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\[M"4+\0IΕ2a\|AH\[R\ysKp]WPM4]mH=j]Į]-f]u8W]am ^|M$D@^`-Ut^x^WUH^P.5_[ypH_r]~_':__ k_EW`RVR`'.N`(:W"`Yv5`   q->size == t->sizeq->next==nil || q->next->prev==qq->prev==nil || q->prev->next==qq->magic==FREE_MAGICt->magic==FREE_MAGICa < t->size && t->size < bt->next==nil || t->next->prev==tt->prev==nil || t->prev->next==tt != nil (*t)->magic == FREE_MAGICnode != nil node != nil *loc == nodepool->nextpool->prevolst != nil B2NB(a) == bb->magic != FREE_MAGIC b->size >= dsize2bsize(p, dsize)b->size - dsize < 0x10000newarena %lud pool too big: %lud+%lud > %lud memory pool too largebot->aup == top && top > botpool %s block %p hdr %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux tail %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux %.8lux | %.8lux %.8lux user data %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux | %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %.2ux %s %s pool panicbad magiccorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrcorrupt tail magiccorrupt tail ptrdangling pointer writebad arena sizebad arena tail sizemem user overflow (magic0)corrupt tail magic0corrupt tail magic1corrupt tail ptrtoo much block datamem user overflowmem user overflowdon't call me when pool->move is nil B2D called on unworthy blockD2B called on non-block %p (double-free?)invalid allocation sizea->size >= nbsizecannot satisfy dsize %lud span %lud with align %lud+%ldD2B(p, c) == bpoolalloc %p %lud = %p poolalignspanalloc %p %lud %lud %lud %ld = %p poolcompact %p poolrealloc %p %p %ld = %p poolfree %p %p dsize >= getdsize(b)poolmsize %p %p = %ld found wrong tailpool %p %s (%p %.8lux %lud) R{PD?sbrkmem/env/MALLOCFDcanlock(&pv->lk)==0panic: panic: 0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF ((((( H ?$@y.tmp.XXXXXX/sys/lib/yaccpartab.cbinaryleftnonassocprecrightstarttermtokentypeunioncannot find parser %syyr1yyr2yychkyydefyacc bug -- cant have 2 different Ts with same value %s and %s yytok1yacc bug -- cant have 2 different Ts with same value %s and %s yytok2long yytok3[] = { %4d,%4d, %4d }; cannot reopen action tempfile: item too big (%d) %d/%d terminals, %d/%d nonterminals %d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported %d/%d working sets used memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d %d/%d distinct lookahead sets %d extra closures %d shift entries, %d exceptions %d goto entries %d entries saved by goto default conflicts: %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce fatal error:, %s:%d error NULL { %s }nonterminal %s not defined!errorinternal Yacc error: pyield %d %s: %d yacc state/nolook errortoo many statesputitem(%s), state %d out of state spacenonterminal %s never derives any token stringerror%d: %s %d, working set overflow State %d, nolook = %d flag set! %s too many lookahead setsinterruptedusage: yacc [-Dn] [-vdS] [-o outputfile] [-s stem] grammar usagey/sys/lib/yaccparsillegal option: %ccannot open temp fileno input file%s/%scannot open '%s'$enderror$accept$unkbad %%start constructionbad syntax in %%typetype redeclaration of token %stype redeclaration of nonterminal %s%s defined earlier as nonterminalredeclaration of precedence of %sredeclaration of type of %splease define type number of %s earliersyntax errorunexpected EOF before %%extern int yyerrflag; #ifndef YYMAXDEPTH #define YYMAXDEPTH 150 #endif #ifndef YYSTYPE #define YYSTYPE int #endif YYSTYPE yylval; YYSTYPE yyval; bad syntax on first ruletoken illegal on LHS of grammar ruleillegal rule: missing semicolon or | ?illegal %%prec syntaxnonterminal %s illegal after %%prec case %d: break;$$%dmore than %d rulesmust return a value, since LHS has a typedefault action causes potential type clashmore than %d rules #line %d "%s" #define YYEOFCODE %d #define YYERRCODE %d too many nonterminals, limit %dtoo many terminals, limit %dinvalid escapeillegal \nnn construction'\000' is illegalunknown escape#define %s %d #define %s %d char* yytoknames[] = { "%s", 0, }; too many characters in id's and literalsunterminated < ... > clauseillegal or missing ' or "invalid escape, or illegal reserved word: %smust specify type for %s%s should have been defined earlier #line %d "%s" typedef union typedef union EOF encountered while processing %%union YYSTYPE; YYSTYPE; extern YYSTYPE yylval; #line %d "%s" eof before %%}illegal commentEOF inside comment #line %d "%s" bad syntax on $ clauseyyval.%sIllegal use of $%dyypt[-%d].yyvmust specify type of $%d.%s$ must be followed by an identifier# must be followed by number$name or $name#number not foundEOF inside commentnewline in string or char. const.EOF in string or character constantaction does not terminate%s.%soutputcannot open %s%s.%sdebugcan't open %s%s.%stab.hcan't create %s%s.%stab.ccannot open table file %sshort yyexca[] = {char* yystates[] = { %d: reduce/reduce conflict (red'ns %d and %d ) on %s}; }; #define YYNPROD %d #define YYPRIVATE %d #define yydebug %s off = %d, k = %d action table overflow %d no space in action table$ %d,%d,%d %s: gotos on %s %d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d(%d), red'n %d(%d)) on %s-1, %d, %d, %d, %d,%d, -2, %d, 0, /*%d*/ "%s\n%s\n", /*%d*/ state %d %s %s %s accepterrorshift %dreduce %d (src line %d) . reduce %d (src line %d) . error %s goto %d short %s[] = { %4d }; ,Rule not reduced: %s %d rules never reduced optimizer cannot open tempfilebad tempfilebad tempfileState %d: null %4d %4d a array overflowa array overflowNonterminal %d, entry at %d cannot place goto %d State %d: entry at %d equals state %d out of space in optimizer a arrayclobber of a array, pos'n %d, by %dState %d: entry at %d Error; failure to place state %d nxti = %d, max = %d Optimizer space used: input %d/%d, output %d/%d %d table entries, %d zero maximum spread: %d, maximum offset: %d #define YYLAST %d yyactyypactyypgoshort %s[] = { %4d }; ,out of spaceassert failed: %s mainA0CBinits: unknown mode %d Bopen: unknown mode %#x       &8L.Aetextnolookmktemp.c.string,.string/Wfabs.cnnonterzzacent factionSstrtod.cnstatecldebug"prdptrfstrstr.c;nontrstnullstringNrlinesXfmtlock.cIbrk_.sLsbrkmemg.rathole.stringntypesgmstatesatol.c zzclose=atom.s$fdefinepstate`binit.c@utflen.c(zzgoent,atexitflag0adbTpow10.c eendmalloc.cvlrt.cJwerrstr.c.stringDfltfmt.cL_ctypeVfrexp.cmainmem#fmtdef.h tstates-remove.slastred ntstatesmain9.sL$0.3ff00000 Hdefactzzrrconf%snprint.c bio.hbloc1_exits.sinclude_nprivates$sprint.czzsrconfndefoutT$0.40240000tempnamefdebug cnamescnamszCfmt.c typesetUnan.cEerrfmt.c\ttempnamel.stringstrecpy.c tystatefinputggreedBvsnprint.c?getcallerpc.s29sys!d.string!|_exitsftable!vseprint.ctos.hatexit.c3write.c'fprint.cactnamenerrorsinfile/errstr.s"vfprint.c!omode$1Rtoupper.cextval9abort.c!$0.41b00000maxoff!$0.43300000hstrchr.s 9levprdmaxsprlinenoNconvM2D.cstrcmp.clibcpeekline$184!.string_assert.cpidebug:strcpy.sg2debugport!tab1"Ltab2gcreate.sLdirstat.c parser_bprint.c".stringstrlen.s Rfmtlyydebugpkdebug Rpfirst \Dpempty_privatesbbgetrune.c"$0.41f00000abgetc.cCD () st  main .frameargvargcothers$.frame.safe jicchcopy.framepqwritem.framei.safe 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