/* Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. For more information about licensing, please refer to http://www.ghostscript.com/licensing/. For information on commercial licensing, go to http://www.artifex.com/licensing/ or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110, San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861. */ /* $Id: gschar.c,v 1.6 2002/06/16 05:48:55 lpd Exp $ */ /* Character writing "operators" for Ghostscript library */ #include "gx.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gsstruct.h" #include "gsmatrix.h" /* for gscoord.h */ #include "gscoord.h" /* for gs_idtransform */ #include "gzstate.h" #include "gxdevice.h" #include "gxdevmem.h" #include "gxchar.h" #include "gxfont.h" /* Forward declarations */ private int show_n_begin(gs_show_enum *penum, gs_state *pgs, int code, gs_text_enum_t *pte); /* Structure descriptors */ extern_st(st_gs_show_enum); /* ------ String writing operators ------ */ /* Free the contents of a show enumerator. */ void gs_show_enum_release(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_memory_t * emem) { if (penum->text.operation) /* otherwise, never initialized */ penum->procs->release((gs_text_enum_t *)penum, "gs_show_enum_release"); if (emem != 0) gs_free_object(emem, penum, "gs_show_enum_release"); } /* show[_n] */ int gs_show_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_show_begin(pgs, (const byte *)str, size, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* ashow[_n] */ int gs_ashow_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, floatp ax, floatp ay, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_ashow_begin(pgs, ax, ay, (const byte *)str, size, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* widthshow[_n] */ int gs_widthshow_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, floatp cx, floatp cy, gs_char chr, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_widthshow_begin(pgs, cx, cy, chr, (const byte *)str, size, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* awidthshow[_n] */ int gs_awidthshow_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, floatp cx, floatp cy, gs_char chr, floatp ax, floatp ay, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_awidthshow_begin(pgs, cx, cy, chr, ax, ay, (const byte *)str, size, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* kshow[_n] */ int gs_kshow_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code; switch (pgs->font->FontType) { case ft_composite: case ft_CID_encrypted: case ft_CID_user_defined: case ft_CID_TrueType: case ft_CID_bitmap: return_error(gs_error_invalidfont); default: break; } code = gs_kshow_begin(pgs, (const byte *)str, size, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* xyshow[_n] */ int gs_xyshow_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_xyshow_begin(pgs, (const byte *)str, size, NULL, NULL, 0, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* glyphshow */ int gs_glyphshow_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, gs_glyph glyph) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_glyphshow_begin(pgs, glyph, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } int gs_glyphpath_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, gs_glyph glyph, bool stroke_path) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_glyphpath_begin(pgs, glyph, stroke_path, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } int gs_glyphwidth_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, gs_glyph glyph) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_glyphwidth_begin(pgs, glyph, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* ------ Related operators ------ */ /* cshow[_n] */ int gs_cshow_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_cshow_begin(pgs, (const byte *)str, size, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* stringwidth[_n] */ int gs_stringwidth_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const char *str, uint size) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_stringwidth_begin(pgs, (const byte *)str, size, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* charpath[_n] */ int gs_charpath_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const char *str, uint size, bool stroke_path) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_charpath_begin(pgs, (const byte *)str, size, stroke_path, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* charboxpath[_n] */ int gs_charboxpath_n_init(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const