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wormcopylooping; reset the machine at any time. bad src device %s bad dest device %s no blocks to copy on %Zno blocks to copy on %Zcopy %Z to %Z in 8 seconds preparing to copycopying dev: %lld blocks from %Z to %Z copy%lld not written yet; can't read out block %lld: write error; bailingblock %lld %T copied %lld blocks from %Z to %Z devcopyconfig: endhaltqueryjukeallowcopywormcopydevnoauthnoattachreadonlyreamrecoverfilsysnvramconfigserviceresetparamsipauthipipgwipmaskipsntpunknown config command type end to get out main#c/pidout of files out of wpaths newqid: super blockbuffree: super blockbufalloc: super block bufalloc: %Z: bad freelist fs %Z full uid=%d addfree: bad freelistaddfree: getbufZ***D%d%c%d%c%d.%d.%d%c%Z%c%c%Z%Z%c%c%Z-%Z%co%Z%Zc%Z%Zj%Z%Zf%Zp(%Z)%ld.%ldx%Zn/msgbuf countmb->magic == Mbmagicmbfree: bad magic 0x%luxmbfree: BTRACE cat=%d flags=%ux, caller %#p mbfree already free %.2ux%s %s recv null qsend null qno readers yet for %s q read from device none(%lld) illegal device in 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can't seek %s to %d: %r can't read %d bytes from %s: %r bad authentication passwordbad authentication idbad authentication domainempty nvram authid or authdom authidauthdomauth passwordsecstore passwordcan't write key to nvram: %r fworm ream fwsize = %lld bwsize = %lld fworm: initfworm init fworm: rbounds %lldfworm: checktag %lldfworm: read %lld fworm: wbounds %lldfworm: checktag %lldfworm: write %lld /sys/lib/scsicodes/sys/lib/scsicodes %.2ux%.2ux %.*s %.2ux00(ascq #%.2ux) %.*sscsi #%.2ux %.2uxcmd write: %rdat read: %r: cmd 0x%2.2uX dat write: %r: cmd 0x%2.2uX none write: %r: cmd 0x%2.2uX resp read: %r cmd %2.2uX: status %luX dcount %d n %dur cmd write: %r short unit-ready raw writeur resp read: %r target: bad status: %x unit did not become readyreqsense scsicmd %d: %r unit not ready cmd #%.2ux: %sscsi cmd #%.2ux: %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux: %s %s/raw%s/ctleof on %sinquiry inquiry mal-formatted in %sGMTThu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970 SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec/env/timezoneGMTmkqid9p1: path %lluX%s...9P20009P2000unknownnonemain9p2: auth %s %T SUCK EGGS --- %s nonepermission granted to none: uid %s = %d permission granted by authdisable uid %s = %d authorize: af == nil authorize: af->auth == nil authorize: strcmp(f->uname, authuname(af->auth)) != 0 authorize: strcmp(f->aname, authaname(af->auth)) != 0 authorize: uid is %d mainnone9p2: attach %s %T to "%s" C%d 9p2: attach %s %T SUCK EGGS --- %s ...#¿didn't like %d byte message 9p2: f %F unknown message: %Ferror %d9p2: r %F Tversion not seen9p2: convS2M: type %d%s }          !!!!'!7!B!; A  / 5 # )  H O mcatread past end: %Z block %lld, %lld beyond end mcatwrite past end: %Z block %lld, %lld beyond end partread past end: %Z blk %lld size %lld partwrite past end: %Z blk %lld size %lld mirrread: empty mirror %Z mirrread: all mirrors of %Z block %lld are bad mirrwrite: error at %Z block %lld mirrwrite: empty mirror %Z  @ZyZZZ[\iannounce opening %s: %rannounce arg format %s%s/announce reading %s: %rannounce %sannounce writing %s: %r%s/listenlisten opening %s: %rlisten arg format %slisten reading %s/listen: %raccept %s%s/datareject %s %s%s/%s/clonebad dial string: %s/netbad dial string: %s%s/cs%s/%sNaN+Inf-Infe%de%de%d *=bad message type %d error: %s c_fstat %d fid = %d name = %.*s uid = %d; gid = %d; muid = %d size = %lld; qid = %llux/%lux atime = %ld; mtime = %ld dblock = %lld; iblocks[%d] = %lld c_clri %d fid = %d s@s sss???