/* Copyright (C) 1993, 2000 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. For more information about licensing, please refer to http://www.ghostscript.com/licensing/. For information on commercial licensing, go to http://www.artifex.com/licensing/ or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110, San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861. */ /* $Id: gxpcmap.c,v 1.13 2004/08/04 19:36:12 stefan Exp $ */ /* Pattern color mapping for Ghostscript library */ #include "math_.h" #include "memory_.h" #include "gx.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gsstruct.h" #include "gsutil.h" /* for gs_next_ids */ #include "gxfixed.h" #include "gxmatrix.h" #include "gxcspace.h" /* for gscolor2.h */ #include "gxcolor2.h" #include "gxdcolor.h" #include "gxdevice.h" #include "gxdevmem.h" #include "gxpcolor.h" #include "gxp1impl.h" #include "gzstate.h" /* Define the default size of the Pattern cache. */ #define max_cached_patterns_LARGE 50 #define max_pattern_bits_LARGE 100000 #define max_cached_patterns_SMALL 5 #define max_pattern_bits_SMALL 1000 uint gx_pat_cache_default_tiles(void) { #if arch_small_memory return max_cached_patterns_SMALL; #else return (gs_debug_c('.') ? max_cached_patterns_SMALL : max_cached_patterns_LARGE); #endif } ulong gx_pat_cache_default_bits(void) { #if arch_small_memory return max_pattern_bits_SMALL; #else return (gs_debug_c('.') ? max_pattern_bits_SMALL : max_pattern_bits_LARGE); #endif } /* Define the structures for Pattern rendering and caching. */ private_st_color_tile(); private_st_color_tile_element(); private_st_pattern_cache(); private_st_device_pattern_accum(); /* ------ Pattern rendering ------ */ /* Device procedures */ private dev_proc_open_device(pattern_accum_open); private dev_proc_close_device(pattern_accum_close); private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(pattern_accum_fill_rectangle); private dev_proc_copy_mono(pattern_accum_copy_mono); private dev_proc_copy_color(pattern_accum_copy_color); private dev_proc_get_bits_rectangle(pattern_accum_get_bits_rectangle); /* The device descriptor */ private const gx_device_pattern_accum gs_pattern_accum_device = {std_device_std_body_open(gx_device_pattern_accum, 0, "pattern accumulator", 0, 0, 72, 72), { /* NOTE: all drawing procedures must be defaulted, not forwarded. */ pattern_accum_open, NULL, NULL, NULL, pattern_accum_close, NULL, NULL, pattern_accum_fill_rectangle, gx_default_tile_rectangle, pattern_accum_copy_mono, pattern_accum_copy_color, NULL, gx_default_get_bits, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, gx_default_copy_alpha, NULL, gx_default_copy_rop, gx_default_fill_path, gx_default_stroke_path, gx_default_fill_mask, gx_default_fill_trapezoid, gx_default_fill_parallelogram, gx_default_fill_triangle, gx_default_draw_thin_line, gx_default_begin_image, gx_default_image_data, gx_default_end_image, gx_default_strip_tile_rectangle, gx_default_strip_copy_rop, gx_get_largest_clipping_box, gx_default_begin_typed_image, pattern_accum_get_bits_rectangle, NULL, gx_default_create_compositor, NULL, gx_default_text_begin, gx_default_finish_copydevice, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, 0, /* target */ 0, 0, 0, 0 /* bitmap_memory, bits, mask, instance */ }; /* Allocate a pattern accumulator, with an initial refct of 0. */ gx_device_pattern_accum * gx_pattern_accum_alloc(gs_memory_t * mem, client_name_t cname) { gx_device_pattern_accum *adev = gs_alloc_struct(mem, gx_device_pattern_accum, &st_device_pattern_accum, cname); if (adev == 0) return 0; gx_device_init((gx_device *)adev, (const gx_device *)&gs_pattern_accum_device, mem, true); check_device_separable((gx_device *)adev); gx_device_forward_fill_in_procs((gx_device_forward *)adev); return adev; } /* * Initialize a pattern accumulator. * Client must already have set instance and bitmap_memory. * * Note that mask and bits accumulators are only created if necessary. */ private int pattern_accum_open(gx_device * dev) { gx_device_pattern_accum *const