thm 2005-08-15 Summary D1273173064 Auriel #Note: This summary only contains what I thought to be significant, #interesting and/or funny. -- Hyperion # #Original agenda: # * Discusions, 'long winded design discussions' are not happening in # 9fans as hoped # * Future of Plan 9 # * Unix/Linux version of auth server - tony_t # * Plan B - nemo # * [9P |] Reliability Project Status - # Gorka/[ericvh] # * Jim Getty's SNAP vision - [ericvh] # * Propaganda efforts and documentation issues - [uriel] # * future 9con(s) - [uriel] # * Installer plans/work(problems with lack of testing...) # #9P RELIABILITY PROJECT STATUS -- ERICVH # # * Gorka has completed his initial port of Russ' recover application # to the current distribution. It allows one to recover a session # that is lost due to network error, server reboot, etc. # * It also has some functionality to support failing over to # alternate servers (assuming some sort of mirroring of resources) - # but we haven't tested that much. # * It works under both Plan 9 native and Plan 9 Ports. We are # currently putting the finishing touches on a paper describing how # it works and then we'll release to sources and p9p. Downside is it # incurs about a 2x performance penalty on loopback under Plan 9 and # 8x penalty under p9p on Linux. This overhead is likely less visible # on higher latency connections than loopback. The only way around # the overhead would be to push the recovery code inside the kernel # instead of providing it as a user application. # * Axel asked if the paper discusses the resason of the performance # penalty? Eric said it should and the reason is copy overhead. The # extra overhead on p9p under Linux is inefficient threads. # * Eric said it's actually an interposer for 9p. So instead of #! srv #you #! recover #! mount /srv/ # * Uriel asked what was required for having a fallback server. Eric # said that for static file systems it could be some sort of # synchronous mirror - Plan B has some facilities for this, but we # haven't tried using them yet. # #PROPAGANDA EFFORTS AND DOCUMENTATION ISSUES -- URIEL # # * Would be good to have some input on what direction to take with # the docs. So far I was trying to put as much stuff on the wiki as I # can, so at least nothing is lost. # * Vester added that openness on best practices would be good too. # * Uriel would like to setup a mirror of all papers, ideally on # sources. He also said that having a reliable sources web interface # would be nice, not being sure if linking to from the main # wiki is a great idea, mirrors are good, but not as reliable and # uptodate as sources itself. If sources was exported over the web # from it's main location it would be great. # * Zimba asked if there were a list of who is responsible for what. # Uriel explained that there isn't and that everyone is free to work # on what they like, coordination has been traditionally thur 9fans, # if you want to work on something, just do it, don't wait for anyone # to give you 'permision'. # #JIM GETTY'S SNAP VISION -- ERICVH # # * Jim Getty's is pushing his vision of the way the universe should # look, particularly in the home network environment. If you look at # his OLS paper's+snap, you'll see # it looks somewhat familiar - very much like the Inferno/Plan 9 # vision, at least on the high level. Jim seemed to be very open to # Plan 9 style ideas, so it may not be a bad carrier to push Plan 9 # ideas. Plan 9 technology seems to provide a lot more of what he # wants than the alternatives he mentions in his paper(s). Getty's # was pushing "lots of devices talking to eachother". # * Charles Forsyth remarked: He is Jim Gettys, so that to get him # interested you need to show him something he thinks he can't do or # prove to him you can do it better. # #PLAN B -- GORKA # # * We are probably packaging an image with everything for September. # So people can look at it an maybe merge whatever they like into # Plan 9. Our idea was to get the good ideas in it into sources. It # is running on a modified version of the kernel, but there have been # many strategy changes. The most changes which make it to sources, # the less we have to maintain. # #FUTURE 9CONS -- URIEL # # * Uriel would like to organize a 9con in Madrid this fall # (Oct-Nov). He was talking with Anavarro, and counting on nemo and # his