/* * * Conditional compilation definitions needed in ifdef.c and postio.c. * */ #ifdef SYSV #include #ifdef DKSTREAMS #include #include #endif #endif #ifdef V9 #include #include extern int tty_ld; #endif #ifdef BSD4_2 #include #include #include #define FD_ZERO(s) (s) = 0 #define FD_SET(n,s) (s) |= 1 << (n) extern int errno; #endif #ifdef DKHOST #include #include extern char *dtnamer(); extern int dkminor(); #endif /* * * External variable declarations - most (if not all) are defined in postio.c and * needed by the routines in ifdef.c. * */ extern char *line; /* printer is on this line */ extern int ttyi; /* input */ extern int ttyo; /* and output file descriptors */ extern FILE *fp_log; /* just for DKHOST stuff */ extern char mesg[]; /* exactly what came back on ttyi */ extern char *endmesg; /* one in front of last free slot in mesg */ extern int next; /* next character goes in mesg[next] */ extern short baudrate; /* printer is running at this speed */ extern int stopbits; /* and expects this many stop bits */ extern int interactive; /* TRUE for interactive mode */ extern int whatami; /* a READ or WRITE process - or both */ extern int canread; /* allows reads */ extern int canwrite; /* and writes if TRUE */