwrite tag %ud count %udTclunk tag %ud fid %udRclunk tag %udTremove tag %ud fid %udRremove tag %udTstat tag %ud fid %udRstat tag %ud stat(%d bytes) stat Twstat tag %ud fid %ud stat(%d bytes) stat Rwstat tag %udunknown type %d'%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' q (%.16llux %lud %s) m %#luo at %ld mt %ld l %lld t %d d %d%2.2ux( (c)`bad directory in wstatout of memoryno forker%s: announce %s: %r%s: listen %s: %r%s: accept %s: %r %s/remoteunknownomode == OREAD || OWRITEbs > 0 && nblock > 0fn != nilb->omode == OREADtry refill at failed: %r got %ld write fails: %r n < mdata/dev/usernonenonerfork: %r/factotum/boot/factotumauth_getkey: no /factotum or /boot/factotum: didn't get key %scan't fork for %s: %rgetkey-gqunlock called with qlock not held, from %#p A0Cduplicate fidduplicate tagunknown fidmalloc %lud failsinvalid attach specifier..ctlwawdfile not found..file not foundwalk in non-directorybad mode (use OWRITE)permission deniedaudio supported only on cddrive does not writepermission deniedcd-bd-no-disc**GOK**rerwrrom%s%s%s/ctlwawdaux/cddb query %8.8lux %d %d %d speed %d speed read %d write %d maxspeed read %d write %d %s next writable sector none; disc full%lud speedreadwritebestpermission deniedpermission deniedpermission deniedfile no longer existspermission denied?%.3dunknown track type %d usage: cdfs [-Dv] [-d /dev/sdC0] [-m mtpt] usage/dev/sdD0/mnt/cd/tmp/cdfs.log%s: can't open /tmp/cdfs.log: %r openscsi '%s': %rmmcprobe '%s': %rAassert failed: %s ietextX.stringlibthreadpintfeatsamount_getkey.string/'strtol.cEnocreateEbadattach(strstr.cxfmtlock.c.string..obrk_.s<.rathole disk.hdvdtype3atol.c^atom.s,tab1tab2qlnchangefile.cauth.hautflen.c .string(.stringDcodeqlockauth_rpc.cmount.sXfmtlspow10.cxend/malloc.cpmemccpy.sfcall.hhmmcdevӌEnostatӜ$0.0 nullstringӤ.string#argv0.s\.stringfork.cL.stringexec.s|.stringbdatabutfecpy.cannounce.c`sbrkmemprivmain.cprint.cVgetpid.cCsleep.s.stringcodesSread.cAdofmt.cEnoremove.string doquotepipe.s 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