students to do most of the work (;-)). # * Gorka said he wanted to help with it. He could provide location. # He wanted to actually organize it. But got into many things and # couldn't. We may get money for bringing people willing to give # conferences. But he needs time to do the paperwork for that. # * Charles Forsyth was interested in coming. # * 20h said we will have a place in the hacking center, for Plan 9, # on CCC (Chaos Computer Congress/Berlin by the Chaos Computer Club # []). CCC will be on 26-31 December. For more info # see [22C3]. Garbeam and uriel plan to give Plan 9 related talks. # #ANNOUNCE AND ADOPT AN OPEN SOURCE MODEL WITH AN OPEN CORE TEAM -- VT3 # # * Vester asked what do we want to do as a community? # * Hyperion thought we'd all like to see such a model, but it # depended on the Bell Labs developers. # * Uriel warned that many people are happy with the status quo; # Including Andrey, Eric, Axel, Gorka. # * 20h remarked we have a half open source model, as you can take # out the distribution and publish it on your own and that noone # complained about the differences of the .isos. # * Charles said the best thing to show Plan9 is not-dead is to apply # it more, esp. to do interesting things (or boring things in an # interesting way). That's really why Linux surpassed BSD: hardly # because it was better, but programmers wrote for Linux. And to be # most accurate, universities supported it. # * Axel wondered if it's about marketing. Vester and XTL agreed it # is. # * 20h thought about having something like User Mode Linux for Plan # 9. # * Vester suggested if we want to stand out from other OSes then add # user auditing features. This is what corporations do to standard # Windows and *ix machines. # #PLAN 9 PORT TO THE MAC MINI -- DAVID ECKHARDT (CMU) # # * What the students have runs and has run on a mini. There are N # pieces of 1-person-sized work. There is a relevance issue, though, # given that G5's don't have BATs and that Apple is ditching PPC. # #INSTALLER PLANS/WORK -- URIEL # # * Uriel thinks that there is need to unify the # install/bootabe-system/floppy to make testing easier, right now # there are four slightly different kernel images in one part or # another of the install system, and depending which one you end up # with some things work or not. # * 20h said one of the problem is that the kernel configuration # specifies where to boot from. # * Vester said network installs don't work correctly. # #AFTER-CHAOS # # * Hyperion thought Plan 9 is "dead" as a research OS. He was very # happy about Plan B becuase it had a lot of new ideas and research. # Plan 9 had no such things lately. # * XTL and fgb agreed to some extent. # * Axel saw a link between what Hyperion said and Forsyth's remark # about being able to do/show interesting things. # * David Eckhardt thought a changelog on the web would increase # sense of life; And asked if there is an easy way to partially # automate it by periodically snarfing the descriptive text of # submitted patches? Uriel has a script that generates notification # emails when patches are accpeted, plog. He saw the problem is that # not all changes go through patch(1). # * 20h pointed out that there is [] # * Vester flailed a dead rabbit: No organization, no infrastructure, # no policies nor direction, then we'll be here again next year # discussing the same things. Doing the same things and expecting # different results is... Well, we need to resolve the internal # issues. # * Uriel thinks the issues won't be solved because there is deep # disagreements on the very existence and importance of those issues, # too many people just don't care. So the only way to change things # is thru action, we have to try as many things as possible and see # what works and what doesn't. # * 20h recommended to get good looking girls and a TV show for Plan # 9. # * David asked if the "mux" M.S. thesis # [] should # be on the "papers" page. He was partway through and found it # readable. It also is a "liveness" datum. Uriel noted that there is # a new [Papers] wiki page that eventually should replace the # unmaintained static papers page. # #PS # # * 20h's tip: #! htfilefs -m /tmp; 9660srv; mount /srv/9660 /n/cdrom /tmp/plan9.iso; # #UNIX/LINUX VERSION OF AUTH SERVER -- TONY_T # # * Skipped becuase tony_t were absent #