%s/%s#%C%dlocalremote/net/%s!%s!%s%s!%s!%shangup%.4d%.2d%.2d%T The EpochDay Mon 00 00:00:00 1900SunMonTueWedThuFriSatJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecqqq q qqqqq qqqq q q qq rr0rlqw|iobuf all locked iobuf all reserved iobuf cant map buffer sync: %s sync shorted buffer not locked %Z(%lld) imm and no mod %Z(%lld) tag = %d/%llud; expected %lld/%d -- not flushed tag = %G/%llud; expected %G/%lld -- flushed (%lld) tag/path = %llud; expected %d/%llux Iobuf %Z(%lld) t=%s nvrcheck: can't read nvram nvr read ** NVR key checksum is incorrect ** ** set password to allow attaches ** no password set %s password:Bad password HaveProtosNeedProtoHaveOKNeedCchalHaveSinfoNeedTicketHaveSauthenticatorSSuccessauthentication failed: %s: %s unexpected phasev.2 p9sk1@%sread too shortOKread too shortread too shortunknown phaseproto missing terminatorproto missing separatorp9sk1unknown protounknown domainclient challenge too shortticket+auth too shortbad ticketbad authenticatorunknown useruser %s = %d authenticated assert failed: %s T+R{PD??$@Y@@@@j@.AcAחAeA _BvH7BmB@0BļB4&k C7yAC؅W4vCNgmC=`XC@xDPKDMDJ-DyCxD(,* E52TEqىE/'E!1Eꌠ9Y>)F$_FnFF"F|FMraB3G yhGiWCG*GJH\)c=H7]rHaxHyֲHL}YI\CkFI3T|I\'Isȡ1I:~^Jd~QJvaJ0}GJ>nllJ$KAjZK=P1PKMZ>dKW`M}Kmn/LDcL^LpuLafirM?O8MrbnMG9Mz)M:Ft NdȋBN=ֺ.wN 9iNCNuOILLO֯OO[пOE!P/'%UP_QP6PbDP{U[*QmUx`Q*4VQz5߼QlX R.4R9mr"iRY) kRعeR$N(Sa򮌮>S }W-sSO\]ScbuSp] T%L9hGT.B}T}Ô%IT\nTsqUFQU`RUxӫU?+dpU5=%VN=@[Vҟ&VG0JV=:YVf$0W&sdWW)>W]3sMXk5!a9XBioX)8ӣX*4X5AHxY(-\CYr%4xYv/AYiY?ZOMZ20HwZ~$|7Z-[bZXC}"[;/V[ ;C-[SJ[= \[M"4+\0IΕ2a\|AH\[R\ysKp]WPM4]mH=j]Į]-f]u8W]am ^|M$D@^`-Ut^x^WUH^P.5_[ypH_r]~_':__ k_EW`RVR`'.N`(:W"`Yv5`tcp!*!9fs/GOK/data/ctlhangup! %s %s bad length in 9P2000 message headerreadalloc9pmsg: mballoc failedconnection: getnetconninfo(%s, %d) failednew connection on %s pid %d from %s mb->magic == Mbmagicconnection hung up from %s remote hung uphungupmount read, pid %dnet%di listen %s failed: %r accept %d (from %s) failed: %r 9P read %sneto neto: pkt nil cat=%d free=%d conn9plen >= 0network write error (%r); closing connection for %s network write errorneto: zero ref countnetwork replynetonet%dican't announce %s: %rnetinit: announced on %s %.2ux%.2ux%.2ux%.2ux%.2ux%.2ux%d.%d.%d.%d:::%ux/%d(eipfmt)nonedirtydumpreadwritedump1errornonereadwritegrowdumprele%s: unknown file system curfs not type cw curfs not inited cwstats %s filesys %s cwstats: checktag super cwstats: checktag c bucket maddr = %8lld msize = %8lld caddr = %8lld csize = %8lld sbaddr = %8lld craddr = %8lld %8lld roaddr = %8lld %8lld fsize = %8lld %8lld %2lld+%2lld%% slast = %8lld snext = %8lld wmax = %8lld %2lld+%2lld%% wsize = %8lld %2lld+%2lld%% cwstats: checktag c bucket %6lld %s cache %2lld%% full %lld blocks copied to worm reread C%lld W%lld didnt compare stopping dump!! dump-- make dump backup to wormstatw-- cache/worm statscwcmdsubcommand -- cache/worm errataro-- ro reads and writeswdev changed size %lld to %lld cwinit: checktag c bucketunknown dev in cwraddr %Z bad rodev %Z roread: %Z %lld -> %Z(hit) roread: %Z %lld -> %Z(miss) cwio: checktag c bucket%Z disk cache bucket %lld is full cwio: write induced dump error - r cache cwio: write induced dump error - r+w worm cwio: write induced dump error - w worm %Z for block %lld cwgrow with state = %s %Z for block %lld cwdump with state = %s %Z for block %lld cwrele with state = %s %Z block %lld cw state = %s; cw opcode = %s%Z%s grow from %lld to %lld limit %lld by %s uid=%d cache init %Z cache too smallcache size errordone cacheinit getstartsb: no special starting superblock for %Z %s