char *str, uint size, bool use_boxes) { gs_text_enum_t *pte; int code = gs_charboxpath_begin(pgs, (const byte *)str, size, use_boxes, pgs->memory, &pte); return show_n_begin(penum, pgs, code, pte); } /* ------ Width/cache operators ------ */ /* setcachedevice */ /* The elements of pw are: wx, wy, llx, lly, urx, ury. */ /* Note that this returns 1 if we just set up the cache device. */ int gs_setcachedevice_double(gs_show_enum *penum, gs_state *pgs, const double *pw) { if (penum->pgs != pgs) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); return gs_text_setcachedevice((gs_text_enum_t *)penum, pw); } /* The _float procedure is strictly for backward compatibility. */ int gs_setcachedevice_float(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const float *pw) { double w[6]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i) w[i] = pw[i]; return gs_setcachedevice_double(penum, pgs, w); } /* setcachedevice2 */ /* The elements of pw2 are: w0x, w0y, llx, lly, urx, ury, w1x, w1y, vx, vy. */ /* Note that this returns 1 if we just set up the cache device. */ int gs_setcachedevice2_double(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const double *pw2) { if (penum->pgs != pgs) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); return gs_text_setcachedevice2((gs_text_enum_t *)penum, pw2); } /* The _float procedure is strictly for backward compatibility. */ int gs_setcachedevice2_float(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, const float *pw2) { double w2[10]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) w2[i] = pw2[i]; return gs_setcachedevice2_double(penum, pgs, w2); } /* setcharwidth */ /* Note that this returns 1 if the current show operation is */ /* non-displaying (stringwidth or cshow). */ int gs_setcharwidth(gs_show_enum * penum, gs_state * pgs, floatp wx, floatp wy) { double w[2]; if (penum->pgs != pgs) return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); w[0] = wx, w[1] = wy; return gs_text_setcharwidth((gs_text_enum_t *)penum, w); } /* ------ Enumerator ------ */ /* Do the next step of a show (or stringwidth) operation */ int gs_show_next(gs_show_enum * penum) { return gs_text_process((gs_text_enum_t *)penum); } /* * Return true if we only need the width from the rasterizer * and can short-circuit the full rendering of the character, * false if we need the actual character bits. */ bool gs_show_width_only(const gs_show_enum * penum) { return gs_text_is_width_only((const gs_text_enum_t *)penum); } /* ------ Accessors ------ */ /* Return the current character for rendering. */ gs_char gs_show_current_char(const gs_show_enum * penum) { return gs_text_current_char((const gs_text_enum_t *)penum); } /* Return the current glyph for rendering. */ gs_glyph gs_show_current_glyph(const gs_show_enum * penum) { return gs_text_current_glyph((const gs_text_enum_t *)penum); } /* Return the width of the just-enumerated character (for cshow). */ int gs_show_current_width(const gs_show_enum * penum, gs_point * ppt) { return gs_text_current_width((const gs_text_enum_t *)penum, ppt); } /* Return the just-displayed character for kerning. */ gs_char gs_kshow_previous_char(const gs_show_enum * penum) { return gs_text_current_char((const gs_text_enum_t *)penum); } /* Return the about-to-be-displayed character for kerning. */ gs_char gs_kshow_next_char(const gs_show_enum * penum) { return penum->text.data.bytes[penum->index]; } /* Return the accumulated width for stringwidth. */ void gs_show_width(const gs_show_enum * penum, gs_point * ppt) { gs_text_total_width((const gs_text_enum_t *)penum, ppt); } /* ------ Internal routines ------ */ /* * Force the enumerator to be a gs_show_enum *, which the current * implementation code requires. */ private int show_n_begin(gs_show_enum *penum, gs_state *pgs, int code, gs_text_enum_t *pte) { if (code < 0) return code; if (gs_object_type(pgs->memory, pte) != &st_gs_show_enum) { /* Use the default implementation. */ gx_device *dev = pgs->device; gs_text_params_t text; gs_memory_t *mem = pte->memory; dev_proc_text_begin((*text_begin)) = dev_proc(dev, text_begin); text = pte->text; gs_text_release(pte, "show_n_begin"); /* Temporarily reset the text_begin procedure to the default. */ set_dev_proc(dev, text_begin, gx_default_text_begin); code = gs_text_begin(pgs, &text, mem, &pte); set_dev_proc(dev, text_begin, text_begin); if (code < 0) return code; } /* Now we know pte points to a gs_show_enum. */ *penum = *(gs_show_enum *)pte; gs_free_object(pgs->memory, pte, "show_n_begin"); return code; }