# plugnv - sheeva plug, openrd-client, guruplug, dreamplug and others based on # marvell's kirkwood soc. includes compiled-in nvram. dev root cons env pipe proc mnt srv dup rtc arch ssl tls cap kprof aoe sd fs flash twsi # pnp pci ether netif ip arp chandial ip ipv6 ipaux iproute netlog nullmedium pktmedium ptclbsum inferno ## draw screen vga vgax ## mouse mouse ## vga # kbmap ## kbin uart usb link ether1116 ethermii archkw ethermedium # no flash yet for guruplug nor dreamplug; it keeps changing, and # on the dreamplug, flash is spi instead of nand. flashkw ecc loopbackmedium netdevmedium usbehci usbehcikw ip tcp udp ipifc icmp icmp6 ipmux misc rdb coproc sdaoe sdscsi softfpu syscall uartkw ucalloc ## vgavesa port int cpuserver = 1; int i8250freq = 3686000; boot cpu tcp # paq bootdir boot$CONF.out boot /arm/bin/ip/ipconfig /arm/bin/auth/factotum # /arm/bin/paqfs /arm/bin/usb/usbd # compiled-in nvram is a hack and only needed if flash is inaccessible, # usb won't work, and we don't have coraid access. it should not be used # on outside machines. nvram