Guruplug D1302618294 Adjc #This document is based on the notes I took and found around 9fans #and various Plan 9 related sites with respect to getting the #Globalscale Guruplug platform booting Plan 9. # #STEP 1 - SET UP A CPU/FS/AUTH SERVER # #Directions for how to do this are listed in the [Configuring a #standalone CPU server] section of this wiki. # #You may already have one of these running, but I've found that in #some cases, when trying to compile for ARM, certain packages may be #installed that do not work very well. They have to be added to the #BUGGERED list in /sys/src/cmd/mkfile. # #Example: # #! BUGGERED=unix|postscript|upas # #Note that upas is not malfunctioning, nor is it true to say that it #would not compile on my system. I just did not have upas privileges #and could not complete the upas installation. Since I was not #concerned with email, I skipped it by placing it on the BUGGERED #list. # #It is possible to turn off permissions checking or the user you're #logged in as to the upas group if needed, but that's beyond the #scope of this wiki page. # #STEP 2 - BUILD YOUR ARM TOOLCHAIN # #Follow Geoff's directions from the 9fans posting here: [sheevaplug #port available |] # #A slight modification of those instructions is below: # #! cd /sys/src/cmd #! for(i in ?c ?a ?l) { #! if(! ~ $i cc rc) @{ #! cd $i #! mk clean #! objtype=$cputype mk install #! mk clean #! } #! } # #STEP 3 - POPULATE YOUR ARM TREE # #! cd /sys/src #! objtype=arm mk install # #If you fail to install something in this step you can try to add #names to the BUGGERED list as above and retry the mk install. # #STEP 4 - COPY NVRAM FROM YOUR CPU SERVER FOR THE GURUPLUG IMAGE # #Part of setting up a CPU server is setting up the nvram of your #machine. You should have an "nvram" partition on your boot disk if #you followed the standard wiki CPU setup instructions. # #Copy this file into /sys/src/9/kw # #! dd -if /dev/sdC0/nvram -of /sys/src/9/kw/nvram # #Now when you compile your kernel, you'll have a valid nvram file. # #STEP 5 - COMPILE THE KW KERNEL # #! cd /sys/src/9/kw #! mk 'CONF=plug' install # #After this step you now have all the pieces you need to run Plan 9 #on an ARM system. # #STEP 6 - CONFIGURE PXE TO BOOT YOUR GURUPLUG # #In /lib/ndb/local you'll need an entry like the following # #! ip= sys=bunnyplug #! bootf=/arm/9plug #! gw= #! dns= #! fs= #! auth= # #I'm using a vmware plan 9 CPU AUTH and FS server so I just use the #same IP address for the fs and auth items. # #PXE needs to be configured as well. In /cfg/pxe you should see a #file "example-kw". You may copy this to #/cfg/pxe/ # #This same filename will be specified as a parameter in the u-boot #loader of your guruplug. # #STEP 7 - ENSURE FOSSIL IS LISTENING # #NOTE: this step will make fossil listen on port 564 without #encryption! # #! fossil/conf /dev/sdC0/fossil > flproto #! cat >> flproto << EOF #! listen tcp!*!564 #! EOF #! fossil/conf -w /dev/sdC0/fossil flproto # #STEP 8 - READ MAN PAGE AND SET UP THE GURU PLUG FOR PXE # #The booting(8) manpage has instructions for the Marvell Kirkwood CPU #Server kernel. # #I recommend that you backup your Guruplug's default bootcmd #environment variable parameters before setting these, or just #skipping the saveenv step that overwrites the defaults. # #In case you clobberred your u-boot settings, I'm listing my defaults #in case they would work for you to get back into Linux # #! bootcmd=${x_bootcmd_ethernet}; ${x_bootcmd_usb}; ${x_bootcmd_kernel}; setenv bootargs ${x_bootargs} ${x_bootargs_root}; bootm 0x6400000; # #I don't want to commit my only Guruplug to Plan 9 just yet so I just #enter the following manually (cut and paste) each time I want to #boot Plan 9. #! setenv bootcmd 'dhcp 0x800000; tftp 0x1000 /cfg/pxe/; go 0x800000' #! boot # #THANKS # #Thanks to the Geoff Collyer, the folks behind [Inferno-kirkwood | #], David du Colombier, and #Skip Tavakkolian for their excellent work and notes on getting this #platform documented. #