padev = (gx_device_pattern_accum *) dev; const gs_pattern1_instance_t *pinst = padev->instance; gs_memory_t *mem = padev->bitmap_memory; gx_device_memory *mask = 0; gx_device_memory *bits = 0; /* * The client should preset the target, because the device for which the * pattern is being rendered may not (in general, will not) be the same * as the one that was current when the pattern was instantiated. */ gx_device *target = (padev->target == 0 ? gs_currentdevice(pinst->saved) : padev->target); int width = pinst->size.x; int height = pinst->size.y; int code = 0; bool mask_open = false; /* * C's bizarre coercion rules force us to copy HWResolution in pieces * rather than using a single assignment. */ #define PDSET(dev)\ ((dev)->width = width, (dev)->height = height,\ /*(dev)->HWResolution = target->HWResolution*/\ (dev)->HWResolution[0] = target->HWResolution[0],\ (dev)->HWResolution[1] = target->HWResolution[1]) PDSET(padev); padev->color_info = target->color_info; if (pinst->uses_mask) { mask = gs_alloc_struct( mem, gx_device_memory, &st_device_memory, "pattern_accum_open(mask)" ); if (mask == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); gs_make_mem_mono_device(mask, mem, 0); PDSET(mask); mask->bitmap_memory = mem; mask->base = 0; code = (*dev_proc(mask, open_device)) ((gx_device *) mask); if (code >= 0) { mask_open = true; memset(mask->base, 0, mask->raster * mask->height); } } if (code >= 0) { switch (pinst->template.PaintType) { case 2: /* uncolored */ gx_device_set_target((gx_device_forward *)padev, target); break; case 1: /* colored */ bits = gs_alloc_struct(mem, gx_device_memory, &st_device_memory, "pattern_accum_open(bits)"); if (bits == 0) code = gs_note_error(gs_error_VMerror); else { gs_make_mem_device(bits, gdev_mem_device_for_bits(target->color_info.depth), mem, -1, target); PDSET(bits); #undef PDSET bits->color_info = target->color_info; bits->bitmap_memory = mem; code = (*dev_proc(bits, open_device)) ((gx_device *) bits); gx_device_set_target((gx_device_forward *)padev, (gx_device *)bits); } } } if (code < 0) { if (bits != 0) gs_free_object(mem, bits, "pattern_accum_open(bits)"); if (mask != 0) { if (mask_open) (*dev_proc(mask, close_device)) ((gx_device *) mask); gs_free_object(mem, mask, "pattern_accum_open(mask)"); } return code; } padev->mask = mask; padev->bits = bits; /* Retain the device, so it will survive anomalous grestores. */ gx_device_retain(dev, true); return code; } /* Close an accumulator and free the bits. */ private int pattern_accum_close(gx_device * dev) { gx_device_pattern_accum *const padev = (gx_device_pattern_accum *) dev; gs_memory_t *mem = padev->bitmap_memory; /* * If bits != 0, it is the target of the device; reference counting * will close and free it. */ gx_device_set_target((gx_device_forward *)padev, NULL); padev->bits = 0; if (padev->mask != 0) { (*dev_proc(padev->mask, close_device)) ((gx_device *) padev->mask); gs_free_object(mem, padev->mask, "pattern_accum_close(mask)"); padev->mask = 0; } /* Un-retain the device now, so reference counting will free it. */ gx_device_retain(dev, false); return 0; } /* Fill a rectangle */ private int pattern_accum_fill_rectangle(gx_device * dev, int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index color) { gx_device_pattern_accum *const padev = (gx_device_pattern_accum *) dev; if (padev->bits) (*dev_proc(padev->target, fill_rectangle)) (padev->target, x, y, w, h, color); if (padev->mask) return (*dev_proc(padev->mask, fill_rectangle)) ((gx_device *) padev->mask, x, y, w, h, (gx_color_index) 1); else return 0; } /* Copy a monochrome bitmap. */ private int pattern_accum_copy_mono(gx_device * dev, const byte * data, int data_x, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1) { gx_device_pattern_accum *const padev = (gx_device_pattern_accum *) dev; /* opt out early if nothing to render (some may think this a bug) */ if (color0 == gx_no_color_index && color1 == gx_no_color_index) return 0; if (padev->bits) (*dev_proc(padev->target, copy_mono)) (padev->target, data, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h, color0, color1); if (padev->mask) { if (color0 != gx_no_color_index) color0 = 1; if (color1 != gx_no_color_index) color1 = 1; if (color0 == 1 && color1 == 1) return (*dev_proc(padev->mask, fill_rectangle)) ((gx_device *) padev->mask, x, y, w, h, (gx_color_index) 1); else return (*dev_proc(padev->mask, copy_mono)) ((gx_device *) padev->mask, data, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h, color0, color1); } else return 0; } /* Copy a color bitmap. */ private int pattern_accum_copy_color(gx_device * dev, const byte * data, int data_x, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int w, int h) { gx_device_pattern_accum *const padev = (gx_device_pattern_accum *) dev; if (padev->bits) (*dev_proc(padev->target, copy_color)) (padev->target, data, data_x, raster, id, x, y, w, h); if (padev->mask) return (*dev_proc(padev->mask, fill_rectangle)) ((gx_device *) padev->mask, x, y, w, h, (gx_color_index) 1); else return 0; } /* Read back a rectangle of bits. */ /****** SHOULD USE MASK TO DEFINE UNREAD AREA *****/ private int pattern_accum_get_bits_rectangle(gx_device * dev, const gs_int_rect * prect, gs_get_bits_params_t * params, gs_int_rect ** unread) { gx_device_pattern_accum *const padev = (gx_device_pattern_accum *) dev; if (padev->bits) return (*dev_proc(padev->target, get_bits_rectangle)) (padev->target, prect, params, unread); return_error(gs_error_Fatal); /* can't happen */ } /* ------ Color space implementation ------ */ /* Free all entries in a pattern cache. */ private bool pattern_cache_choose_all(gx_color_tile * ctile, void *proc_data) { return true; } private void pattern_cache_free_all(gx_pattern_cache * pcache) { gx_pattern_cache_winnow(pcache, pattern_cache_choose_all, NULL); } /* Allocate a Pattern cache. */ gx_pattern_cache * gx_pattern_alloc_cache(gs_memory_t * mem, uint num_tiles, ulong max_bits) { gx_pattern_cache *pcache = gs_alloc_struct(mem, gx_pattern_cache, &st_pattern_cache, "gx_pattern_alloc_cache(struct)"); gx_color_tile *tiles = gs_alloc_struct_array(mem, num_tiles, gx_color_tile, &st_color_tile_element, "gx_pattern_alloc_cache(tiles)"); uint i; if (pcache == 0 || tiles == 0) { gs_free_object(mem, tiles, "gx_pattern_alloc_cache(tiles)"); gs_free_object(mem, pcache, "gx_pattern_alloc_cache(struct)"); return 0; } pcache->memory = mem; pcache->tiles = tiles; pcache->num_tiles = num_tiles; pcache->tiles_used = 0; pcache->next = 0; pcache->bits_used = 0; pcache->max_bits = max_bits; pcache->free_all = pattern_cache_free_all; for (i = 0; i < num_tiles; tiles++, i++) { tiles->id = gx_no_bitmap_id; /* Clear the pointers to pacify the GC. */ uid_set_invalid(&tiles->uid); tiles->tbits.data = 0; tiles->tmask.data = 0; tiles->index = i; } return pcache; } /* Ensure that an imager has a Pattern cache. */ private int ensure_pattern_cache(gs_imager_state * pis) { if (pis->pattern_cache == 0) { gx_pattern_cache *pcache = gx_pattern_alloc_cache(pis->memory, gx_pat_cache_default_tiles(), gx_pat_cache_default_bits()); if (pcache == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); pis->pattern_cache = pcache; } return 0; } /* Get and set the Pattern cache in a gstate. */ gx_pattern_cache * gstate_pattern_cache(gs_state * pgs) { return pgs->pattern_cache; } void gstate_set_pattern_cache(gs_state * pgs, gx_pattern_cache * pcache) { pgs->pattern_cache = pcache; } /* Free a Pattern cache entry. */ private void gx_pattern_cache_free_entry(gx_pattern_cache * pcache, gx_color_tile * ctile) { if ((ctile->id != gx_no_bitmap_id) && !ctile->is_dummy) { gs_memory_t *mem = pcache->memory; gx_device_memory mdev; /* * We must initialize the memory device properly, even though * we aren't using it for drawing. */ gs_make_mem_mono_device(&mdev, mem, NULL); if (ctile->tmask.data != 0) { mdev.width = ctile->tmask.size.x; mdev.height = ctile->tmask.size.y; /*mdev.color_info.depth = 1;*/ pcache->bits_used -= gdev_mem_bitmap_size(&mdev); gs_free_object(mem, ctile->tmask.data, "free_pattern_cache_entry(mask