getstartsb: no filsys for device %Z dump %lld is good; %lld next recover: no superblockdone recover cwream %Z rewalk1 1 rewalk1 2 rewalk2 1 rewalk2 2 split: unknown state %ssplit: null getbuf dump depth too great %s cwrecur: unknown tag %d %s cwrecur: Tdir p null %s cwrecur: root with >1 directory cwrecur: Tind p null %s shouldstop %lld %lld t=%s %s cant dump; not cw device: %Z cant dump: has not been inited: %Z before dumpcwroot %lld->%lld after cw%ldroroot %lld[same]->%lld /%.4s/%s after rosblock %lld->%lld (->%lld) all done%lld blocks queued for worm %lld falsehits dump: badcwstats: checktag c bucketcwtest: checktag c bucketdump %lld is good; %lld prev %lld cwroot; %lld roroot dump %lld is good; %lld next %lld cwroot; %lld roroot %Z block %lld WORM SUPER BLOCK READ FAILED %Z touch superblock %lld sbstore: getbuf read last failed read last succeeded next(last) is not sbaddr %lld %lld next(last) is sbaddr cwstats: checktag c bucket read cached sb succeeded addrs not in relationship %lld %lld %lld %lld addresses in relation %Z block %lld WORM SUPER BLOCK WRITE FAILED /adm/cachecant open /adm/cache savecache: checktag c bucketcwtest: checktag c bucket/adm/cachecant open /adm/cache %lld blocks loaded from worm %d savecache: checktag c bucketlimited to %lld %lld blocks loaded from worm %d blockcmp: wdev error blockcmp: cdev error %4d: %.2x %.2x no error i = %d tag %d found at %Z %lld cwcmd mvstate state1 state2 [platter] cwcmd prchain [start] [bakflg] cwcmd searchtag [start] [tag] [blocks] cwcmd touchsb cwcmd savecache cwcmd loadcache [dskno] cwcmd morecache dskno [count] cwcmd blockcmp wbno cbno cwcmd startdump [01] cwcmd acct cwcmd clearacct acct%10lld %s clearacctcfs not a cw filesystem: %Z searchtagmvstatecwcmd mvstate: bad args prchaintouchsbsavecacheloadcachemorecachearg count blockcmpcannot arg count startdumpdump stopped dump allowed allflagallflag = %d; falsehits = %lld storesbtestunknown cwcmd %s Tversion tag %ud msize %ud version '%s'Rversion tag %ud msize %ud version '%s'Tauth tag %ud afid %d uname %s aname %sRauth tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s)Tattach tag %ud fid %d afid %d uname %s aname %sRattach tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s)Rerror tag %ud ename %sTflush tag %ud oldtag %udRflush tag %udTwalk tag %ud fid %d newfid %d nwname %d %d:%s Rwalk tag %ud nwqid %ud %d:(%.16llux %lud %s) Topen tag %ud fid %ud mode %dRopen tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s) iounit %ud Tcreate tag %ud fid %ud name %s perm %M mode %dRcreate tag %ud qid (%.16llux %lud %s) iounit %ud Tread tag %ud fid %d offset %lld count %udRread tag %ud count %ud Twrite tag %ud fid %d offset %lld count %ud Rwrite tag %ud count %udTclunk tag %ud fid %udRclunk tag %udTremove tag %ud fid %udRremove tag %udTstat tag %ud fid %udRstat tag %ud stat(%d bytes) stat Twstat tag %ud fid %ud stat(%d bytes) stat Rwstat tag %udunknown type %d'%s' '%s' '%s' '%s' q (%.16llux %lud %s) m %#luo at %ld mt %ld l %lld t %d d %d%2.2uxCe~ %LjBb/Ndu'2AT/env/%sTX]a'e''i'm''r'w''admnonetorsysmapdocupasfontbootes/adm/usersdefaultcmd_users: cannot access %s no : after numberno : after name%s: name too long conf.nuid too small (%ld) no : after leader%d uids read, %d groups used usage: newuser args name -- create a new user name : -- create a new group name ? -- show entry for user name name -- rename name =[name] -- add/alter/remove leader name +name -- add member name -name -- delete member :illegal character in name name %s too long %s%s conf.nuid too small (%ld) conf.gidspace too small (%ld) member already in group %s not in group illegal character in name name %s too long /adm/userscan't open /adm/users for write short write on /adm/users create /usr/%s %s %s 755 d%s %s does not exist %s already exists %d:%s:%s:,%s%d cmd_users: %s line %d none '<Ibz:Qn~.?Ol}  <Tr  8 Q e }           ((((( H  (( ((@@@@@@@@ """"        @P@@@@P@@P@@@@P@    @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @P@P @ P @ P     ""  ""write new labelNOT writing new label can't write new label on side %d wrote new label on side %d error reading label block of side %d side %d's label magic byte-swapped; filsys should be configured with xDbad magic number in label of side %d wormlabel: side %d switched ordinal to %d underfootlabelled worm side %Z has wrong ordinal in label (%d, want %d)wrong ordinal in labellabel %Z ordinal %d wormlabel: w != %Z->privatewormunit %Z nil jukebad magic in Juke for %Zwormunit: target %d out of range for %Z load r%ld drive %Z worm: unit empty %Z worm: not started %Z wormunit: %Z for %Z not a wren%s/datawormunit: can't open %s for %Z: %r wormunit %Z block size %ld, setting to %d worm %Z: drive %Z (juke drive %d) %,ld %ld-byte sectors, %,ld %d-byte blocks %ld multiplier waitready: bad magic in Juke (d->private) for %Zwaitready: target %d out of range for %Z waitready: d->wren.sddir not set for %Z%s/datawaitready: waiting for %s to exist waitready: %s for %Z didn't come ready unload r%ld drive %Z wormsize: bad magic in Juke (d->private) for %Z wormsize: w != %Z->privatedevtojuke: type of device %Z of %Z unknown devtojuke: (l)worm %Z of %Z encountered wormsizeside: %Z of %Z of %Z type not (l)worm wormsizeside: side %d in %Z out of rangewormsizeside: side %d not in jukebox %Z visitsides: %Z of %Z: empty mcat visitsides: no parent juke for sides mcat %Z visitsides: mcat mismatch %Z vs %Zwormsizeside: fewer than %d sides in %Z wormread: nil wormunit(%Z)wormread: unopened fd for %Zwormread: block out of range %Z(%lld) wormread: error on %Z(%lld) on %s in %s: %r wormwrite: nil wormunit(%Z)wormwrite: unopened fd for %Zwormwrite: block out of range %Z(%lld) wormwrwite: error on %Z(%lld) on %s in %s: %r scsio status #%x move medium t=%d fr=%d to=%d rot=%d element from=%d element to=%d element trans=%d geometry #%xgeometry #%x mt %d %d se %d %d ie %d %d dt %d %d rot %d scsiio #%x element = %d number reported = %d element1 = %d unknown element %d: %d transport %d full %d.%d import/export %d #%.2x %d.%d data transfer %d #%.2x %d.%d element: juke %Z lies; claims side %d is in drive %d r%d in drive %d mmove initial unload drive w%d has exception #%.2x #%.2x r%d shelves r%d-r%d juke platter not (devmcat of) dev(l)worm: %Z jinit: typejinit partition %Zjuke platter private pointer set %p jinit: privatebad unit number %s (%d) usage: wormoffline drive bad drive %s (0<=%d<%d) drive %d already offline that would take all drives offline usage: wormonline drive bad drive %s (0<=%d<%d) drive %d already online usage: wormeject unit usage: wormingest unit querychanger: nil Devicejuke changer not wren %Z alloc juke %Z can't openscsi(%s): %rtoo many sides: %d max %d ndrives truncated to %d querychanger: %Zjukeinit: nil Devicejuke union not mcat wormreset-- put drives back where jukebox thinks they belongwormejectunit -- shelf to outsidewormingestunit -- outside to shelfwormofflineunit -- disable drivewormonlineunit -- enable drivedrive not devwren: %Z double init drive %d %Z %Z too many drives %Z no drives juke init time r%ld drive %Z Binits: unknown mode %d Bopen: unknown mode %#x chkalloc: out of memoryrdalltagpfilepdirfreereambadtouchtrimunknown check option %s %s oldblock = %lld checking filsys: %s depth not zero on return qid generator low path=%lld maxq=%lld file system was modified nfiles = %lld fsize = %lld nused = %lld ndup = %lld nfree = %lld tfree = %lld nfdup = %lld nmiss = %lld nbad = %lld nqbad = %lld maxq = %lld base stack=%llud high stack=%llud deepest recursion=%d %s->name (%s) not terminated %s->name (%s) name too large /%s %s %lld blocks free free listcheck %s check: nfree bad %lld set fsize to %lld lo = %lld; hi = %lld cant make freelist on ronly device free list%lld blocks free check: "%s": xtag: p null check: "%s": xtag: checktag check: "%s": range %lld check: "%s": address dup %lld ...check: "%s": range %lld check: "%s": address dup %lld missing: %lld ... check: "%s": qid out of range %llux check: "%s": qid dup %llux ?qunlock called with qlock not held, from %#p q->size == t->sizeq->next==nil || q->next->prev==qq->prev==nil || q->prev->next==qq->magic==FREE_MAGICt->magic==FREE_MAGICa < t->size && t->size < bt->next==nil || t->next->prev==tt->prev==nil || t->prev->next==tt != nil (*t)->magic == FREE_MAGICnode != nil node != nil *loc == nodepool->nextpool->prevolst != nil B2NB(a) == bb->magic != FREE_MAGIC b->size >= dsize2bsize(p, dsize)b->size - dsize < 0x10000newarena %lud pool too big: %lud+%lud > %lud memory pool too largebot->aup == top && top > botpool %s block %p hdr %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux tail %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux | %.8lux %.8lux user data %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux | %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %s %s pool panicbad magiccorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrcorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrdangling pointer writebad arena sizebad arena tail sizemem user overflow (magic0)corrupt tail magic0corrupt tail magic1corrupt tail ptrtoo much block datamem user overflowmem user overflowdon't call me when pool->move is nil B2D called on unworthy blockD2B called on non-block %p (double-free?)invalid allocation sizea->size >= nbsizecannot satisfy dsize %lud span %lud with align %lud+%ldD2B(p, c) == bpoolalloc %p %lud = %p poolalignspanalloc %p %lud %lud %lud %ld = %p poolcompact %p poolrealloc %p %p %ld = %p poolfree %p %p dsize >= getdsize(b)poolmsize %p %p = %ld found wrong tailpool %p %s (%p %.8lux %lud) sbrkmem/env/MALLOCFDcanlock(&pv->lk)==0panic: panic: #c/swappagesizeuser#p/%d/argscan't fork: %r%schild returned$@0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEFattach -- bad specifierunknown fidbad character in directory nameread/write -- on non open fidread/write -- count too bigphase error -- directory entry not allocatedphase error -- qid does not matchaccess permission denieddirectory entry not foundopen/create -- unknown modewalk -- in a non-directorycreate -- in a non-directoryphase error -- cannot happencreate/wstat -- file existscreate/wstat -- . and .. illegal namesremove -- directory not emptyattach -- unknown user or failed authenticationattach -- system maintenancewstat -- unknown bits in qid.type/modewstat -- attempt to change directorywstat -- not in groupwstat -- attempt to make length negativewstat -- attempt to change muidwstat -- not owner or group leaderwstat -- attempt to change qid.pathwstat -- qid.type/dir.mode mismatchwstat -- not ownerwstat -- attempt to change qid.verscreate/wstat -- bad character in file namewalk -- too many (system wide)file system read onlyfile system fullread/write -- offset negativeopen/create -- file is lockedread/write -- lock is brokenattach -- authentication failedread/write -- authentication unimplementedname too longfid in useprotocol botchversion conversionauth -- user 'none' requires no authenticationauth -- authentication disabledauth -- out of auth filesat the bleeding edgeno senseinvalid commandrecovered errorillegal requestunit attentionparity errormessage reject errorcopy abortedinitiator detected errorselect re-select failedmiscompareecc trouble occurredtime out errorcontroller errorsony i/f II hardware/firmware errorscsi hardware/firmware errorrom version unmatched errorlogical block address out of rangecommand not terminateddrive interface parity errorloading troublefocus troubletracking troublespindle troubleslide troubleskew troublehead lead outwrite modulation troubleunder laser powerover laser powerdrive errordrive power offno disk in drivedrive not readydisk already exists in driveno disk in shelfdisk already exists in shelfwrite warningwrite errordisk errorcannot read disk IDwrite protect error 1write protect error 2disk warningalternation troublespecified address not foundaddress block not foundall address could not be readdata could not be readuncorrectable read errortracking errorwrite servo errorwrite monitor errorwrite verify errorno data in specified addressblank check failedcontroller diagnostics faileddrive diagnostice faileddiagnostice abortedjuke diagnostice failedz-axis servo failedroter servo errorhook servo errorI/O self errordrive 0 errordrive 1 errorshelf errorcarrier errorrob made me do itout of rangeTbuckTdirTfileTfreeTind1Tind2TnoneTsuperTvirgoTcache  #%&)*,/12478;=>@CEFIJLOQRTWX[]^abdghkmnpsuvyz|c_nop %d c_flush %d c_session %d %s.%snone9p1: bad AuthTs num 9p1: bad AuthAc num 9p1: bad challenge 9p1: id out of range: idoff %ld idvec %lux id %ld 9p1: names don't match c_attach %d fid = %d uid = %s arg = %s mainnoneadm9p1: attach %s %T to "%s" C%d 9p1: attach %s %T SUCK EGGS --- %s c_clone %d old fid = %d new fid = %d c_walk %d fid = %d name = %s ...c_open %d fid = %d mode = %o c_create %d fid = %d name = %s perm = %lx+%lo mode = %o ...c_read %d fid = %d offset = %lld count = %ld --raw--9p1: dirread convD2M1990 nread = %d c_write %d fid = %d offset = %lld count = %ld nwrite = %d c_clunk %d fid = %d c_remove %d fid = %d c_stat %d fid = %d 9p1: stat convD2M c_wstat %d fid = %d d.name = %s d.uid = %d d.gid = %d d.mode = %o ...c_clwalk macro error: %s type=%d count=%d %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x mb != nilmb->data != nilcp != nil9p1: bad M2S conversion 9p1: bad message type cp != nil type %d: error: %s error: %s 9p1: bad S2M conversion ~~Rppp$'p58pEHpVYpfipwzppppppppp ',p5;DpKQDp`fpoup|ppp0A%s: %s %s  @#)%s/data%s/datad->wren.fd <= 0wreninit: can't open %s for %Z: %r wreninit %Z block size %ld, setting to %d disk drive %Z: %,lld %ld-byte sectors, %,lld %d-byte blocks %ld multiplier wrenread: no drive (%Z) block %lldwrenread: block out of range %Z(%lld) wrenread: error on %Z(%lld): %r wrenwrite: no drive (%Z) block %lldwrenwrite: block out of range %Z(%lld) wrenwrite: error on %Z(%lld): %r %.*spanic: %s okay to %s? can't read %sbad `from' device %s in %s block size = %d; max file size exceeds 2⁶⁴ bytes max file size = %,llud INDPERBUF = %d, INDPERBUF^4 = %,lld, CEPERBK = %d sizeofs: Dentry = %d, Cache = %d usage: %s [-cf][-a ann-str][-m dev-map] config-dev usagen%s: too many networks to announce: %s too many nets Plan 9 %d-bit cached-worm file server with %d-deep indir blks 9P servicereadaheadiobufinit sysinit rahsrvwcpscpmb->magic == Mbmagicserve: nil mb->chanserve: nil mb->datano protocol for message %2.2uX halted at %T. dienext dump at %T time went back time jumped ahead automatic dump %T /data/ctl/ctlgeometry?