v9fs D1307026904 Aericvh #Linux kernel 9P2000 client - [ericvh] # #v9fs was originally started and matinained by Ron Minnich. It was a #[9P | http://9p.cat-v.org] implementation for linux and has been #updated for 9P2000 and the 2.6 kernel. # #It is maintained on [Sourceforge | #http://sourceforge.net/projects/v9fs] - look under CVS in the #linux-9p directory. # #Check out the [V9FS Home Page | http://swik.net/v9fs] for up to date #info. # #Current status: # * 2.6 client working on x86 and PPC against u9fs, plan9ports, and # Plan 9 file servers. # * Available in the 2.6 mainline kernel tree as of 2.6.14 # #Development: # * [v9fs-roadmap] - future plans and todo items # * [v9fs-2.1] - design plans for next release # * [9p2010] #