#include #include #include #include "grap.h" #include "y.tab.h" void line(int type, Point p1, Point p2, Attr *desc) /* draw a line segment */ { fprintf(tfd, "%s %s from %s", type==LINE ? "line" : "arrow", desc_str(desc), xyname(p1)); fprintf(tfd, " to %s", xyname(p2)); /* 'cause xyname is botched */ fprintf(tfd, "\n"); range(p1); range(p2); } void circle(double r, Point pt) /* draw a circle */ { if (r > 0.0) fprintf(tfd, "circle rad %g at %s\n", r, xyname(pt)); else fprintf(tfd, "\"\\s-3\\(ob\\s0\" at %s\n", xyname(pt)); range(pt); } char *xyname(Point pt) /* generate xy name macro for point p */ { static char buf[200]; Obj *p; p = pt.obj; if (p->log & XFLAG) { if (pt.x <= 0.0) ERROR "can't take log of x coord %g", pt.x FATAL; logit(pt.x); } if (p->log & YFLAG) { if (pt.y <= 0.0) ERROR "can't take log of y coord %g", pt.y FATAL; logit(pt.y); } sprintf(buf, "xy_%s(%g,%g)", p->name, pt.x, pt.y); return buf; /* WATCH IT: static */ } void pic(char *s) /* fire out pic stuff directly */ { while (*s == ' ') s++; fprintf(tfd, "%s\n", s); } int auto_x = 0; /* counts abscissa if none provided */ void numlist(void) /* print numbers in default way */ { Obj *p; Point pt; int i; static char *spot = "\\(bu"; Attr *ap; p = pt.obj = lookup(curr_coord, 1); if (nnum == 1) { nnum = 2; num[1] = num[0]; num[0] = ++auto_x; } pt.x = num[0]; if (p->attr && p->attr->sval) spot = p->attr->sval; for (i = 1; i < nnum; i++) { pt.y = num[i]; if (p->attr == 0 || p->attr->type == 0) { ap = makesattr(tostring(spot)); plot(ap, pt); } else next(p, pt, p->attr); } nnum = 0; } void plot(Attr *sl, Point pt) /* put stringlist sl at point pt */ { fprintf(tfd, "%s at %s\n", slprint(sl), xyname(pt)); range(pt); freeattr(sl); } void plotnum(double f, char *fmt, Point pt) /* plot value f at point */ { char buf[100]; if (fmt) { sprintf(buf, fmt, f); free(fmt); } else if (f >= 0.0) sprintf(buf, "%g", f); else sprintf(buf, "\\-%g", -f); fprintf(tfd, "\"%s\" at %s\n", buf, xyname(pt)); range(pt); } void drawdesc(int type, Obj *p, Attr *desc, char *s) /* set line description for p */ { p->attr = desc; p->attr->sval = s; if (type == NEW) { p->first = 0; /* so it really looks new */ auto_x = 0; } } void next(Obj *p, Point pt, Attr *desc) /* add component to a path */ { char *s; if (p->first == 0) { p->first++; fprintf(tfd, "L%s: %s\n", p->name, xyname(pt)); } else { fprintf(tfd, "line %s from L%s to %s; L%s: Here\n", desc_str(desc->type ? desc : p->attr), p->name, xyname(pt), p->name); } if (p->attr && (s=p->attr->sval)) { /* BUG: should fix size here */ fprintf(tfd, "\"%s\" at %s\n", s, xyname(pt)); } range(pt); }