=+-/: KaiD"](0Q:BCDxFXNKconsolecfsusersversioncwcmdcwcmd touchsbcon%s: cmd_install: too many commands cmd_exec: line too long cmd_exec: too many args cmd_exec: unknown command: %s haltbad uid %s astats s%sstatcons stats bufs = %3ld sm %3ld lg %ld res [%d]=%d ioerr= %3ld wr %3ld ww %3ld dr %3ld dw cache= %9ld hit %9ld miss flag_install: too many flags %.4lux %s %s flag[*] = %.4lux flag[%3d] = %.4lux bad flag argument: %s flag = %.8lux flag[%3d] = %.8lux no such channel %3d: %10s %24s %d chans not listed usage: hangup chan-number that chan is hung up console commandcommand %s %s cant stat %s usage: create path uid gid mode [lad] create failed in walkto: %s /name too long %s bad uid %s bad gid %s create failed: %s/%s cant remove %s dblock[%d] = %lld dblock[%d] modified %lld iblocks[%d] = %lld iblocks[%d] modified %lld cant remove %s readonly %s not alloc %s cant remove %s %d-bit %s as of %T last boot %T main%s: unknown file system admFID1 attach to rootcurrent fs is "%s" no buffer clr and start stop and write /adm/kprofdatacant open /adm/kprofdata time = %ld ms attaches are DISABLED %ld out of %ld files used %3d: %5d %ld out of %ld files used allow-- disable permission checkingcfs[file] -- set current filesystemcleanfile [bno [addr]] -- block print/fixcheck[options]clri[file ...] -- purge files/dirscreatepath uid gid perm [lad] -- make a file/dirdisallow-- enable permission checkingduallowuid -- duallowflag-- print set flagsfstatpath -- print info on a file/dirhalt-- return to boot romhelpnewuserusername -- add user to /adm/usersprofile[01] -- fs profileremove[file ...] -- remove files/dirsstata-- overall statsstats[[-]flags ...] -- various statssynctimecommand -- time another commandusers[file] -- read /adm/usersversion-- print time of mk and bootwho[user ...] -- print attacheshangupchan -- clunk filesprintconf-- print configurationnoattachtoggle noattach flagfilesreport on files structureattach-- attach callschat-- verboseerror-- on errorsallchans-- on whoauthdebug-- report authenticationsauthdisable-- disable authentication/proc/%d/note/proc/%d/notepgQ7A0Cscsictlr#%d.%dsense2stcode: unit becoming ready doscsi: nil tp->scno senserecovered errornot readymedium errorhardware errorillegal requestunit attentiondata protectblank checkvendor specificcopy abortedaborted commandequalvolume overflowmiscomparereserved%s: reqsense: '%s' code #%2.2ux #%2.2ux %s: byte 2: #%2.2ux, bytes 15-17: #%2.2ux #%2.2ux #%2.2ux lastcmd (%d): #%2.2ux scsiprobe: device = %Z%s: test, status %d %s: starting... %s: unavailable, status %d %s: inquiry failed, status %d %s: %s scsiio: device = %Z%s: retry %d cmd #%x newscsi: device = %Zrel2abs: neg offset rel2abs: non-positive divisorrel2abs: no %d-deep indirect ind fetch bp = 0 ind fetch tag @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!   !!   !!! !!! !  ! !!!! !                                                                     convS2M9p1: bad type: %d convM2S9p1: bad type: %d Amainmain`etextq.stringlibthread&data.clibauthsrv+df+reflock/fabs.crH.stringportdat.heipfmt.c+search$6rknownfmtpscsiverbosestrtod.cpdatamagicJstrrchr.cdirfstat.cPreadn.cs.string+oldblockIstrstr.cpserveqfmtlock.c{H.string..brk_.s+.ratholeportfns.hp roflagWhangup.cdisk.h^atol.c7conf.catom.s{Pannstrs+lkRnrand.cbinit.cauth.cZauth.hutflen.c{pIPv4allrouterconvTR2M.c{.string+tlocks~.stringpblocqlpresetparamspow10.c8Xbinpdevnoneend,malloc.cmemccpy.spcwflagfcall.hp 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