data)"); ctile->tmask.data = 0; /* for GC */ } if (ctile->tbits.data != 0) { mdev.width = ctile->tbits.size.x; mdev.height = ctile->tbits.size.y; mdev.color_info.depth = ctile->depth; pcache->bits_used -= gdev_mem_bitmap_size(&mdev); gs_free_object(mem, ctile->tbits.data, "free_pattern_cache_entry(bits data)"); ctile->tbits.data = 0; /* for GC */ } ctile->id = gx_no_bitmap_id; pcache->tiles_used--; } } /* * Add a Pattern cache entry. This is exported for the interpreter. * Note that this does not free any of the data in the accumulator * device, but it may zero out the bitmap_memory pointers to prevent * the accumulated bitmaps from being freed when the device is closed. */ private void make_bitmap(gx_strip_bitmap *, const gx_device_memory *, gx_bitmap_id); int gx_pattern_cache_add_entry(gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device_pattern_accum * padev, gx_color_tile ** pctile) { gx_device_memory *mbits = padev->bits; gx_device_memory *mmask = padev->mask; const gs_pattern1_instance_t *pinst = padev->instance; gx_pattern_cache *pcache; ulong used = 0; gx_bitmap_id id = pinst->id; gx_color_tile *ctile; int code = ensure_pattern_cache(pis); if (code < 0) return code; pcache = pis->pattern_cache; /* * Check whether the pattern completely fills its box. * If so, we can avoid the expensive masking operations * when using the pattern. */ if (mmask != 0) { int y; for (y = 0; y < mmask->height; y++) { const byte *row = scan_line_base(mmask, y); int w; for (w = mmask->width; w > 8; w -= 8) if (*row++ != 0xff) goto keep; if ((*row | (0xff >> w)) != 0xff) goto keep; } /* We don't need a mask. */ mmask = 0; keep:; } if (mbits != 0) used += gdev_mem_bitmap_size(mbits); if (mmask != 0) used += gdev_mem_bitmap_size(mmask); ctile = &pcache->tiles[id % pcache->num_tiles]; gx_pattern_cache_free_entry(pcache, ctile); while (pcache->bits_used + used > pcache->max_bits && pcache->bits_used != 0 /* allow 1 oversized entry (?) */ ) { pcache->next = (pcache->next + 1) % pcache->num_tiles; gx_pattern_cache_free_entry(pcache, &pcache->tiles[pcache->next]); } ctile->id = id; ctile->depth = padev->color_info.depth; ctile->uid = pinst->template.uid; ctile->tiling_type = pinst->template.TilingType; ctile->step_matrix = pinst->step_matrix; ctile->bbox = pinst->bbox; ctile->is_simple = pinst->is_simple; ctile->is_dummy = false; if (mbits != 0) { make_bitmap(&ctile->tbits, mbits, gs_next_ids(pis->memory, 1)); mbits->bitmap_memory = 0; /* don't free the bits */ } else ctile->tbits.data = 0; if (mmask != 0) { make_bitmap(&ctile->tmask, mmask, id); mmask->bitmap_memory = 0; /* don't free the bits */ } else ctile->tmask.data = 0; pcache->bits_used += used; pcache->tiles_used++; *pctile = ctile; return 0; } /* Add a dummy Pattern cache entry. Stubs a pattern tile for interpreter when device handles high level patterns. */ int gx_pattern_cache_add_dummy_entry(gs_imager_state *pis, gs_pattern1_instance_t *pinst, int depth) { gx_color_tile *ctile; gx_pattern_cache *pcache; gx_bitmap_id id = pinst->id; int code = ensure_pattern_cache(pis); if (code < 0) return code; pcache = pis->pattern_cache; ctile = &pcache->tiles[id % pcache->num_tiles]; gx_pattern_cache_free_entry(pcache, ctile); ctile->id = id; ctile->depth = depth; ctile->uid = pinst->template.uid; ctile->tiling_type = pinst->template.TilingType; ctile->step_matrix = pinst->step_matrix; ctile->bbox = pinst->bbox; ctile->is_simple = pinst->is_simple; ctile->is_dummy = true; memset(&ctile->tbits, 0 , sizeof(ctile->tbits)); ctile->tbits.size = pinst->size; ctile->tbits.id = gs_no_bitmap_id; memset(&ctile->tmask, 0 , sizeof(ctile->tmask)); pcache->tiles_used++; return 0; } private void make_bitmap(register gx_strip_bitmap * pbm, const gx_device_memory * mdev, gx_bitmap_id id) { pbm->data = mdev->base; pbm->raster = mdev->raster; pbm->rep_width = pbm->size.x = mdev->width; pbm->rep_height = pbm->size.y = mdev->height; pbm->id = id; pbm->rep_shift = pbm->shift = 0; } /* Purge selected entries from the