Integration with other OSs D1259943569 Aa # #UNIX, AND ITS COUSINS # #SSH can be used to gain command line access to Unices, though at #present only ssh V1 is supported by plan9. Version one of the #protocol is often disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. # #Remote file access can be gained using nfs(4) or u9fs(4). U9fs can #be started from a network listner, e.g. inetd(8) or via srvssh over #an ssh link. # #To use inetd(1) Add this line to /etc/inetd.conf: # #! u9fs stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/u9fs u9fs # #and this to /etc/services: # #! u9fs 564/tcp 9fs # #Note: the service is defined as u9fs rather than 9pfs as some inetd #implementations treat service names starting with a digit as numeric #port numbers. # #MAC OS X # #U9fs can be started via ssh using srvssh(4), or by launchd(8), (the #Mac OS X replacement for inetd(1) and /etc/rc[0-9].d/*). Launchd #needs a configuration file of the form: # #! #! #! #! #! Label #! com.bell-labs.plan9.u9fs #! Program #! /usr/bin/u9fs #! ProgramArguments #! #! u9fs #! -l #! /var/log/u9fs.log #! -a #! p9any #! /opt/plan9 #! #! Sockets #! #! Listeners #! #! SockServiceName #! 9pfs #! #! #! inetdCompatibility #! #! Wait #! #! #! #! # #To cause this to be run on system start, this should be installed as #/Library/LaunchDaemons/9pfs.plist. Installing instead in #/Library/LaunchAgents will cause it to be run only when a user is #logged in, while $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents will cause it to be run #only when that particular user is logged in. # #In order to start the listner it must first be ``loaded'' # #! $ sudo launchctrl load /path/to/9pfs.plist # #If you are running the Mac OS X firewall you will need to add an #entry pass the 9pfs protocol in: # #! SystemPreferences->Sharing->Firewall # #The example 9pfs.plist above uses 9p authentication, described in #detail in u9fs(4), and serves only /opt/plan9. # #MICROSOFT WINDOWS # #[Cygwin |] provides a posix environment that #allows u9fs and ssh to be implemented as described in the Unix #section above. # #Alternatively a native Windows file protocol client is available as #the contrib(1) package steve/cifs. This has been tested with Windows #95, NT, 2k, and XP. # #Problems have been reported with Windows Vista which is believed to #be due to Vista requiring more complex authentication than cifs(1) #can provide. It has been suggested that fixing this is a simply a #matter of changing Vista's default configuration. # #The steve/9win package contains a preliminary command line client #and server. It provides slightly tighter integration than ssh, #however It should be replaced by a native cpu server for windows as #soon as possible. # #A client for historic NetWare servers is also available in the #package steve/ncpfs. #