/* * Copyright (C) 2002 artofcode LLC. All rights reserved. * See toolbin/encs2c.ps for the complete license notice. * * $Id: gscedata.h,v 1.4 2004/10/04 17:28:33 igor Exp $ * * This file contains substantial parts of toolbin/encs2c.ps, * which generated the remainder of the file mechanically from * gs_std_e.ps gs_il1_e.ps gs_sym_e.ps gs_dbt_e.ps * gs_wan_e.ps gs_mro_e.ps gs_mex_e.ps gs_mgl_e.ps * gs_lgo_e.ps gs_lgx_e.ps gs_css_e.ps */ #ifndef gscedata_INCLUDED # define gscedata_INCLUDED #define NUM_LEN_BITS 5 #define N(len,offset) (((offset) << NUM_LEN_BITS) + (len)) #define N_LEN(e) ((e) & ((1 << NUM_LEN_BITS) - 1)) #define N_OFFSET(e) ((e) >> NUM_LEN_BITS) extern const char gs_c_known_encoding_chars[]; extern const int gs_c_known_encoding_total_chars; extern const int gs_c_known_encoding_max_length; extern const ushort gs_c_known_encoding_offsets[]; extern const int gs_c_known_encoding_count; extern const ushort *const gs_c_known_encodings[]; extern const ushort *const gs_c_known_encodings_reverse[]; extern const ushort gs_c_known_encoding_lengths[]; extern const ushort gs_c_known_encoding_reverse_lengths[]; #endif /* gscedata_INCLUDED */