pattern cache. */ void gx_pattern_cache_winnow(gx_pattern_cache * pcache, bool(*proc) (gx_color_tile * ctile, void *proc_data), void *proc_data) { uint i; if (pcache == 0) /* no cache created yet */ return; for (i = 0; i < pcache->num_tiles; ++i) { gx_color_tile *ctile = &pcache->tiles[i]; if (ctile->id != gx_no_bitmap_id && (*proc) (ctile, proc_data)) gx_pattern_cache_free_entry(pcache, ctile); } } /* Reload a (non-null) Pattern color into the cache. */ /* *pdc is already set, except for colors.pattern.p_tile and mask.m_tile. */ int gx_pattern_load(gx_device_color * pdc, const gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device * dev, gs_color_select_t select) { gx_device_pattern_accum *adev; gs_pattern1_instance_t *pinst = (gs_pattern1_instance_t *)pdc->ccolor.pattern; gs_state *saved; gx_color_tile *ctile; gs_memory_t *mem = pis->memory; int code; if (gx_pattern_cache_lookup(pdc, pis, dev, select)) return 0; /* We REALLY don't like the following cast.... */ code = ensure_pattern_cache((gs_imager_state *) pis); if (code < 0) return code; /* * Note that adev is an internal device, so it will be freed when the * last reference to it from a graphics state is deleted. */ adev = gx_pattern_accum_alloc(mem, "gx_pattern_load"); if (adev == 0) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); gx_device_set_target((gx_device_forward *)adev, dev); adev->instance = pinst; adev->bitmap_memory = mem; code = dev_proc(adev, open_device)((gx_device *)adev); if (code < 0) goto fail; saved = gs_gstate(pinst->saved); if (saved == 0) { code = gs_note_error(gs_error_VMerror); goto fail; } if (saved->pattern_cache == 0) saved->pattern_cache = pis->pattern_cache; gs_setdevice_no_init(saved, (gx_device *)adev); code = (*pinst->template.PaintProc)(&pdc->ccolor, saved); if (code < 0) { dev_proc(adev, close_device)((gx_device *)adev); /* Freeing the state will free the device. */ gs_state_free(saved); return code; } /* We REALLY don't like the following cast.... */ code = gx_pattern_cache_add_entry((gs_imager_state *)pis, adev, &ctile); if (code >= 0) { if (!gx_pattern_cache_lookup(pdc, pis, dev, select)) { lprintf("Pattern cache lookup failed after insertion!\n"); code = gs_note_error(gs_error_Fatal); } } #ifdef DEBUG if (gs_debug_c('B')) { if (adev->mask) debug_dump_bitmap(adev->mask->base, adev->mask->raster, adev->mask->height, "[B]Pattern mask"); if (adev->bits) debug_dump_bitmap(((gx_device_memory *) adev->target)->base, ((gx_device_memory *) adev->target)->raster, adev->target->height, "[B]Pattern bits"); } #endif /* Free the bookkeeping structures, except for the bits and mask */ /* data iff they are still needed. */ dev_proc(adev, close_device)((gx_device *)adev); /* Freeing the state will free the device. */ gs_state_free(saved); return code; fail: gs_free_object(mem, adev, "gx_pattern_load"); return code; } /* Remap a PatternType 1 color. */ cs_proc_remap_color(gx_remap_Pattern); /* check the prototype */ int gs_pattern1_remap_color(const gs_client_color * pc, const gs_color_space * pcs, gx_device_color * pdc, const gs_imager_state * pis, gx_device * dev, gs_color_select_t select) { gs_pattern1_instance_t *pinst = (gs_pattern1_instance_t *)pc->pattern; int code; /* Save original color space and color info into dev color */ pdc->ccolor = *pc; pdc->ccolor_valid = true; if (pinst == 0) { /* Null pattern */ color_set_null_pattern(pdc); return 0; } if (pinst->template.PaintType == 2) { /* uncolored */ code = (*pcs->params.pattern.base_space.type->remap_color) (pc, (const gs_color_space *)&pcs->params.pattern.base_space, pdc, pis, dev, select); if (code < 0) return code; if (pdc->type == gx_dc_type_pure) pdc->type = &gx_dc_pure_masked; else if (pdc->type == gx_dc_type_ht_binary) pdc->type = &gx_dc_binary_masked; else if (pdc->type == gx_dc_type_ht_colored) pdc->type = &gx_dc_colored_masked; else return_error(gs_error_unregistered); } else color_set_null_pattern(pdc); pdc->mask.id = pinst->id; pdc->mask.m_tile = 0; return gx_pattern_load(pdc, pis, dev, select); }