Future directions D1333146154 Ageoff #Ideas, posts and articles about future Plan 9 development: # # * Kernel as a 9P MUX and removal of #: # [http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=9fans&m=111558872619443&w=2] # (TODO: import selection of parts of that thread into a page here) # * [detaching devices in kernel | # http://groups.google.com/group/comp.os.plan9/msg/8d847c80107e3f34] # #------------------------------------------------------ #Note: This page is meant as a guide and reference for the Plan 9 #community by collecting ideas and plans from the original Plan 9 #authors and developers. Also if you add any items, please include #reference to relevant emails or papers describing them. For #wishlists, new ideas and suggestions, please use the [TODO]. #