Troubleshooting Plan9 & lilo D1026497457 A ( #If you're trying to boot plan9 from lilo and you get the following #message: # #! Loading #! PBS...Bad format or I/O error #! Press a key to reboot # #... then this might help. # #Boot from your install floppy. When the system comes up, open a #shell window by using the right mouse button against the rio #backdrop. At the command prompt, type the mount line that is listed #in the "status" window below your install command interpreter #window. This will mount your hard disk at /n/kfs. # #Now, do the following: # #! term% cd /n/kfs/386 #! term% /n/kfs/rc/bin/9fat: #! term% cp /n/9fat/plan9.ini . #! term% unmount /n/9fat #! term% disk/format -b ./pbslba -d -r 2 /dev/$DISK/9fat ./9load ./9pcdisk ./plan9.ini # #... where $DISK is your system media; mine is sdC0. The mount #command you gave before should give you a clue. # #Reboot. #